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(Adventure) Dwarven Golems and Old Ruins (GaryH Judging)

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First Post
"Okay, the way I see it, we have two options. We can send one or two of us in to check things out and report back, or we can all go in. If we decide to all go in, I suggest that we at least seperate and enter by different gates. Anyone else have something to offer?"

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"If someone is going to stay behind, I should be one of them. I can probably convince a farmer to put me up for a time. That said, I guess I'm for splitting up and going in through different gates at different times. Since nobody has been here before, we will have to decide on a meeting place and time. Even if we don't go in together, we need to confront sullivan as one group. Thats what I think at least..."


First Post
"Entering at different times is a good idea, Gur, and shouldn't be too hard to manage as it will take some longer to circle around to the gates on the far side. Can we agree to meet at that gate," Devlin points to the gate nearest the party, "at nightfall? Gregorian, you seem to be the most eager to enter the city and investigate, so go ahead and head in the near gate. like we could stop you, anyway. I'll head around to the gate to the left. I should enter an hour or so after Gregorian goes in. Shariff, Silvercat, what to you say?" Devlin espouses as he readies his mule for the trek to his chosen point of entry.


Gregorian leaves the group, and heads around to the city. The others sit behind for a bit, discuss things, and head out one by one. Gur is the last to leave, still waiting in a clearing far outside the city.

The gates to Allimon are watched by two towers at each entrance. Each of these towers has a strange domed roof painted in an odd shade of orange. Once past the gates, you each find yourselves in seperate districts.

Highlight only your own section:

Gregorian finds himself entering Allimon through the merchant quarter. This region is full of foriegn trades, many trading currency of unfamiliar types and quantities. There is a caravan from the far south-east that has drawn a circle in the middle of the quarting, squeezing the foot-traffic to the point of suffocation. These south-easterners wear light hooded robes, hinting at their religious heritage. Each also seems to be in possession of no small amount of gold chains and trinkits, and many seem to guard these possessions even subconciously in their motions - constantly checking their pockets, neck, arms, hands, and fingers for their own apparel.

You can see, in the distance, six men with crossbows sitting on top of a building. They seem to be looking down on the crowd diligently looking for some form of trouble. They don't seem to be dressed in the uniform of the town guard, a red shirt and pants that you could see a handful of men at the gates wearing, but they are indeed armed and armored. Perhaps they are employees of the caravan itself, or of the local merchants.

Silvercat finds himself entering the city in the religious quarter. Temple street, which is one of the largest streets in the town, leads straight from the gate to the center of Allimon where the inner keep is located. There are very few people on this road, only a handful of priests and servants seem to be in motion on this giant paved-way. On your way in, there was a young man waiting by the gate. He was wearing studded leather armor and appears to be armed with a scimitar on his right hip. His yellow bandana and short hair hint that he might be a member of some sort of shady guild or gang, but he seems suspicious as this is certainly not a place where many thugs would congregate.

There are also armed templar on all sides of this street, on the buildings, in the towers, and by the gates to the different temples, libraries, and homes. They seem quite observant, watching your every movement from their guarded positions as you pass.

Devlin enters the city into the largest of the residential districts. Here there are many people talking in the streets. There is a sewage problem, which could be smelled from outside the gates to the city. There are bakers selling bread through the windows to their homes, smiths working steel outdoors in front of watching children, young men running errands for their workmasters, and three homes being constructed out of stone by a construction team comprised of gnomes, dwarves, and humans.

This is a pleasant town, full of pleasant people, happily living their lives away from the threats of the major regions. The only sign of danger is the ominous keep in the center of town that acts as the home of all government in Allimon. You can make out the domed buildings of the religious quarter to the north, and the bustling streets of the merchant quarter to the south.

The gate you pass through appears to have been severely damaged recently. Some workers are attempting to repair a four foot wide hole in the easternmost tower. The men appear to be quite busy, and unaware of your passing. Once you get inside of the gates, you can see that there are huge taverns on both sides of the entrance. The one on the left is labled, "New Constantine" and the one on the right is labled "Old Gertrude." They are stone structures with domed roofs that are connected by a stone bridge between the inns. There are many windows on the top floors of these buildings, and if you look inside there are many tables and chairs inside of each.

You find yourself in the light trade end of the merchant quarter. Here there are a number of inns, permanent shops, and other sorts of places of commerce and business. Very near the gate is a large sign which gives instruction on what some of the buildings are, providing a map of this quarter of the city. You can see that there is a merchants guild, a bounty hunters guild stop-by, a mages guild, and a handful of other buildings and shops. There is also a building with a scratched off name on the map located on what would represent the south end of this quarter, behind six other buildings and not connected to the streets at all.

The light traffic in this region is not too rough, but you can tell that the traffic to the South, in the merchant quarter, is horrendous. The temple district in the north seems to have the opposite effect.


I'll need approval on that number, but the breakdown is something close to this:

1st encounter (tiny puppet skeletons, air elementals involved) EL 3
XP awarded for each skeleton killed (120/person)
XP awarded for avoiding the elementals (60/person)

2nd encounter (traveler who was injured) EL 3
XP award for spotting and helping person successfully (180/person)

3rd encounter (convincing Sullivan) EL 1
XP award for convincing Sullivan (60/person)

4th encounter (sleep gas construct) EL 1
XP award for defeating construct (60/person)

5th encounter (battle with constructs near the gate) EL 5
XP award for defeating constructs (630/person)

6th encounter (Jef the ogre) EL 2
XP award for peaceful contact (120/person)

7th encounter (green slime) EL 2
XP award for avoiding awakening slime (120/person)
XP award for killing slime (120/person)

8th encounter (Drow attack) EL 3
XP award for killing drow (120/person)
Failed to save Jef

9th encounter (Draw Wizard) EL 5
XP award for killing Wizard (720/person)

10th encounter (disabling the machine) EL 3
XP award for shutting off machine (60/person)
Failed to safely deactivate machine

2370 XP was the group's by the book experience total.
750 XP for 7.5 months of Living EN World play.

3120 XP Total (3rd Level Achieved)
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