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WotBS Discussing Magdus


As I'm already planning in advance for the end of adventure 6 and the nearer future, I'm trying to wrap my head around the "dog-loyal" General Magdus. And I'm especially interested in any kind of information he might have about what's going on in Ragesia, considering the fact that my players will talk to him (they know he's a "talkable" Ragesian from Danava and a divination spell) to gather information.

So here's what I made up/found so far:

- Magdus is one of the, if not *the* most loyal of all Ragesian Generals towards Coaltongue (He's commander of the first army on top of that which - I believe - makes him #1 in the emperor's favour)
- Coaltongue trusted him deeply
- He dislikes Leska and would rather rule himself than see her and her pwans in places of power
- Magdus is not very fond of the Inquisitors (RangerWickett mentioned that in an older thread), so he might not be all that happy about the Scourge and their abduction of Ragesian citizens
- He will agree on an alliance with Shahalesti (Shalosha) to regain the torch and win the war
- He has both a heart and a consciousness and seems to be thinking a lot by himself (see prologue)

What I don't know is the information he might have access to:
- Does he know about the Scourge superweapon/Koren Obelisk? (I guess not)
- Does he know about Koren being the wife of Kreven? (I guess he does)
- Does he know more about Guthwulf? (His whereabouts, his character, his standing?)
- Does he know about Katrina? (I guess yes since she might reappear in #7)
- Does he even remotely know about the Trillith? (I guess not)
- Does he know about Shaaladel's role and ambition in the wars past? ( I guess Coaltongue might have told him about the pompous elf's escapades over a good wine or two)
- Does he know about the Taranesti genocide? (A bit I guess)
- Does he know about Leska's past? And if yes, about which parts? (this one is rather crucial as the only person who knows more about Leska will be Etifini)

For those interested, here's my take on Magdus so far (yep, it is a bit expansive, but I know that my players will catch me flat-footed otherwise and I have planned a little twist in the agreement with Shalosha)

Magdus is/was the son of a noble family from Morrus. His father died as a rebel who thought that he had to uphold the Morrus ideals due to his lineage, leaving a young widow and her infant son behind. Magdus was an intelligent, but sensitive boy who nontheless tried to become an officer in the Ragesian army (in spite of his father's ideals, the man who left him when he was little). He would heve never been granted a high rank in the army had fate not decided that Emperor Coaltongue was present at the day of his examination. He didn't pass the tests he was given, because of his rather unorthodox solutions and strategems. Coaltongue saw potential in Magdus and, after being told about his past, sympathized with the young man for he had been through a similar childhood (being an intelligent half-orc with a human mother from Morrus among orcs surely is not the easiest way to grow up). Magdus repayed this "sponsorship" with a deep loyalty towards his emperor who made him General after many years of servitude.
After Coaltongue's death, he wouldn't leave the site of Korstull, not only because he wanted to locate the torch, but also because he wanted to know what on earth happened to his liege. He thinks that if he can find the true culprits, he can essentially stop Leska and her "search for the assassins", gain the trust of the Ragesian populace and win the crown. Magdus is ambitious, yes, but at least part of his "wanting to become emperor" stems from the fact that he knows Coaltongue would have seen him fit for the role and wanted him on the throne (instead of Leska). He sees keeping Ragesia safe as his duty. He shared his need to know the culprits with Shalosha and they both agreed on that being the true reason for both parties to go to Korstull ( They could keep the Ragesians out of Shahalesti as well if Shalosha found the assassins, so she thinks), even if they both know that it is only partially true.

Now, what I'm planning is that Shalosha suggests a political marriage with Magdus at the end of adventure 6. This way, he will become emperor of Ragesia after the war and she as his wife will make sure that Shaaladel won't do anything funny. (Of course she knows that she's goint to live far longer than him and she will have great power over Ragesia through their children should he die eventually...)

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I like it.

- Does he know about the Scourge superweapon/Koren Obelisk? No, Leska's doing a lot of stuff in secret, and he's been out of country for a while.

- Does he know about Koren being the wife of Kreven? Sure, and he'd know she's a Wayfarer, and that he's a very clever arcanist.

- Does he know more about Guthwulf? Yes, and everyone with a heart likes Guthwulf, even if they find his work distasteful. Magdus has fought wars, and he's honorable in battle, but he's not really a 'good guy.' He doesn't flinch at torture.

- Does he know about Katrina? If he saw her he might recognize her, but not really know about her. Katrina, as a spellcaster, didn't hang in the same circle as military folks. He might have seen her at a ball, but not know the extent of her involvement with the inquisitors and Leska.

- Does he even remotely know about the Trillith? Maybe some vague information, like, "List of things that are probably just myths but might be a threat if they're real.

- Does he know about Shaaladel's role and ambition in the wars past? Yeah, you pegged it.

- Does he know about the Taranesti genocide? Sure, but he wouldn't really care about it. It was war, and Shaaladel went farther than he would, but he won't weep for a nation that's wiped out.

- Does he know about Leska's past? And if yes, about which parts? Leska, having also become immortal through the Heart, has been around and in a position of power longer than Magdus has, certainly. He'd know that she resisted Coaltongue, got sent on a seemingly impossible mission, and accomplished it, but Coaltongue was obviously cagey about explaining specifically how he gained his immortality. Magdus would know Leska and Coaltongue got their immortality in the same way, and he'd be aware of Aurana Kiirodel (see Adventure 8,9,12) whose vampirism was somehow tied to Leska. Whether he'd share this information would depend on what he's getting in return.


Thanks a lot! Glad to see that you like him :)

I almost forgot about his possible knowledge of Aurana. One of my players is a Shahalesti noble descendant who thinks she might influence Shaaladel for worse (in his eyes, Shalosha is the "little angel" and Aurana the "little devil" on his shoulder), so he might mention Aurana. Shalosha will learn from Magdus about her being a vampire in time, should their alliance last and not be torpedoed by the PCs. Or Shaaladel. Considering the fact that the "rough human" Magdus would not seem like a perfect spouse for his beloved daughter, I might even find a way to integrate the "wedding crusher" hook.

- Does he know more about Guthwulf? Yes, and everyone with a heart likes Guthwulf, even if they find his work distasteful.

HA! I'll have to quote this once my players reach him and decide what to do with him. He's one of my favourite NPC as well and my players love to hate him as a recurring villain.
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