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D&D 5E EN5ider #306 - ZEITGEIST #9 The Last Starry Sky: Part One

Today on EN5ider we usher in the end of ZEITGEIST's second big plot arc with fey, reality altering machines, and a bit of regicide.

Today on EN5ider we usher in the end of ZEITGEIST's second big plot arc with fey, reality altering machines, and a bit of regicide.

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • #306. ZEITGEIST #9 - The Last Starry Sky: Part One. The second act of the ZEITGEIST adventure path begins its end in a perilous race against time as the heroes are trapped within the Dreaming. They are hard pressed to escape quickly to stop an Obscurati plot of regicide against the king of Risur, but to do so the adventurers must please a fey court and trick a true titan of nature! This module (for PCs of 15th-16th level) is chock full of 17 statblocks for NPCs and monsters that are great for forested or fey-themed sessions. Pugwampi fox rider (CR 5), fey dire fox (CR 5), great huntsman (CR 12), fey orca (CR 12), boon satyr Xeniam (CR 12), satyr piper (CR 10), satyr springjack (CR 10), the (really cool tankard guzzling) Dread Borenbog (CR 15), dreaming ettercap (CR 5), webway giant spider (CR 12), Copperhat the Headless (CR 11), centaur cavalry unity (CR 12), lightning-split treant (CR 14), the Voice of Rot (CR 20), Blackwood treant (CR 13), rotted archer (CR 9), and exoskeletal ettercap gang (CR 7).
  • #305. Mini-Adventure: Tainted Remedies. When the adventurers emerge battered and bruised from a dangerous situation they fortuitously stumble across the traveling healer Sanador. The elven woman introduces herself as an emergency medic who seeks out danger to offer aid, then gives each of the PCs a healing potion absolutely free of charge. What the party don't know is that the alchemist secretly laces her healing potions with a highly addictive solution that not only makes them more potent, but can easily get her patients cripplingly hooked! This excellent supplementary mini-adventure designed by Andrew Engelbrite is a great sidequest for 4-5 PCs of 3rd-5th level made to be inserted inside of your current campaign! Color art by Savage Mojo with cartography by Dyson Logos.
  • #304. Over the Next Hill: The Medieval Lord's Manor. Baronies and fiefdoms are a staple of medieval fantasy, playing a role in many of our games and worlds—today's article takes a historical approach to understanding the barony of Alexander Ouer Middleton, providing a perfect example of the usual ruler, subordinates, and culture to be found in a medieval estate. Included are statistics for the baron (CR 3), his reeve (CR ¼), and the local miller (CR ½) as well as rumors and plot hooks alongside a custom map of the Middleton lands! Written by Phill Harmon; illustrated by Indi Martin; cartography by Mik Holmes.
  • #303. Monstrous Menagerie: Unique Dragons. The Monstrous Menagerie series is back with a variety of new dragons to enrich your 5E game! This article includes the fey dragon template with Teyladin the Reclaimer (a young green fey dragon) and the memory dragon template (used for the Librarian of Orban Tur, an ancient silver memory dragon). Written by Ben Green; illustrated by Alba Palacio and Ellis Goodson.
  • #302. Intriguing Organizations: House of the Reclaimed Soul. This Intriguing Organization takes in the truly repentant and tries to lead them to find redemption. Despite the horrorscape around them these ex-clerics, warlocks, and other fools tricked into serving fiends during their time as mortals strive to do good following their deaths while purging themselves of the evils within. This article includes details for five NPCs as well as statistics for penitents (spellcasters that have devoted themselves to masochistic purges of sin). Written by Catherine Evans; illustrated by Marcel Budde and Claudio Pozas.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

Voidrunner's Codex

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