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  1. M

    Pathfinder 1E What sort of Clockwork Dragon would Dwarves design to protect a temple?

    Not sure what CR you are looking for, but here one is on the PFSRD, CR 16. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/clockwork/clockwork-dragon
  2. M

    No full caster, Low Magic, High level fighting Undead... I need help.

    If the entire adventure is to occur in one day I would not worry about getting eternal wands and just go with the regular wands. A spiked chain build with whirl wind and a way to enlarge might be good. Magic Item Compendium had some weapon crystals that might be worth looking into. Extra...
  3. M

    Dwarf Sorcerer Favored Class

    After reading it again I see the hyphen there. I somehow missed it before.
  4. M

    Dwarf Sorcerer Favored Class

    I picked up a copy of the Advanced Races Guide the other day and saw that the Dwarf sorcerer had what I thought was a great favored class bonus with the +1/2 to spell like ability damage. When I started looking for spells for that though it seemed like the selection was rather lacking. I went...
  5. M

    Is the cleric's "Channeling" ability a mistake?

    I was never impressed with Turn Undead unless you took the sun domain or went with the Radiant Servant of Pelor prestige class. It always seemed to be lacking to me. The mechanic for it was always a little iffy too. I don't know if I ever saw it used without the book being opened to figure it...
  6. M

    Help with Cleric Build, share expertise please!

    I have played a cleric of Desna before, I went with the Travel and Liberation domains. If you go with light armor you move at 40, can ignore difficult terrain, and the freedom of movement from liberation is great. With 50 points to spend on stats you can have a 16 in Str, Dex, Con, and Wis...
  7. M

    What will eventually be the classic adventures!

    I would vote for three adventurers. Red Hand of Doom, Rappan Athuk, and RtToEE. Probably in that order, I have played Red Hand twice and DMed it twice.
  8. M

    Summoning Information - a guide to an alternate Eidolon

    You don't have to go Broodmaster to make your Eidolon small, look on page 59 of the APG in the second paragraph under base forms. Not good for damage, but if you are wanting to make a rogue/scout then it works. I hadn't looked at the utility of the Summoner before, but with this post and your...
  9. M

    Assumed PC power level

    There is the monster statistics chart on page 291 of the Beastiary, that is the closest thing that I know of to what you are looking for. You could reverse engineer the chart to get using the average of 10.5 on a D20. Just looking at CR 5 AC 18, High Attack 10, low attack 7, Primary ability DC...
  10. M

    Fighter help for an upcoming campaign

    I haven't played much higher than 10th-11th level(in Pathfinder). I have found Cleave and Great Cleave useful all the way up to those levels, much more so than it was in 3rd/3.5 edition. I have never found that your last attacks are successful enough to hit very often, especially with Power...
  11. M

    Fighter help for an upcoming campaign

    Have you considered Half-Elf? You could put a 14 in str, dex, and con and have 5 points left over to put into int, wis, and cha. You could put your racial adjustment in strength and have Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10. At 4th level drop your point into Int(if I am not mistaken...
  12. M

    I'm thinking of a TPK

    Retreat is extremely difficult in this one. Spoiler: The one thing going for them is the room has a high DC to find, but the trap finding ranger has an insane perception check.
  13. M

    I'm thinking of a TPK

    When I was a player in Rappan Athuk the thing that I had fun with was the threat of your character dying around any bend. I think I will run the Zelkor encounter as written if they happen to go into the room. Maybe they will pay attention to other warnings later in the dungeon, and it will add...
  14. M

    I'm thinking of a TPK

    Just started running Rappan Athuk and there are multiple warnings to not go down the well. The party decided to go down the well first. They have been doing ok clearing out most of the passages and with the random encounters. I was thinking about making it easier on them, but with the warnings...
  15. M

    Templar (Please Critique)

    It looks like you took out the skill bonuses that the Inquisitor gets(monster lore, stern gaze, and track) and the teamwork feats and gave them some monk abilities. The abilities you removed give the Inquisitor some flavor and utility but not a lot of power. The abilities that they are...
  16. M

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Item Creation and Wealth

    I would agree that time should be the biggest deterrent here. Also how many of the item creation feats does he have? He can't create everything at this point I wouldn't think. If he used all of his feats for Item creation then he should be seriously gimped.
  17. M

    Dual Shield Ranger build help

    Also I was wondering about even picking up TWF, if you get Shield Master as a Ranger feat you don't need to meet the pre reqs. Shield master lets you fight with two shields at no penalty. The only reason I can see picking up TWF is to get double slice. From my personal experience ITWF and GTWF...
  18. M

    Dual Shield Ranger build help

    I wonder if this works with Shield Focus? Looking at both of them they look like they would work. Two large +1 shields would give you a +8 to AC. The more I read this thread the more I want to do this, I like to play defense minded characters.
  19. M

    Masterwork Ring/Amulet

    Maybe the society has an enchanter as mentioned by someone else earlier in the thread. He enchants the ring or amulet at 50% book price or 75% book price so you can make it whatever you want. I wouldn't get rid of an item that I can get customized to whatever I want at a reduced cost. IMO it...
  20. M

    Masterwork Ring/Amulet

    As far as I know you can wear as many rings as you want to. If you want 10 rings on each finger go for it, you only get the magic from 2 rings though. As long as it isn't considered a magic ring it doesn't take up a "ring slot".