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Dread Marches in Sion - Act 1: Scene 1

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Mervonia said:
"When we arrive in the port, you must conceal yourself to avoid drawing attention. I believe the best ruse is wrapping your skin in bandages under the pretense that you suffer from the rotting sickness, which is both highly contagious and highly [feared]. I will remain by your side in more modest robes pretending to be a common priestess escorting you to the temple for healing spells."

Bastian nods at her, his mind still in turmoil from his recent ordeal. ~I do not feel the hatred anymore, though my mind insists that you are my enemy. Compassion lives inside of me, like an alien thing, a sickness, except now that it's there, I have come to realize that the hatred which the compassion's presence helped purge from me was the true sickness, a sickness that threatened to damn my eternal soul, and drag me down into the Hells. The only anger remaining within me is directed inward, at myself, cursing my former life, and the misguided ideologies that ruled it. It appears that this woman has given me the chance to atone for that life, a life spent spreading misery, pain, and cruelty. It would be a supreme tragedy to waste this chance.~

Mervonia said:
Mervonia glanced at you with more pity in her face. "Accept it Bastian, you were nothing more than a killer as a Madigore. Now you have a chance for a meaningful purpose, free from the sins and expectations of that name. I promise you will not regret it! I also promise to explain the prophecy and answer all your questions once we make our way safely out of the city. For now all I ask is that you agree to do as I bid until then."

"You are not my prisoner. I claim no power over you, nor do I expect any service from you that you do not willingly give."

Bastian's response is calm, peaceful, and meditative: "I see the truth of your words. Had you wished me dead, it would have been so. You were merciful to me. I can only surmise that there was some spark of good, some small, redeeming quality, that you saw within me, that led you to that course. I am grateful, both that you had mercy on me, and that something inside me was worth saving. It means that my legacy is not yet written, and that the chance to change it for the good lies within my grasp. I shall not betray you, and I shall not fail you. I refuse to waste this second chance that I've been given. Bring me the bandages, I will wear them gladly. Besides, the sight of my new appearance is not exactly pleasing to my eyes. The less I see of my new skin, the better."

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Shelladda - Grasses & Blood

Shelladda's animal companion was much closer than she'd anticipated. The noise, the approaching evil, had all been far too distracting. She was a simple woman after all.

~Blessed be Karfulu, protector of my beloved.~

With her mount's proximity came a sense of strength, a swelling in her belief that they'd get out of this trap, together.

The druidess stepped back, placing herself beside the great buffalo. Then with a grimace, she tore free the remaining bolt from her flesh. A warm trickle of blood flowed downwards beneath her hide armor as she called a prayer to her god.

"Let earth's beasts run! Fling dust to the air!"

Both her and Ruddah would feel it. A sense of lightening, a tickling feeling of blood and life pumping within their legs. She could have run right there and then, but no. She had other ideas.

She hefted her weight atop the waiting buffalo, raising her scimitar to the air as a warning to any who dare approach. She saw the tribal man who'd loosed the arrows, off in the distance.

"Thank you! Flee!" She yelled in their native tongue.
"Follow if you wish!"

[As a full withdrawl is not required to reach her mount, Shelladda is:
Making a 5ft step back
Using a free action to remove the last arrowhead and taking 1HP damage
Using a standard action to cast Longstrider and sharing the spell with Ruddah
Using a move action to mount her beast. This may or may not provoke AOO depending on your interpretation of the rules.]

Aust Thale

Joseth Retreats With Intent to Follow

~ Tiassal...oh no! ~

Joseth reacted instinctively upon seeing the goblins. They were stunted creatures, twisted creatures, not usually this clever, and not usually this bold. The hobgoblin certainly upped their moral.
The scale of carnage around him did not quicken his resolve or his stomach. He briefly wondered about the relic as well as Tiassal. Had this been something that was planned, or was this simply being at a really wrong place at a really terrible time.

The back of Joseth's mouth burned, his jaw clenched. Tears briefly welled up as his nocked another arrow. The horn hadn't startled him, and for that matter, neither did the hobgoblin. However, his presence combined with the horde and the fact that they were using alchemy as a battle tactic gave him pause. The bloody entrails and the smell had reached his nose; the adrenaline rush made the stink noxious. He noticed the body parts. The herd and party had been slaughtered, apparently with prejudice. In fact, it appeared the goblins did not distinguish between the herd and humans. With the horn and presence of the hobgoblin, his mind was taken off of the scene for just a moment. Surely there would be a reckoning; however, not if he overestimated his luck and his chances.

The woman and her beast were withdrawing. She said something to him... Yes, he would follow her, but not before delivering a parting gift. He quickly calculated whether he should cover her retreat directly, or, if she appeared safely away, he should try to at least slow the closest goblin or two down.

He yelled back at her, "RUN. FAST."

OOC: TO BE CONTINUED - see questions below; I will delete and replace the ending of this post after answers tomorrow.

OOC: Questions:
# of goblins in war party (est.)?;
What round are we currently in?
Does Joseth have one round to take a parting shot at the closing Hobgoblin and not be in range of the war party return fire for 1 round?
How far away are the closer two (2) goblins, and how close are they to Shelladda and Ruddah?
Do the closer goblins appear to have ranged weapons?
The bushes that Joseth came through? How thick/bushy are they?


Joseth, Shelladda vs. the Two Goblins Round 5 Updated

Here is a quick drawing of the clearing and your relative positions.

[Note: A withdraw action is a full round action. Therefore it cannot be attempted by anyone who also takes a move action or a standard action.]

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Voidrunner's Codex

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