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Press Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News July 10-16, 2023

Fantasy Grounds

SmiteWorks USA LLC.
Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News July 10-16, 2023

🎲Fantasy Grounds Friday
with Host Bryce Mousseau
and Syrinscape

Friday at 2 pm Eastern,
Streaming on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Steam, & Facebook.


🎲This Week's Fantasy Grounds
New Releases!


New Releases
from Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Taldor Echoes of Glory
This Pathfinder Companion describes the country of Taldor and its capital of Oppara. Become one of the Lion Blades, a secret agent prestige class for the empire! Learn the magic of the oppressed church of the Dawnflower! Rise to greatness from humble origins with new feats! Gain the ostentatious magic of Taldor's wealthy elite! Taldor needs champions--are you ready for the challenge?

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Taldor Echoes of Glory for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Legacy of Fire Players Guide
The information contained within gives players the edge they need to survive in this harsh country of sand and magic, from new rules and details on making campaign-specific characters to background information no adventurer should be without. Even those not playing the Legacy of Fire Adventure Path can indulge in new feats, new magic items, and fully-fleshed NPCs perfect for any game. Come in out of the sun and see what the bazaars of Katapesh have in store.

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Legacy of Fire Players Guide for Fantasy Grounds

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New Releases
from Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Faiths of Purity
True heroes know that evil is not an abstraction, nor a concept to be debated. Rather, it is a relentless adversary, a dark tide that seeks always to roll over the world, turning the hearts of gentle souls with its claws and whispers. Against this onslaught stand a proud and pious few: those priests and soldiers who dedicate themselves in body and soul to the forces of light, ready to lay down their lives in defense of the innocent. Aided by the powers of their gods, these stalwart champions use sword and spell, faith and ferocity to protect all that they hold dear. For they know that if they do not--who will?
Faiths of Purity presents a player-friendly overview of the good-aligned religions of the Pathfinder campaign setting, along with new rules and information to help players customize pious characters in both flavor and mechanics.

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Faiths of Purity for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Faiths of Balance
Faiths of Balance presents a player-friendly overview of the neutral-aligned religions and faiths of the Pathfinder campaign setting, along with new rules and information to help players customize pious characters in both flavor and mechanics.

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Faiths of Balance for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Champions of Purity
Greatest Good!
This will change the way you think about playing honorable characters. Also, learn more about some of the greatest do-gooders and virtuous organizations on Golarion--with a focus on nonreligious groups, since the fight between good and evil doesn't have to unfold entirely in the arena of faith. Join the ranks of the just with Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Purity!

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Champions of Purity for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder RPG - FAITH & PURITY.jpg

New Release
The Andwan Legacy
0one Games

By popular demand, another 0one Games classic returns in Pathfinder form. Return to the Andwan villa and face the beautiful and devious Zifis and her rival, the subtle Harvey Blackmoor once again. See you searching the legacy soon, and don't forget your sunflower seeds!

The Andwan Legacy for Fantasy Grounds

The Andwan Legacy(OOGFGPFMATAL).jpg

New Release
Rifts(R) for Savage Worlds: Atlantis and the Demon Seas Sourcebook
Pinnacle Entertainment Group


Shrouded by the Demon Seas, birthplace of a wondrous human civilization, and now host to a bizarre cosmic evil: Atlantis is a threat like no other. The massive isle is ruled by the Splugorth, and from it their tendrils of influence snake out across Rifts(R) Earth. Yet the Splugorth are not the only threat inhabiting the treacherous waters--the Horune Pirates, Naut'Yll invaders, and the Lord of the Deep also haunt the world's oceans. On their own, each of these menaces is a curse to humanity at sea and onshore. Together, they endanger intelligent life across the planet!

Rifts(R) for Savage Worlds: Atlantis and the Demon Seas Sourcebook for Fantasy Grounds

Rifts(R) for Savage Worlds Atlantis and the Demon Seas Sourcebook(S2P11216).jpg

New Release
Grim Press

Cloudcaves is a small set of earth mote (flying islands) which contains a cave network. The volareum grows there, a fungus with magical properties which can be used to produce potions of flying. Over the years, many groups, individuals, and organizations tried to take advantage of this remote place, but doom always followed. Recently, some monkey humanoid pirates started a devilish cult with the goal of bringing their devil patron back.

Cloudcaves for Fantasy Grounds

Cloudcaves (GPFG5ECZCC).jpg

New Releases from
Pinnacle Entertainment Group

Weird War I: War Master's Handbook

The Weird War I War Master's Guide contains the secret history of the Great War, two Plot Point Campaigns, Savage Tales, the Mission Generator, a narrative mission system, notorious heroes and villains, and a menagerie of twisted horrors to confront your brave heroes with.
Weird War I: War Master's Handbook for Fantasy Grounds

Weird War I Player's Guide
The Weird War I Player's Guide contains everything you need to make and equip characters from all the Allied and Central powers. You'll also find a batch of grisly Setting Rules for this most terrible of conflicts, the history of the war, and all the details you need to embrace dark and arcane secrets that may alter the outcome of the War to End All Wars!
Weird War I Player's Guide for Fantasy Grounds

Weird War I War Master's Handbook(S2P10621LE) Player's Guide (S2P10620PDF).jpg

Steam Summer Sale

Hot Summer Sales are headed your way!
through July 13th @ 10 am Pacific


Fantasy Grounds Game Day
Thursday, July 13th

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
The games are Starfinder, Pathfinder 2, Savage Worlds, Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, and Mutant Crawl Classics.

This is a Free event!
Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn

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Fantasy Grounds Game Day
Saturday, July 15th

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
The games are Pathfinder 2 and Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

This is a Free event!
Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn

fg july 15dnd .png
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