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WotBS A Campaign World for WotBS 4e


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Hey everybody,

I am in the process of gathering a group of players so that I can get back into the DMing and gaming seat, something I haven't done in close to two years now because of school. When WotBS came out for 3.5 I nearly picked it up, though I was already running an Eberron Campaign at that time, unfortunately shortly after that I went back to school which ate up all my free time.

So the question I pose you is thus, where have you located your WotBS campaign? Home-brew? Eberron? Other? I am looking to place it in a world that is already built, seeing as I don't have enough free time to run the game and build a custom world for it. Thoughts and suggestions are hugely appreciated.


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Well, that was fun
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In my game, it's not placed anywhere. I just play the region as written - it's plenty big enough and has enough detail to be fleshed out without overhwlmeing your players with minutia that will never affect them. You don't need a world at all.

I've heard a lot of folks have placed it successfully in FR or Eberron.


The map of the Ragesian peninsula is my "campaign world" for this adventure. I'm using the Player's Handbook gods for the gods of this campaign world.

If I had more experienced players, I may have considered using Eberron. But I've got a n00bfest.

But, honestly, I've fallen in love with the Points of Light concept. Because of that, I'm enjoying the simple setup I'm using for this game.

The world outside of the region really doesn't matter. It's like how in the Batman animated series, the world is Gotham City.
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First Post
Thanks you two. Whim, I am also running with a fairly new group to 4e and some new to DnD in general. This will also be my first campaign run in 4e. Any suggestions on running this with newer folks? I am thinking of running them through some basic training or something so that we can all get a grasp on the rules. Maybe as a way of bringing the party together before the adventure.



First Post
I think you'll find the first encounter to be pretty easy for the newbies as a warm up, especially since Kathor may run if you wish it. It's a good time to make mistakes and learn the ropes.


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Ended up going with the generic world and the PHB deities. Was working on trying to get them sorted out into their own temples for the district in Gate's Pass, this is what I came up with.


God of Knowledge - Ioun
God of Healing - Pelor
God(dess) of Strength - Kord
God of Revelry - Sehanine
Dwarf God of Ancestors/ God of Battle - Moradin
God of Sorcery - Corellon
Goddess of Hearth and Home - ???

Ideas? Changes? Got another month before we actually play, so have time to fool with things.


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