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Off the top of my head, I count at least three Andors in speculative fiction/geekdome.

Andor the Star Wars television show, and the titular character Cassian Andor.
Andor the country in The Wheel of Time.
Andor the country in the boardgame Legends of Andor.
And according to Wikipedia, the Star Trek moon Andoria is sometimes also referred to as Andor.

Can anyone think of any more examples? And why the name is so prevalent?

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Andor is also a Hungarian male given name (so yeah, travel to Hungary, and chances are you'll find a few more Andors even today.) The etymology of the name is somewhat unclear afaik, but one theory is that it's a shortened version of the old "Andornak", which itself is the Hungarian version of the Ancient Greek -> (Classical?) Latin "Andronicus", which means "conqueror of men".

Considering the noticeable influence of Hungarian expat creators on film and literature throughout history, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if there was a link between this name and the cases you mentioned. Who knows.


It is AI people. We cannot change ANDROID that little and not have people notice. I also know a guy that will say it is aliens if the AI thing does not pan out.

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