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D&D 5E 5e Fey Lock/Dream Druid


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
It depends on how you're going to be doing stats for characters. If you roll them 4d6 drop the lowest, you have a good chance of getting stats that are good/great enough that you don't need to worry about what the race is giving you and can choose for features and theme more than stat boosts.

If you're doing Standard array, it's going to be hard to really pull off the triple multi-class because of Spell DC's and such. You could go with Str 8/Dex 12/Con 13/Wis 15/Int 10/Cha 14

And then it just depends on what race you choose.
  • Wood Elf would boost you to 8/14/13/16/10/14
  • Human would get you to 8/12/14/16/10/14 (so you could swap dex/con if you wanted here)
  • Forest Gnome (below) could get you to: 8/14/12/15/12/14
  • Fierna Tiefling (below) could get you to: 8/14/13/16/10/16

For races besides Human or Elf, but who might have a nice tie into the Fey or the abilities you're going for, I present for your consideration:

Forest Gnome! ;)

  • Gnome: +2 Int, Darkvision, Advantage on all Int/Wis/Cha saves against magic (this is a huge plus), speak Common/Gnome
  • Forest: +1 Dex, learn the Minor Illusion cantrip, speak with small animals at will

So, mechanically this hits none of what you want for your classes for primary casting/skills (Wis/Cha), but it is THEMATICALLY on point!

For something that is less thematically on point, but Stat increase and race ability wise is very much "on point", I present:

Fierna Tiefling!

  • Tiefling: Darkvision, Resistance to Fire damage (always nice), Speak Common/Infernal (everything else is changed by the Tiefling Variant
  • Fierna: +2 Charisma, +1 Wisdom; You know the Friends cantrip; at 3rd level, you can cast Charm Person once per long rest as a 2nd level spell (i.e. two targets). At 5th level you can cast Suggestion once per long rest and Charisma is your casting ability for these (sets the DC, etc).
  • This is the only race in 5e that gives assigned stat boosts to both Wisdom and Charisma interestingly enough.
Honestly from ability and mechanical standpoint, Fierna Tiefling gets you the best pay off from the stats that you want and some fun spells that are already on the theme for what you're trying to do in messing with peoples minds/dreams/etc.

The background is wide open... basically what skills do you want to have. if you go tiefling, you could do a Hermit background or an Outlander background and say you were raised in the wilds by the fey who taught you their haunting music, etc, etc. Which would explain: how your tielfing is tied to the fey at all, but give you some abilities you wouldn't normally have like Herbalism/Medicine, or Survival and gathering food int he wilds.

Part of that will depend on what your party is made up of and their abilities as well if you care about stepping on toes of other PCs.
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I'm still unsure what you're really getting out of druid given your stated goals. Yes, the subclass has "Dreams" in the name, and gets a dream-related feature at 14th level, but bard can get the Dream spell at 9th, and, it seems to give you a lot more options of the sort you mentioned along the way. But maybe there's an aspect of druid I'm missing. Can you clarify what you want from the class that would lead you to take 14 levels in it that couldn't be achieved by going primarily bard with a few levels of warlock?


I can't find a single druid spell in the "illusion, charm, and false dreams" category that isn't also on the bard list, whereas there are several relevant bard spells that druids don't get (Dissonant Whispers, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Detect Thoughts, Suggestion, Phantasmal Force, Fear, Hypnotic Pattern, Major Image, Dominate X, Modify Memory, Dream (at 9th vs 14th), Mass Suggestion, Otto's Irresistable Dance,...)


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
You get all the Fey related class abilities that the OP was excited about in the first place + Dream from the 14th level ability.

These are great abilities and the first three of them can all be done while in wild shape as well so you can do them and not have to leave wild shape to do so.

it's didn't seem like the OP was in it for the spells per se, but the theme and fluff of the Fey.
  • Balm of the Summer Court: you get d6 healing at range (up to 120'!!!!) as a bonus action for the rest of our part +1 temp hp per d6 spent from the pool
  • Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow: you get a mini-Tiny Hut effect that you can use every short or long rest that gives cover, +5 on stealth checks to hide while they rest and perception checks to notice coming threats
  • Hidden Paths: ou can teleport up to 60' as a bonus action Wisdom Mod times per long rest. or you can get your friend out of dodge up to 30'
  • Walker in Dreams: you get a free dream or scrying or teleportation circle (basically a Word of Recall) at the end of a Short Rest. You can take a short rest and then teleport back to town for the night and long rest.


The OP said that "illusions, charms, and false dreams should be an important part of the playstyle". None of the druid features prior to 14 seem to have anything to do with any of those things, whereas illusions and charms are basically what the bard does.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
The OP said that "illusions, charms, and false dreams should be an important part of the playstyle". None of the druid features prior to 14 seem to have anything to do with any of those things, whereas illusions and charms are basically what the bard does.

I mean they can speak for themselves in reply when they get back here, but they started with:
I haven’t played since 3.5 but I’ve had this character idea in my head that I’ve been dying to try. I want to create a fey lock/dream Druid build. I think the idea of being touched by the summer court to be very interesting. Having madness and illusions haunt my enemies while having blessings and tranquility bless my team.

The Dream Druid does all the blessings/tranquility for team part alonog with the maddness portion at the 14th level ability.

Bard/Feylock, heck even Fierna Tiefling or Forest Gnome play into the illusions, charms playstyle. Yes, they might have to wait until high level to mess with people's dreams, but... ok, they're just doing 4 of 5 things they want to do until they get there.

shrug I'm just offering ideas that I thought of, OP can use them or not :)


I think autumn eladrin would be my pick for race. Appear out of nowhere and charm folks...

Maybe start warlock 2, then glamor bard 6, then either keep going in bard or pop back over to warlock as you see fit.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Autumn Eladrin is also a good choice for theme/flavor with the teleporting charm @ 3rd level for sure!

It's Dex/Cha boost so you would want to focus on the Warlock/Bard more than Druid with that race unless rolling stats. It would certainly be less MAD and more doable with a standard array or point buy.

Bard could certainly fill the blessing/tranquility with their Song of Rest & Leomund's Tiny Hut as a Bard spell of 3rd level and they can ritually cast it, so it fits the tranquility part really well once they have it at 5th bard level.

Bards get Bane on their 1st level spell list to mess with their enemies as well! Also, Hideous Laughter, incapacitate a foe on a failed save. That's fun :)

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