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D&D 2E 2E Demihuman Subrace Conversions


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Hi there. :) The other day I converted some demihuman subraces from 2E: the sundered dwarf from the Complete Book of Dwarves (which I'd been working on several months ago but only really finished recently), the furchin or polar halfling from the Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings, and the original hairfoot halfling (ie, the standard hobbit-style halfling subrace).

I suppose these don't count as monsters per se, since I didn't really go to the trouble of making stat blocks for 1st-level warriors and such, but since the gray elf and the forest gnome weren't presented as monsters in the MM, I figure these guys aren't too innappropriate for the CC forums... and besides, I just like the crowd in here better than on other forums... :heh:

Anyway, to begin with, here's the sundered dwarf. The text comes directly from the Complete Book of Dwarves.

Dwarf, Sundered

Unlike most dwarves, sundered dwarves live on the surface. Once hill or mountain dwarves, they were cut off from their kin and traditional ways of life. Where deep dwarves went downward, sundered dwarves were forced onto the surface.

They may have been driven there by volcanoes or earthquakes that shattered their subterranean homes, or perhaps by orcs or dragons. Finding no safe haven underground, they were forced above. Some may even have chosen to abandon their homes and give up the subterranean life.

Over the centuries sundered dwarves adapted as best they could, but abandoning their natural habitat has taken its toll. They have lost much of their racial pride, and tend to be a miserable and dirty people. They have developed an irrational phobia of dark places, yet are uncomfortable under the open sky, in rain, and with most surface conditions.

Sundered dwarves may be found living among other races. They may make up the majority of the inhabitants in a ghetto, or small groups of them may be found living or adventuring with other races.

Although their traditional homes are gone, sundered dwarves continue to follow the crafts, especially mining and smithing. They will work for humans or elves.

With a height of 4-1/2 to 5 feet, a typical sundered dwarf is slightly taller than a mountain dwarf, but he is of slimmer build, weighing about 155 pounds. His skin is usually lighter than a hill dwarf's, more pink than brown. His hair is dark with tinges of blue. Sundered dwarves tend to be dirty and unkempt.

Sundered dwarf society retains its traditional lawful organization, but is more concerned with maintaining its laws than ensuring that all citizens share in its benefits.

Alignment: Usually lawful neutral.

Sundered Dwarf Racial Traits
- +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Like hill dwarves, sundered dwarves are tough and surly. Their greater size lets them hit harder than other subraces.
- Medium size.
- A sundered dwarf's base land speed is 20 feet. However, sundered dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Stonecunning: This ability grants a sundered dwarf a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. A sundered dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a sundered dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. Something that isn't stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A sundered dwarf cannot intuit approximate depth underground as a hill dwarf.
- Weapon Familiarity: Sundered dwarves treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons.
- Stability: Sundered dwarves are exceptionally stable on their feet. A sundered dwarf has a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
- Claustrophobic: Sundered dwarves suffer a -4 penalty on all attack rolls and skill checks when underground.
- +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
- +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.
- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs, half-orcs, and goblinoids.
- +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures of the giant type.
- +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.
- +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Dwarven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc.
- Favored Class: Rogue. Sundered dwarves have learned to survive on their wits rather than brute force.

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Next, the furchin, or polar halfling. Again, the flavor text is taken from the Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings, altered slightly to make it a little less setting-specific (originally they were from a particular world in the Spelljammer campaign).

For the Climate Tolerant and Primitive Weapon Mastery abilities, I copied them from the neanderthal from Frostburn, editing the latter slightly by adding some weapons a little more suited to halfling use (ie, daggers and throwing axes in place of huge clubs).

Halfling, Furchin

Also known as polar halflings, this rare subrace originates in lands of ice, mountain, and glacier. The most distinguishing feature of this subrace is the full, long beard that sprouts from the chin of the mature males. These beards are a matter of great pride, and in older furchin often extend as far as the waist. The race favors warm clothing, woven of animal hair or lined with fur. They regularly wear snowshoes and boots.

Furchin halflings resemble deep halflings in both height and girth, though their average life expectancy (80 years) is considerably shorter, no doubt due to their harsher native environment. Hair and skin color vary widely, but tend to be pale, though eyes are usually dark. Those few furchin born with green eyes are accorded much status -- they are believed to be emissaries of the gods and are treated to a life of near-royal privilege.

In their natural environment, the polar halflings are primarily nomadic, ranging across icy glaciers and barren tundra, following great herds of migrating animals. They have become adept at surviving in these very harshest of conditions.

The furchin dwell in small clans, usually no more than thirty individuals in a community. In summer they live in tents of leather; in winter they make small, domed shelters of ice. Their clothing is made of fur, their equipment from leather, bone, and ivory; wood is almost unknown in their lands. Tribal leaders often wield metal weapons and tools acquired through trading with glacier dwarves.

Having developed a number of specialized skills, the furchin halflings are adept at surviving in their grueling environment -- and seemingly having a good time while they're doing it. In general, the furchin are a good-humored people who enjoy practical jokes, funny stories, and bawdy songs. Both parents care for the young with great tolerance and tenderness, teaching their children early on the secrets of surviving in their harsh clime.

Strangers -- especially those who bring gifts, objects for trade, or interesting stories to tell -- will be welcomed by the furchin with warm hospitality. Although their lives are hard, they are an unselfish people and will treat visitors with kindness and generosity (unless given reason to do otherwise).

Members of this subrace are very proficient in specialized skills suited to their environment, some of which will carry over quite effectively into other locations. They are patient trappers and skilled hunters, tanners, and leatherworkers as well. Their characteristic boat is a miniature kayak, a virtually water-tight shell of leather covering a sturdy bone frame. While only one of their skilled boatwrights can craft these vessels, virtually all adult furchin are adept at piloting them.

When hunting, the furchin use leather slings for small game and long, barbed spears for more formidable foes; a strong line can be attached to the spear to allow it (and whatever it has impaled) to be drawn back toward the launcher. In melee combat (which they avoid if at all possible), the furchin use short handled axes and daggers. Because of their small numbers and an absence of potential foes, the members of this subrace are unused to war and have developed no tactics for fighting an organized formation of soldiers.

In the realm of hunting and stalking, however, the furchin are second to none. Occasionally, a few furchin led by an experienced warrior will embark on an mission to slay some dangerous threat to the tribe -- such as a band of yetis or a frost giant. Through clever use of terrain and diversion, as well as patiently planned and executed ambush, these halflings have been known to vanquish foes many times their own size. In this respect, obviously, they are not so different from their cousins who live in warmer climes.

Alignment: Usually neutral good.

Furchin Racial Traits
- -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence. Furchins are hardy folk, and like other halflings they are quick but weak. As a result of their isolation from civilization, they have little book-knowledge.
- Small: As a Small creature, a furchin gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but uses smaller weapons than humans use, and lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
- Furchin base land speed is 20 feet.
- +2 racial bonus on Listen, Move Silently, Survival, and Swim checks.
- +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against yetis and monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it's caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too.
- Climate Tolerant (Ex): Does not have to make Fortitude saves in extreme environments between -20 and 140 F (severe cold to severe heat). This ability does not provide any protection from fire or cold damage. This ability counts as if she had the Cold Endurance feat for purposes of fulfilling prerequisites for feats or prestige classes.
- Primitive Weapon Mastery (Ex): +1 racial bonus on attack rolls made with the following weapons: bolas, club, dagger, dart, goad, handaxe, harpoon, iuak, javelin, longspear, quarterstaff, ritiik, shortbow, shortspear, sling, sugliin, and throwing axe.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Halfling. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc.
- Favored Class: Ranger. Furchins are experts at stalking large game. Furchin rangers usually choose either Animal or Giant as their favored enemy.


First Post
Finally, the hairfoot. I'm kinda proud of this, since I wrote the flavor text myself, and because it's the first "crunch" material I've ever completed.

Halfling, Hairfoot

When many humans think of halflings, they envision nimble tricksters all too eager to lighten the pockets of larger races -- a conception that exasperates the hairfoots to no end. Good-natured, earthy folk who love little more than a job done right and a hearty meal afterwards, hairfoot halflings differ a great deal from their nomadic lightfoot cousins.

Personality: Hairfoots are easy-going in the extreme, valuing food and cheer over all else. A typical hairfoot village will celebrate any good occasion, and it's said that hairfoot cooks produce the most satisfying food one's ever likely to eat. Yet hairfoots also have a strong work ethic, and will the toughest job through to the end (although they're not averse to taking shortcuts if dinner is fast approaching).

As with all halflings, family is vital to hairfoots. A hairfoot is loyal to his kin, and though they're not as obsessed with honor as most dwarves, an insult to a hairfoot's family will rarely be allowed to stand. In the older and larger hairfoot towns, the wealthier families often get embroiled in petty (if not always unfriendly) rivalries over trade and other matters. The only study about which hairfoots are commonly passionate is genealogy, as they love mapping out who's related to who and how in convoluted family trees that stretch back centuries.

Hairfoots prefer boredom to trouble. Most live by an unwritten code of decorum that emphasizes common sense and prudence. Where a lightfoot halfling will rush into a dragon's lair at the mere mention of gold to be gained, a hairfoot will shake his head and sigh, wondering what the blasted fool needs with all that money, anyway.

Physical Description: Hairfoots stand about 3 feet tall, but are heavier than other halflings, weighing 40 to 45 pounds. Hairfoots are usually round and plump as a result of their easy lifestyle. Their skin ranges from fair to light tan, and all hairfoots have rosy cheeks. Their hair is universally curly (and often somewhat unruly), the vast majority some shade of brown; red and black hair are uncommon, and blond hairfoots are one in a thousand. Hairfoots favor clothing that is comfortable and practical; they don't care if they look good as long as they feel good.

The name "hairfoot" derives from the race's most prominent physical feature: their large, fur-covered feet. Hairfoots take great pride in their foot-hair and groom their feet neatly. Their soles are also quite leathery, so hairfoots only bother with footwear in inclement weather. Hairfoots also have tufts of hair on the backs of their hands, though not as thickly as on their feet.

Hairfoots are physically mature at around age 20 like other halflings, but they're not considered adults until their early 30s, and spend the decade in between (known as their "tweens") as "halflings of leisure," spending their days simply enjoying life (usually at their parents' expense). They live as long as lightfoots, a little more than 200 years.

Relations: Hairfoots aren't quite xenophobic, but they still prefer to be left alone; folk not of their kind are usually labeled "queer" and undesirable. They get along reasonably well with humans, however, with whom they often share territory, although they still find the "big folk" a bit too clumsy and stupid to spend too much time around. Most hairfoots like gnomes very much, since they share the hairfoots' love of peaceful living and frequent parties, although hairfoots are at a loss to understand the gnomes' preoccupation with the scholarly pursuit of magic and science. Hairfoots stereotype dwarves as rugged scoundrels and troublemakers, but they are tolerated for the fine craftsmanship of their goods. They rarely have dealings with elves or half-elves of any kind, and when they do, hairfoots are often in awe (or fear) of their otherworldly grace.

Hairfoots get along famously with other halflings, especially tallfellows and deep halflings, with whom they mix freely. On the other hand, they have a certain love-hate relationship with lightfoots. The hairfoots are genuinely thankful for the goods brought to their villages by lightfoot merchants and they listen eagerly to their tales of the wide world, yet the lightfoot lifestyle is completely at odds with their own. The hairfoots see the lightfoots as roaming ne'er-do-wells who flaunt the laws of good society and have no common sense whatsoever, while the lightfoots simply cannot stand the crushing boredom of a hairfoot settlement and its uptight, provincial inhabitants.

Hairfoots are hostile to few civil folk, but from childhood they are taught to hate and fear orcs, goblin-kin, and giants of all kinds. Half-orcs and half-ogres are thus forewarned not to expect much hospitality from the little folk.

Alignment: Most hairfoots are good, placing a high value on the lives of their friends and neighbors. With their society's emphasis on proper decorum, they tend toward law. Evil hairfoots are extremely rare, and most that exist are merchants and other businessmen who are a little too unscrupulous in their dealings.

Hairfoot Lands: Hairfoots settle in close-knit villages in plains or forests, usually within or close by human kingdoms. Their settlements are marked by their unique architectural style: They favor snug burrow-homes excavated into hillsides and riverbanks, always with round doors and windows. Even in areas where hole-houses are impractical and are replaced by little wooden buildings, round portals are the rule of the day.

In regions where hairfoot villages are common, they often band together in shires. Hairfoot shires well-maintained areas with safe roads patrolled by organized sheriffs who keep an eye out for troublemakers and wild animals, and plied by postmen who keep different villages in touch with each other. Volunteer "bounders" are also employed to "beat the bounds" and make sure that no undesirables trespass without their knowing. Every shire has an elected mayor who leads the sheriffs and postmen, but whose duties are otherwise limited to making speeches at fairs and toasts at parties. Lightfoot halfling commonwealths are also likely to settle down in or around hairfoot shires because they're such a safe place to live.

Religion: The hairfoots are not a deeply spiritual people, but they do love and respect the halfling gods and commonly keep a little shrine in their homes to the whole pantheon. Yondalla, the Nurturing Matriarch, holds a special place in the hearts of hairfoots, and they believe themselves to be her favorite among all the halflings. Arvoreen the Defender is a patron of sheriffs, and hairfoot farmers pay their respects to Sheela Peryroyl, the goddess of nature. Prayers to Urogalan, the protector of the dead, are a common practice at halfling funerals (which seem little different from their other parties, celebrating the life of the deceased). But their favorite goddess is Cyrollalee, the Matron of Hearth and Home, who is said to have taught them how to build their burrows and instilled in them a great love of peace and good, clean living. One god few hairfoots worship is Brandobaris, the god of luck and (mis)adventure; they believe that their lightfoot cousins were led astray by this well-meaning but foolish deity.

Though hairfoots are typically very relaxed about religion, one major bone of contention between them and the lightfoots is the goddess whom the lightfoots call Dallah Thaun -- Yondalla's "darker half" who encourages thievery and survival at others' expense. The hairfoots consider it rank blasphemy to suggest that Yondalla could ever reward such behavior. They believe that Dallah Thaun is a figment of the lightfoots' imagination, at best.

Like lightfoots, hairfoots also pay homage to numerous minor gods and spirits, known as the Thousand Small Gods, and as such their religion is almost animistic. Where the lightfoots believe in little gods of forests and lakes, however, the hairfoots look to the gods of fields and fireplaces, stoves and kilns. Prayers to the Small Gods are simple, for instance just a silent "thank you" to the spirits of field and oven for a well-baked loaf of bread.

The hairfoots have few myths, and most of them read like bedtime stories (in fact, most are). They have no story of creation, but instead believe that their kind had always inhabited the woods and hills of the world. When Yondalla, desiring a people of her own to care for, came across one of their kind, she instructed him to bring civilization to the rest of his folk, which he did, and each village he settled became the home of the different halfling subraces. In the end, this halfling, dubbed "Littleman" by his people, settled down in a village of his own, and his descendants became the hairfoots.

Language: Hairfoots speak Halfling like others of their kind, although they're making greater use of Common amongst themselves with each passing generation. Soon, the Halfling tongue may be little more to them than an old "book-language."

Names: A hairfoot has a given name (often shortened into a nickname) and a family name. Family names frequently describe a clan's favored occupation ("Sandheaver") or some notable hereditary feature ("Heathertoes"). Upper-class families tend to have higher-sounding names ("Sackville"). Given names for males tend to follow a pattern within families, ending in the same suffix (-o, -i, -us, -old, -ert, -wise, and so on). Given names for females follow the same conventions as lightfoot names, though girls named after flowers and gemstones are also very common.

Male Names: Balto, Dolphus ("Dolph" or "Dol"), Filbert ("Filby"), Halwise ("Hal"), Kepli, Milo, Regis, Tobold ("Toby"), Tolfast ("Tol"), Wilcome ("Will").

Female Names: Amanita, Amaryllis, Daisy, Diamond, Dora, Emerald, Lilly, Lobelia, Rose, Seraphina.

Family Names: Bolger, Heathertoes, Hedgeway, Leafturner, Overhill, Pott, Proudfoot, Roundbelly, Sackville, Sandheaver.

Adventurers: Among the common character classes, the vast majority of hairfoot adventurers are rogues, since their natural abilities lend themselves well to the profession; however, hairfoot rogues are rarely thieves (unlike lightfoots), but rather detectives, troubleshooters, and "professional treasure hunters." Sheriffs are likely to travel on official business, and are usually rogues or fighters. Fighters, rogues, and rangers are all common among bounders. Hairfoot bards are uncommon but do exist. Clerics and druids are more common than might be expected -- while hairfoots have nothing in the way of organized religion, no few of their kind learn the arts of healing through communion with the gods; and hairfoot druids (almost all worshipers of Sheela Peryroyl) are simple country folk who give thanks to nature for lending them her gifts. Hairfoot druids commonly keep ordinary cats and dogs as their animal companions. Hairfoots are very wary of arcane magic, and thus wizards and sorcerers are rare in the extreme. Hairfoot paladins, monks, and (especially) barbarians are likewise unheard of.

Hairfoot adventurers are admittedly rare -- "adventures are dreadful things that make one late for dinner," according to a common hairfoot proverb. Some few young hairfoots choose to strike out on their own, striken by wanderlust; such halflings are invariably labeled "queer" by their neighbors (though they're welcomed home with open arms if they return with a few bags of gold and jewels, needless to say). Most hairfoot adventurers, however, travel out of necessity -- a local boy seeking help for an impoverished village, a sheriff on orders from his superiors, or a bounder tracking a potential threat. Some hairfoot adventurers get swept away on the roads of adventure and never come home to their shires, but most look forward with a happy heart to the day they can settle down, raise a family, and live out their lives in
peace and content.

Hairfoot Racial Traits
- -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity. Hairfoots are quicker than other races, but not very strong.
- Small: As a Small creature, a hairfoot gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
- Hairfoot base land speed is 20 feet.
- +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and Move Silently checks. Hairfoots are experts at avoiding the "big folk" and other unsavory types.
- +2 racial bonus on any one Profession skill. A hairfoot must still have ranks in its chosen Profession to make checks, just like any other character. Profession is always a class skill for hairfoots. Hairfoots are consummate laborers who take great pride in their work.
- Dodge: Hairfoots gain Dodge as a bonus feat. They lack the natural luck of their lightfoot cousins, but have learned to make up for it.
- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings. Hairfoots pride themselves on their impeccable aim with stones and other thrown projectiles.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Halfling. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Orc.
- Favored Class: Rogue. Hairfoots are just as stealthy as any other halfling, although hairfoot rogues are less likely to be criminals than lightfoots, instead putting their skills to use for more noble pursuits.
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Monster Junkie
Nice work. I converted the snow elves from Dragon awhile back. I'll see if I can 3.5 'em and post 'em when I get a chance.

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