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  1. Nilbog

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Which was a fantastic book, but sadly came too late on 4e's life cycle. If it was released as part of the original core set,.I think it would've made a massive difference
  2. Nilbog

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    I totally agree with this, and I loved it. I run my homebrew world where monsters do what I want them to do, all I need is the mechanics, so it was great for me, I do however realise that by and large it's not good for most people and doesn't give a great feeling around the game (it definitely...
  3. Nilbog

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I'm sure if they released an action figure of the Mona Lisa that was male no would care right? I like the figure, but I won't buy it as it'll likely be out of my price range, but I do find it a tad disrespectful, either wizz-kids/wotc contacted Larry about it and ignored him, or never spoke to...
  4. Nilbog

    Paizo Announces Pathfinder War of Immortals Meta Event

    Love the idea, love the art, really don't love the title font!
  5. Nilbog

    D&D General FR Adventure trilogy

    Hi My current homebrew campaign will likely conclude in the next couple of months, and being a forever DM I'm starting to look for ideas as to what comes next. Having been mightily impressed by BG3 I'd quite like to jump back into the realms, and also tied in looking through my back catalog...
  6. Nilbog

    Larian's Next Game?

    I thought BG3 got it spot on in terms of how open world it was, while playing it I never felt that I was constrained into a particular path or that I was ever wandering aimlessly. I do think open world narrative games can work, I really enjoyed the Witcher 3, but the key is to always be nudging...
  7. Nilbog

    Larian's Next Game?

    Whatever it is, I really hope its not DOS based, I tried so hard to like those games, but bounced off them really hard every time, the writing didn't flow and the system used didn't resonate with me. I'm sad its not going to be a D&D based game as the lore seems such a good match with Larians...
  8. Nilbog

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    I'm probably wrong but I can't help but feel this is tied to WOTC's business practices over the last couple of years. It's a massive loss for them and us the player, but fair play to Larian for doing what they want to do.
  9. Nilbog

    Making a Star Wars hack of The One Ring's system

    My DM dream is to run a Star Wars game, but sadly none of the systems have jived with me (the closest being the Saga system but I'm a print only guy and its rarer than rocking horse poop here in the UK!) I look forward to reading more of your homebrew
  10. Nilbog

    Grade the Pathfinder 2E Game System

    I mean I love skill feats in PF2e, are they useful? Not often, bit that's why I like them, they represent those niche things we are all have that we are good at but rarely play a massive part on our day to day life. I'm pretty good at pub quizzes, it's not made a massive impact on my life but...
  11. Nilbog

    Grade the Pathfinder 2E Game System

    I've been running it since release, currently the players in my campaign (home brewed, not an adventure path) are level 11. I absolutely love it, it hits the sweet spot for me regarding rules depth. It has covered most of the situations I've encountered without me having to fall back on a DM...
  12. Nilbog

    Paizo Announces Starfinder 2nd Edition

    Really looking forward to this, if they nail starship combat I'm in. I fully understand the cutesy tags that are thrown at SF and PF2E but I think they can easily be overlooked, both systems are pretty kitchen sink and allow for many styles of game, if you want a party of talking bears and...
  13. Nilbog

    Rage of Elements Preview: Air

    Can't wait for this, but by the time it arrives in the UK, I think the fire elemental plane will have frozen over, and the air elemental plane blown away!
  14. Nilbog

    Official Adventure Time RPG Uses New 'Yes And' System

    I run PF2E and loosely adopt this approach for the 4 tier of success: Critical failure: No and Failure: No but Success: yes but Critical success: yes and
  15. Nilbog

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    I mean I love the changes, I'm getting extra dragons, but I can still use the old ones? Remakes of new classes, but if I don't like them I can stick with the old one? And these new changes will be online for free, alongside the current rules? Sounds like a winner to me. I mean Paizo could...
  16. Nilbog

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

    I'm excited and curious. Which is good. Paizo has always said that the CRB, Bestiary, APG and GMG are the core 4 books of PF2E, so replacing them with the 4 new books for me isn't a biggie, and will help as my players are reluctant to buy the CRB just for the player stuff, so if they now just...
  17. Nilbog

    Picard Season 3

    I think this part is bang on the money, its why they need Picard's corpse not his positronic body and also they need Jack, that syndrome is defintely key to something
  18. Nilbog

    Games that you haven't run but want to [+]

    I've a campaign I've been brewing for years set in the star wars universe, sadly I've not found a suitable system to use
  19. Nilbog

    WotC Backs Down: Original OGL To Be Left Untouched; Whole 5E Rules Released as Creative Commons

    They killed off Optimus Prime, never getting my trust back. Small step in the right direction though 😉 Until all are one(DnD? I hope not)
  20. Nilbog

    Support the OGL v1.0a; sign this change.org petition

    Oh agreed I don't think it's the most effective method, what you suggest are far better options, but something is better than nothing and it can create a snowball effect, if enough folk sign it might get picked up by more mainstream media than the coverage has garnered so far, the more noise we...