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D&D 3E/3.5 D&D3.5e, Pathfinder, My FIRST EVER L1 campaign using Dragonlance War of the Lance


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Four issues or questions I have, real quick:

I am trying to create and run a new campaign for Margaret Weis' "War of the Lance" campaign for D&D 3.5. And this campaign only begins at level 5 for 4-6 players or so. My problem is that i have some new players in my group and i do not wish to start them off right away at level 5, and i'd prefer to start them at level 1. So, is there a short level 1-5 adventure that someone may have written that i can drop-in-place BEFORE I take my players through the events in "Dragons of Autumn" (the first module in that 3.5e campaign)? It MUST have a historic placement of happening RIGHT BEFORE the War of the Lance, since these players will eventually start Dragons of Autumn all the way through Dragons of Winter and Dragons of Spring, and become the Heroes of the Lance, themselves...

[please note that for those uninitiated, i am NOT referring to the fantasy fiction novels. I am referring to the 3 rarely-known-about 3.5e Dragonlance War of the Lance campaign modules which i own physical copies of).

The ONLY THING i have found so far, for level 1 in Dragonlance, is an adventure for 2nd edition called "Dragons' Knight" but it takes place AFTER the War of the Lance has already begun and it would take too much effort to retrofit it.

Does anyone know of a level 1-5 adventure which I can take my newbie players through that will leave them ready to start taking on my starting-level-5 campaign? I need this info in a rather short time and i THANK YOU IN ADVANCE if anyone knows of anything i can look at. Write me here on this list, or at my personal e-mail (preferred) please. Thanks!

I always prefer using XP whenever possible and I resent the way they designed the War of the Lance to be handwaved-leveling by the DM only... are there any suggestions for how or where i could improvise on those modules to try to lessen my need to hand-wave leveling and let the players figure that out via the PHB tables on their own?

It should also be noted that if i DO run this War of the Lance campaign under 3.5e, with your advice taken for levels 1-4, you should also know that this will be my FIRST EVER attempt at being a Dungeon Master. I have never truly DM'd before, but have played table-top since I was 12. I turn 40 tomorrow :) I am strongly considering putting together my own group since i am suffering from a bad case of lack-of-gaming-group-ness... ;)

Is there any advice you can give me about running my first ever campaign? I am reading many books about it (not just the core 3.5e books but the "DM for Dummies" book too).

Do you think that the War of the Lance campaign is a decent one for someone's first ever campaign as a DM?

I'd like to combine 3.5e rules with preference for Pathfinder (classes) rules to supersede what 3.5e says... + my own house rules, which would supersede all of the preceding :)

I already have somewhat of an idea how to do this, but I'd like advice on this if anyone has also thought of this "syncretism" of the rules approach before?

Thanks in advance!


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1) I believe there's a short adventure in the War of the Lance book. You could get them to level 3 or 4, have them seperate for 5 year and gain a level for free.

2) Cheat. Find out how much xp is needed to level and set budgets for each chapter, and divide among your players depending on how far they went and how much base content they did. If they did extra and a whole lot of random encounters or side fights they might get extra. If they skipped content they might get slightly less.

3) It has it's problems. Nothing a good DM cannot work around.
I ran this myself over the past couple years and posted my thoughts here:
Lancefinder - Dragons of Autumn Twlight
Lancefinder - Dragons of Winter Night
Lancefinder - Dragons of Spring Dawning

4) Depends on the house rules. Running with quite a few myself at the moment. Just be fair.


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NEED help with House Rules for Krynn peculiarities -- Starting SUNDAY!

hi Jester!

I am starting a Pathfinder / 3.5e (mixed rule set, using 3.5 content but Pathfinder mechanics take ALL precedence in rulings) pre-WOTL campaign on Sunday with level 1 characters and will take your previous advice! Thank you!

I NEED help with House Rules for Krynn peculiarities -- we are starting on SUNDAY!

So, yeah... what I was hoping to ask from you is a copy of your house rules sheet so i can see what modifications you did and perhaps craft my own accordingly. I already know Clerics do not get powers until the Disks are found studied, and that Paladins are rare if not extinct... and that Bards do not get healing powers at all, and that Wizards must pass the test first. Other than that, I need to know what other CAVEATS I need to house rule since Krynn is so different.

May I please have a copy of your house rules sheet, if that is not too much trouble? Even a copy/paste would be fine for me...

Thanks in advance ... just for reading!


I didn't think they were THAT rare! I have everything they put out for 3.5 and several copies of each. As was said, the War of the Lance Sourcebook should give you the historical information you need. There are still quite a few webpages dedicated to Dragonlance out there including a list-serve that Margaret still responds to occasionally. I ran the Age of Mortals and hope to run the War of the Lance at some point. As for rule specific to Krynn refer to the Dragonlance Campaign Setting book.

Just read you are a new DM and wanted advice on this campaign. I would think the Age of Mortals adventures would be a better start for a novice DM so that you are not having to make a lot of changes on the fly. Players can create their own characters in the world. It is a lot of fun!
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I'd like to combine 3.5e rules with preference for Pathfinder (classes) rules to supersede what 3.5e says... + my own house rules, which would supersede all of the preceding :)

I already have somewhat of an idea how to do this, but I'd like advice on this if anyone has also thought of this "syncretism" of the rules approach before?
Yeah. You'll often see people use the term "3.X" for referring to games that combine various versions of 3e rules with Pathfinder or other compatible systems, plus official variants like Unearthed Arcana stuff and houserules of your own.

So, yes, doing that is both pretty common and a good idea. Pick what you like and combine it it all works well together.

Personally, I think PF generally does a good job of increasing the appeal and versatility of the core classes.

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