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(Announcement) Volidar the Bard's tales of ENworld

Outside the Red Dragon Inn, a brightly dressed half elf stands smiling. “So, have you come for a tale?” he asks. “If so, this is the right place. Heroes gather here, my friends, and their great deeds are many. Come round, I am Volidar Stormblade, and I have a story to tell…”

This thread is to record the great deeds done by the heroes of ENWorld. Here should be posted a summary of each adventure, once its done, either by the DM, or a player volunteer. While it would be nice if it were entertaining, I envision something fairly brief, listing the PCs, the date range, the nature of the adventure, the location, deeds accomplished, and mysteries unresolved. Hopefully this will be useful to players and DMs, alike, to get a hang of what has happened in this world, and what might be to come…

Rough list of concluded adventures. Anyone willing to write up a summary of any of these, please go for it. (though if you're not the DM, you might want to clear it first)

A trek to the Vinyards
Tiggle's Order
The Tower of Koltifineous
To Delmon's Aid
The Monestary of Saint Feragon
Feral Smackdown Battle Royal

Manzanita 04/06/04
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First Post
The Retrieval of Fallon's Key

I’ll try writing this from my PC’s perspective, as this adventure was never completed and I don’t know any more than my PC does.

Volidar smiles at the request for a tale.

“Yes, I know a few stories. Let me tell you about The Retrieval of Fallon’s Key. It told to me just the other day by a young Halfling I saw returning to the Inn, named Ignatious O’Reilly. He was obviously an adventuring sort, a wizard by profession. Evidently he was recruited by Eldendrel H'unnett, the son of the great elven diviner Mithreander of Fallon, along with several other adventurers. These were Llolian Theraspal, Rogier the Paladin, Sebastion Slingfellow, Serene Wind the monk, the warrior Sara, and Thebis Ra.

They were flown on Griffins to the sunken town of Fallon, which survived a great meteor strike only through the mightiest of magics. Here they met the great Mithreander, who told them that the key had been stolen to a great magical console, which was necessary for the city’s survival. (what it did, exactly, was never determined.) It was suspected that the key was stolen as part of an inside job. They were given a small pointed, which would show the direction of the key, unless misled by large quantities of mithral.

The group retired to an inn for the evening, but were awakened when a doppelganger assumed the form of young Ignatious, and ended up escaping with the key. After a subsequent run-in with the law, for the dopleganger attempted to set them up as thieves, they were given a clue by Mithreander and pursued the Dopleganger to a wearhouse in a seedy district of Fallon. There they encountered a wizard and her henchmen who were apparently steeling body parts. They had also cast a silence spell, which would indicate that divine magic were also at work. After the small party had dispatched these thieves, they were able to recover the pointer from a small room with only a mouse hole to escape from. It was thought the doppelganger escaped through the mouse-hole, but couldn’t bring the pointer, as it was too large.

Pointer back in hand, the intrepid explorers began their trek to find the key. This led them out of Fallon and into the wilds.

OOC: At this point, the adventure fizzled, so I am concocting an ending which might change

However, they were subsequently intercepted by an embassary of Mithreander’s on a Griffin, who informed them that their services were no longer needed, and escorted them back to Ossus. Just who took the key, for what purpose, and how, or even if, it was recovered, is currently unknown.
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LEW Judge
Sizing up his audience, Volidar picks a story that he thinks will keep them entertained

Let me tell you the story of the Great Monemvassian Goblin Hunt, as told to me by Nurlan the bard, a fellow minstrel of my acquaintance and possessor of one of the finest bass voices I have heard sing. The King of Monemvassia offered a bounty on goblins of the Jebli tribe, who had been terrorizing the land and had even been so bold as to steal a horde of silver from the royal treasury. Word of this offer travelled far, and many adventurous souls travelled to that troubled land to help rid it of the menace and make their fortune in the process, though not all have survived to tell the tale. Among these goblin hunters were a small group of four enthusiastic travellers who met in this very tavern. Nurlan himself was one; in his humility he insists he is more suited to singing of heroic deeds than performing them, but I know this to be mere modesty, having heard of the evil beings dispatched from this plane at the point of his spear. Another was Tenebrynn, an elven scholar of all things mundane and arcane. A devoted servant of great Phyrah by the name of Charlarn joined them, ensuring that the Seeker gave their exploits her fullest blessing. Finally, a young halfling named Irene, trained in the magical arts, who had just completed her preliminary studies of arcana but could already match the fabled Green Dragons in her ability to put her enemies to sleep in the heat of battle

The four were still on their way to Monemvassia when they encountered one goblin gang beating a helpless dwarf to death. Although they were too late to save the dwarf, they killed most of the goblins and took two hobgoblins prisoner; Irene's green dragon magic was the decisive factor in this battle, although the others helped with their weapons, with Phyrah's blessing and Nurlan's song, which undoubtedly encouraged the party to brave actions. They thus rescued a young woman named Jezibel, apparently a prisoner of the goblins, although subsequently she would be revealed to be something more than she appeared. But I will get to that part of the story shortly. Our heroes took their prisoners and trophies to town, but even at the city gates they found hostility from a brutal guard who would have killed Irene out of offense at a casual remark. The defenceless halfling was saved by the intervention of an influential local merchant, Kim Tensil, who showed up then. He was so impressed with the party's courage and honesty that he immediately hired them as security guards for his warehouse.

The next morning the group was attacked by a gang of thugs who apparently had a score to settle with Jezibel. The toughs were easily defeated, those not felled by blows once again being put to sleep in the heat of battle; however, they turned out to be part of the powerful Monemvassia Thieves' Guild. Nurlan, Charlarn, and Tenebrynn, after sparing their enemies' lives and bringing them to the City Watch, found themselves falsely accused. Meanwhile Jezibel turned on Irene, leading her into an ambush in which the poor halfling was beaten nearly to death and then imprisoned. The other three, after posting bail, spent the afternoon looking for their comrade. They finally found and rescued her, but Jezibel and an accomplice had used their absence to visit the unguarded warehouse. Whether the purpose was to take merchandise away or to place more merchanise in that warehouse is not clear, as it was as soon as Jezibel was chased away that a small part of the stolen silver was found there, and Kim Tensil arrested on suspicion of theft.

Our heroes' mission thus acquired a new angle: to determine whether Jezibel had been the goblins' prisoner or co-conspirator, to avenge her treatment of Irene, and to exonerate their employer. They travelled to the goblins' territory, finding it too heavily guarded for even a group of their courage. Indeed, they narrowly escaped an ambush by ghouls on their retreat. But they were not to be deterred except temporarily; rather, they chose to recruit more help to launch an assault on the goblin stronghold. Ah, you ask, how did this story turn out? I can tell that a story combining mystery, vengeance, a determination to correct an injustice, and a quest for fortune, appeals to you. But this is all for tonight. Perhaps tomorrow you will come back to hear the sequel to my tale...
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LEW Judge
The following night, Volidar recounts the sequel to that story.

How good to see you. I recognize your faces from last night, when I told you of how our heroes, Irene and Nurlan and Tenebrynn and Charlarn, went to Monemvassia to hunt goblins and ended up with a wilier adversary. I see you have returned to hear what happened next. The four returned to Orussus, to this same tavern where they first met each other, to recruit a larger and more powerful company. Here they met Rinaldo di Senzio, a clever and resourceful merchant. They also met two brave and fierce warriors from the northern barbarian tribes: the greatsword-wielding Somac, son a of a chieftain, and the magnificently copper-skinned Tor, skilled with a spiked chain. Here too was the wizard Ashnar, who since that adventure has become noted as much for his research into novel arcane phenomena as his clever use of magical energies. The eight of them returned to the trail into goblin territory.

They were first attacked by the same ghouls who had earlier chased them away, but bolstered by their new company, they returned those foul creatures to their proper state of death. They then continued up the trail, where they found a goblin moathouse. The garrison there were intimidated by the invaders, having watched the battle against the ghouls; nevertheless, they fought to the death. And death it was, as dozens of goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears were killed. But Irene, the halfling, was taken prisoner by the few surviving goblinoids. Our heroes searched the fort, finding three slaves of the goblins, whom they immediately freed. The grateful freedmen described some of the people seen around the moathouse, including a human woman who fit the description of the treacherous Jezibel.

But finding their missing companion was harder. They searched the depths of the the fortress dungeons, dispatching some zombie guards. Eventually they surprised a naive goblin woman, Gunyon. Gunyon was at first afraid of the intruders, but Nurlan's legendary singing soothed her and quickly made a friend out of her. The minstrel had begun studying the goblin language after returning from his first trip to Monemvassia, and was able to persuade Gunyon to take them first to Irene, and then to the leader of the goblins, a powerful priest of Kazikazi named Cranzer. Cranzer had confiscated Irene's belongings, including her spellbook, without which she was powerless. But after a tough fight her friends bested the cleric and regained her equipment. Alas, Gunyon had in the meantime been persuaded that the visiting adventurers were no friends to the goblins; she turned against the party, fighting to her own death.

A careful search of the moathouse turned up some silver, which they correctly deduced was part of the horde stolen from the royal treasury. Jezibel was nowhere around, apparently being out on an expedition with her goblin cohorts. They therefore decided to return to the city of Monemvassia to report on their mission, rest, and equip themselves for another assault on the goblin stronghold. On their return they learned that Kim Tensil's negotiations had gotten the Guild to drop all charges against them from their first visit.

After a few days they returned to the fortress, finding it deserted, but with a note apparently intended for illiterate goblins suggesting a harbor. They continued down the wooden trail and found the beach referred to. Jezibel was their, accompanied by a bevy of hobgoblins and an ogre. As the battle commenced the woman fled into a cave. Our heroes were still fighting the rest of them when a force of creatures known as sahuagin, part fish and part man, fierce warriors and devourers of mankind, emerged from the sea and began to attack both groups. The hobgoblins and ogre were soon routed in the three-way battle, but the fishmen proved too much for the humans. The adventurers did follow Jezibel into the cave, where she surrendered in hope of protection from the sahuagin. But they could not escape the cave without fighting the fishmen.

They fought valiantly. Tenebrynn especially mowing the marine creatures down with a pick that had belonged to Cranzer, a pick magically enchanted to be particularly effective against such monsters. Yet Tenebrynn, Somac and Tor were all nearly killed, brought back from death's door only by Phyrah's grace as ministered by Charlarn and by a healing wand Nurlan had picked up while in Monemvassia. In the commotion Jezibel escaped. Irene and Ashnar tried to chase her down, but Ashnar was overcome by an unexplained magical sleep. When the rest of the party woke him up, two of the three horses Kim had given them were gone, along with Irene and her pony, with the remaining horse asleep. They did manage to escape with their lives, as more and more sahuagin came ashore, but they lost the trail of their quarry.

So what happened, you wonder? Sleep magic is a specialty of Irene's; was it she who stopped her supposed ally Ashnar, helping their foe to escape? Was Irene secretly consorting with Jezibel all along? Had Jezibel, through some arcane power of her own, managed to secure the halfling's temporary cooperation? Perhaps Irene was trying to cast her spell on Jezibel, but in the heat of the battle aimed badly? Or was the sleep magic from another source altogether? When Irene fled on Jezibel's path, was it as her pursuer, her prisoner, or her clandestine ally? And after they evaded the rest of the group, did Jezibel escape Irene's grasp? Did Irene escape Jezibel's grasp? Did they fight to the death, or did they join together to form their own bandit gang?

Volidar pauses to gauge his audience

Unanswered questions. Do I disappoint? I have met many a bard who contend that a satisfying story must be complete, and that the storyteller who does not know all the details would do well to make them up. I have always thought they fail to appreciate the beauty of a persistent mystery. Is this a tale of victory or of tragedy, of revenge or of reconciliation? It is any of those, as your imagination sees fit, and I choose not to deny you all the opportunity to choose the ending you prefer to believe.

El Jefe

First Post
The Treasure of the Tierra Padre

It had seemed like an age since Volidar's last tale. He searched his memory for a good one...

Greetings! Welcome, and enjoy some libation. What story to tell tonight? Ah, how about the tale of the greediest little dragon? It was told to me by Oirhandir the bard, one of the High Folk, but not of this land at all. No, he comes from far across the Great Ocean, came here one day to seek his fortune.

One day, a rich burgher came here to the Red Dragon. Heavy was the bag of gold he gave to Joe Smith, for well could he afford Joe's fee. The man's name was Rupert Vaneelkelen, and if you are fortunate, you too may work for him some day. Mr. Vaneelkelen promised adventure and wealth, and five adventurers heeded his call: Oirhandir, the elf I mentioned ealier, Eruin de Terith, a ranger who was half human and the rest elf, Rogier Goodwill, the same paladin who went to Fallon to retrieve the Key, Calamar the Dark, a wizard who once fought a duel right here, right outside this Inn, and Katherine DeSylvia, a bard and ranger who, like Eruin, was part elf.

Now, let me first tell you about Rupert. Mr. Vaneelkelen had so much money he became bored, and started collecting rarities of every stripe. Coin he cared not for, but a strange bauble or gadget or a skin from a hippogriff, now that would catch his eye. He kept an eye out for an opportunity to fetch some rare object, and when he found one, he would trot down to the Red Dragon (well, as much as he could trot, for he grew quite large on good food!) and hire a band of adventurers to go fetch it for him. Well, he came across a rather unusual map, one that seemed very ancient, that hinted at a most unusual story. He swore his hirelings to secrecy, and made them sign contracts sealed in blood before he divulged the contents of the map to them. It was a map showing the old road to Fallon, not the one that is used today, but the old one that used to hug tight to the bank of the Roars. Partway down that old road used to lie a gristmill, and that was shown on the map as if it were still there. Now, for the curious part.

South of the Roars, in the middle of a great swamp, the map showed a "hye hille", yes, that's right, it seemed written by a kobold or lizardman or some such. Atop the hill was a great oak, and inside the hill a dragon's treasure! Yes, scribbled in the margin of the map was a note about how part of the treasure had been recovered, and that the owner of the map was planning to recover the rest. How long had that map lain? How many years dead was the first owner? And most important to Mr. Rupert, was that treasure still there? There had not been a dragon sighted anywhere near Orussus or the swamp in centuries, but there it was.

The five agreed to fetch Vaneelkelen whatever they found in the swamp in return for a tidy sum. He set it all up...provided them with horses, a mule, any sort of gear or supplies you might think they could use, even one of his nephews to watch over the animals while the real adventurers ventured into the dangerous places. They set off the next morning, and eventually came to the great stone bridge that crosses the Roars on the way to Lathirn. There, they camped by the old signpost that marked the old road to Fallon, and didn't even recognize it for what it was!

The next day, the crossed the Roars, and made their way east along its banks. They thought it would be easier to cross the Roars at the bridge and then cross the Grellgo, rather than ford the Roars upstream. How wrong they were! The Grellgo was wide and muddy, and took the best part of a morning to cross. The far bank marked the beginning of the swamp, and it was a wet miserable slog for the rest of the afternoon. Late in the day, they came to a dam across the Roars, one that was easily crossed on foot. On the far side, they found the ruins of the old mill, barely more than the foundation was left after having been abandoned for hundreds of years. They made camp for a second night...and nearly lost their lives!

Oirhandir stood the first watch, and just as the others had gotten to sleep, he heard a great slithering. He tried to wake the others, but was too late...they were all set upon by tiny vipers, hundreds of them! They lit torches and fought them off, but not before poor Calamar was poisoned, all before he could cast a single spell. Vaneelkelen's nephew, what was his name, Norman?, was all for hightailing it back to Orussus on the spot. In the morning, Calamar was in a bad way, and the party had no choice but to take him back to Orussus. This time they followed the old road, now little more than a path, but that made the going much easier than wading through the swamp.

Oirhandir was afraid they'd lost the job, but Vaneelkelen didn't bat an eye. Somehow, talk had spread back in town that there was something in that swamp, and he was afraid someone would beat them to it. Eruin and Katherine stayed behind to nurse Calamar back to health, and Oirhandir and Rogier went back to the Red Dragon to recruit more help. There they found Ignatious O'Reilly, a halfling and a wizard, the same one who went with Rogier to Fallon and told me of that tale, Almayce, a gray elf who was a priest of Gliran (and isn't that unusual?), Gath Stonefist, a hulking brute of a half-orc who fought his way out of the pits, and Razir, the half-elf they call "the whisper" because his voice-box was almost crushed in a lynching and his voice hasn't been right since.

Well, due to Calamar's poisoning and Norman's fear, the party now numbered six, and set off the next morning, back to the swamp. They traveled to the ruins of the old mill, and spent the night. They must have each slept with one eye open, but nothing attacked them. They used the dam as a bridge again, and crossed over the Roars into the swamp. They hadn't gotten far when they came across a huge crocodile, three times the size of man! They all just stood there, the treasure-hunters and the crocodile, just looking at each other, then Gath attacked. It only took one blow from Rogier and one from Gath, and they layed that croc right out! Now, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to get on the bad side of either one of those guys in a dark alley, if you know what I mean.

Well, they all made their way through the swamp, and soon beheld an eerie sight. The trees fell away, and there in the middle of the swamp was a huge hill with an old, dead black oak tree on top. So they climbed up there, and what did they find? That tree was made of black stone...petrified! Now, that's a spooky place to spend the night, by a dead stone tree on top of a hill in the middle of a swamp, but that's what they did. They went searching around, and found a tunnel in the side of the hill...to small to stand up in, steep and muddy. They then lowered themselves down ropes to the bottom of the tunnel. They found a pond in a chamber, with some silver coins visible through the clear water ten, twelve feet down. They found a little broken vial, and Oirhandir used some magic to put it back together. It once held some black liquid, dried ages ago. Remember that vial...I'll come back to that.

The next day, they went back down to the chamber under the hill. I think Gath and Razir stayed behind, it was just the four of them, Iggy (they called the halfing "Iggy"), Rogier, Oirhandir, and Almayce. They tied ropes onto Rogier, and he dove into the pool. There was an underwater tunnel in the back of it, and he started swimming down it. Well, he went quite a ways, and the rope went slack...something cut it! They thought their friend was done for, but brave Iggy, the little halfling, he tied some rope around his waist and dove in after Rogier. He started swimming down the tunnel, and halfway there he finds Rogier swimming back the other way fast! Seems that Rogier had come up in the other end in some kind of room. It was above water, but so full of fog that he couldn't see anything. And there was something in there...something just chittering away. And there was acid being flung, dripped, or sprayed on poor Rogier, he couldn't tell which. So, he got out of there in a hurry!

Of course, he couldn't tell Iggy that, once he was back underwater. So, they swam for all they were worth back to the other two, and came up gasping for air. Just as Oirhandir and Almayce were hauling them out, out pops the cause of all their trouble...a little black dragon, not much bigger than a cat! You could hold the thing under your arm, but it thought it was the king of the world. Flew up to a ledge and starting chirping at them like he owned the place (I think it was a him). Well, he upchucks a bolt of acid on them, and I think he got all but Iggy, or maybe Almayce too, and it was looking grim. Oirhandir thought they should split up so the blasted thing couldn't get 'em all with one splurt again, so he ran over to where the entrance tunnel came down into the little chamber. Well, they all started fighting and flying and casting spells, and pretty soon the little thing had Iggy and Rogier fast asleep -- magic, evil magic. So Almayce was waking up Rogier, and he grabs his axe just as it's coming in for a pass to finish 'em all off. Then Oirhandir at the back of the cave shoots an arrow, and sinks it deep into the foul thing's chest. It's still flying, but it's wounded now, and Rogier gets in one good swing...Ka-CHOP!...and nearly cuts its head clean off. The dragon falls into the pond, and it's done for...and four brave heroes are now dragon slayers!

Well, they fished the thing out of the water, and spent another night on the hill, recuperating. The next day they went back, and swam the underwater tunnel again, all four of the ones who fought the dragon the previous day. They found all sorts of treasure there...suits of armor, magic flutes, and money...almost enough money to impress old Rupert! But of all the things they brought back, it was the dragon itself that impressed him the most. Vaneelkelen was so proud, he had the only stuffed dragon on display in all of Orussus (unless you count Big Red outside). But hey, the best part of the whole story is yet to come.

Remember that vial I told you about? While they were poking around in that dragon's treasure, Iggy found some more of them, all full of ink, and some parchment. You wouldn't believe what was on it! It was a perfect copy of the "treasure map" that had brought them to the cave under the hill in the swamp. It even had the little note in the marging about "I have to go back and get the rest of the stuff", and all that! Get it? The dragon was making the maps! It was trying to lure people from Orususs to come to its lair so it could kill them and get their stuff! Well, the greedy little bugger bit off a little more than it could chew that time, and you can see what's left of him if you can ever swing an invitation to one of them fancy parties Mr. Vaneelkelen throws every now or then. And that's the truth, or my name isn't Volidar, the Bard!
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First Post
Attack on the Bandit Camp

Attack on the Bandit Camp
DM: Patlin
Characters: Ignatious O’Reilly
Rinaldo DiSensio
Nezrak Duskstar
Dioran Uthelem
Ashnar Mortist

This adventure started with the posting of a reward by the Road Wardens for the capture or killing of a group of bandits who had been maurading on the roads around Orussus. In this fairly straightforward encounter, the group snuck up on the camp and overpowered its occupants.

Noteworthy points:
The Road Wardens patrol the roads around Orussus, and at times hire adventurers to assist them on particularly difficult assignments.

In this adventure, 5 of the 8 PCs were arcane casters.


First Post
The Burning Tower
10/25/04 to 12/16/04

Morulas Blackleaf played by Zweishneid; Elf Ranger 1
Gorefoot played by IcyCool; Gnome Barbarian 1
Rodimus played by Dalamar; Half Orc Monk 1
Fant of Lionel played by Thomas Hobbes; Human Aristocrat 1/Fighter 1
Persephone played by Manzanita; Human Sorceror 3
Sir Ishmael of the Wooden Sword played by Nimisgod; Deep Halfling Paladin 2/Sorceror 1
Nars Blackbeard played by SlagMortar; Dwarf Rogue 1

In this adventure, the party was relaxing in the RDI when they heard of a local fire. This turned out to be coming from the tower of the local wizard Rilithorne. Rilithorne had been imprisoned by an experiment gone awry, and was guarded by various constructs, traps, and a living spell. The adventurers wound their way up through the tower and the various obsticles, and eventually freed the wizard. In his gratitude, he offered to fund some magic weapons via his friend Trimble, a wizard in the Silver Woods.

Rilithorne's background. His connection with Trimble.
What else will he uncovered in his experiments?


First Post
The Faerie Woods

The Faerie Woods (12/16/04 to 11/03/05)

Gorefoot played by IcyCool; Gnome Barbarian 2
Rodimus played by Dalamar; Half Orc Monk 2
Persephone played by Manzanita; Human Sorceror 3
Sir Ishmael of the Wooden Sword played by Nimisgod; Deep Halfling Paladin 2/Sorceror 1
Nars Blackbeard played by SlagMortar; Dwarf Rogue 2

This adventure starts right next door to Rilithorn's tower at Gontor's Fine Jewlry shop. Gontor is a dwarf who is distantly related to Nars Blackbeard. Rilithorne noticed a theft in the shop while imprisoned during The Burning Tower. The party investigated. It seems a certain necklace was stolen in an odd way. The theif seems to have appeared inside the vault where the necklace was kept, then broke out.

Further investigation revealed that the theif was likely a fey Redcap, likely to hail from the Faerie Woods, a dangerous portion of forest in the southern part of the Silver Woods. The necklace in question was necklace bought at the estate sale of Tarbain Fairblood. This turns out to have been a heir of Allanoth Fairblood, a feytouched druid who won some acclaim working out an accord between the Fey and the humanoid races some 200 years ago. Druids had negotiated a peace between the fey and men. Men agreed to stay clear of the Faerie Woods, and abandoned those settlements in the woods already established. The Druids bound the more obnoxious fey within the woods, so that they couldn't come out and trouble any of the races of man. The activities the agreement precludes are primarilly the establishment of residences, logging activity, or anything seen by the fey as 'defiling' the countryside.

Simutaneously, random murders were occuring in Orussus. The group suspected the redcap was responsible. After unsuccessfully trying to capture the redcap in the act, the party headed north to the faerie woods. On the way they foiled a bandit robbery at an inn.

Once in the woods, the party was captured by the Fey Lord, and Persephone was fed tainted pommegranite seeds, which made her unable to eat normal food, and thus doomed her as a prisoner of the Fey Lord. The Fey Lord did wish to rid himself of the troublesome redcap, however, and agreed to send some of his minions to lead the party to the Redcap. The party met the Redcap at a ruined castle and engaged in an epic battle. The redcap escaped at the last moment, but not before having killed Gorefoot with his sickel. In the ruins, the party found a scroll of reincarnation & Fell-hunter, a magical cold iron shortsword, which was taken by Nars Blackbeard.

The party then retreated to the hut of the Druid Fasroth, who lived in the viscinity. Gorefoot was then reincarnated as a halfling. He had been a gnome. Eventually the party realized the necklace the Redcap had stolen had the power to teleport the wearer, and had been used by Allanoth Fairblood to move between the cities of men, and the Fey Forest quickly, in order to neogiate the treaty.

After meeting some lovely unicorns, and defending the wizard Trimble from an attack by Dire wolves, the party eventually found the redcap again, and this time slew him before he could escape. THey then collected its tooth and returned to the Fey Lord. The Fey Lord wanted the Necklace to escape from his imprissonment the druids had bound him with. The necklace proved not powerful enough to allow him to escape. He did release Persephone from her curse and the adventurers returned to Orussus.

Unresolved issues:
Why was Trimble attacked by Dire wolves? Why does he live alone in a hut in the woods?
What will the Fey Lord try next to escape his captivity? What would happen if he did escape?
Where are the druids now, who are descendents of the powerful Fairbloods?

Voidrunner's Codex

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