• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Aaron L

    Religion in Your Campaign – Priests and Congregations

    One thing that I really wish more D&D settings would get right is the portrayal of actual polytheistic cultures, where all of the Gods are acknowledged as real active forces in the world that cannot be realistically denied and are actively worshiped/appeased by just about everyone, and people...
  2. Aaron L

    Religion in Your Campaign – Priests and Congregations

    Absolutely. In fact, the word Hierarchy itself comes from the command structure/organization of a priesthood.
  3. Aaron L

    RPG Evolution: What Color is Your Damage?

    On a related note, have you seen the MPMB automated .PDF character sheet yet? If not, I highly, highly recommend it to absolutely everyone. It allows you to customize the color of each individual attack area on the sheet, and I always color code them to the type of damage the attack causes...
  4. Aaron L

    RPG Evolution: What Color is Your Damage?

    In any campaigns we run, my brother and I will always ask players of new arcane spellcasting PCs what color their Magic Missiles are. We use this as a base for the color of their magical Force effects (Walls of Force, Bigby's Hands, etc.) and the base color of their magical effects in general...
  5. Aaron L

    D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

    Inhuman monsters are not human ethnicites.
  6. Aaron L

    D&D 5E Is Paladine Bahamut? Is Takhisis Tiamat? Fizban's Treasury Might Reveal The Answer!

    Here's an interesting tidbit I just realized while randomly reading through the Artifacts in the 5E DMG; the description of the Orbs of Dragonkind says that Takhisis is Tiamat's name on Krynn. Topic settled, I guess.
  7. Aaron L

    D&D 5E Is Paladine Bahamut? Is Takhisis Tiamat? Fizban's Treasury Might Reveal The Answer!

    Whatever stats were appended to Takhisis for different purposes don't really make much difference regarding her identity. The people at TSR weren't really striving for that kind of internal consistency; they were far more concerned with creating game stats that gave a proper game challenge for...
  8. Aaron L

    D&D 5E Is Paladine Bahamut? Is Takhisis Tiamat? Fizban's Treasury Might Reveal The Answer!

    I'm just caught off guard by the idea that there was ever an attempt to separate them. I never saw any evidence of it. shrug
  9. Aaron L

    D&D 5E Is Paladine Bahamut? Is Takhisis Tiamat? Fizban's Treasury Might Reveal The Answer!

    I can imagine that, but it seems an unnecessary complication. And would imagine that most tables assumed they were the same, just as we did. The Platinum Dragon, champion of Good, father of the Metallic Dragons, and the 5-headed mother of Evil chromatic dragons... now quick, did I just...
  10. Aaron L

    D&D 5E Is Paladine Bahamut? Is Takhisis Tiamat? Fizban's Treasury Might Reveal The Answer!

    The 5-headed chromatic mother of Evil dragons goddess Takhisis was meant to be different from the 5-headed chromatic mother of Evil dragons archdevil Tiamat, both look identical, and it was just a retcon to identify them together? Somehow I really doubt that.
  11. Aaron L

    D&D 5E Is Paladine Bahamut? Is Takhisis Tiamat? Fizban's Treasury Might Reveal The Answer!

    Well, considering that the 2E Tales of the Dragonlance boxed set listed Bah'mut as an alternate name of Paladine, and Tii'Mut of Tiamat, I think it's pretty crystal what the concept was. Trying to forcibly separate them is ridiculous, and I was never aware of such a thing.
  12. Aaron L

    D&D 5E How on earth is this balanced?! Twilight cleric, more in-play evidence

    You mean a great way to grant experienced game designers the leeway they need to craft a game that gives every player a chance to shine and have fun? Yes, yes it is. You are quite welcome.
  13. Aaron L

    D&D 5E How on earth is this balanced?! Twilight cleric, more in-play evidence

    "Balance" is an illusion, especially if you expect the rules to provide it. Balance is created by the Dungeon Master, and it means giving each PC and player a chance to shine in the spotlight to do something cool.
  14. Aaron L

    D&D 5E EN5ider #399 - Three Puzzles of the Feywild

    Can we please give the "Feywild" a new name? Feywild just sounds so cutesy and twee. What happened to just calling it Faerie? Even calling it Faerieland has more of a classic pedigree. Just like "Shadowfell", which, as that old Penny Arcade strip points out, basically just means "The Darkbad"...
  15. Aaron L

    D&D 5E Epic Monsters: Thoth

    Cool stuff! On a tangentially related note, I was just recently re-reading the old 2E Spelljammer splatbook The Complete Starfarer's Handbook so this made me think of one of Thoth's fellow Ancient Egyptian gods, Ptah, and how he had a huge multi-Crystal Sphere following across Wildspace because...
  16. Aaron L

    D&D General Solasta: Crown of the Magister Offers A Hidden Fifth Edition Computer Gem

    I just might have to pick this up before long, but as for now I have been playing BattleTech basically non-stop almost every day since I got it and all the DLC content this past December. Good grief is that game fantastic, a dream come true for anyone who has wanted a good tabletop BattleTech...
  17. Aaron L

    Spectaculars: Easy To Play Superheroes In a Box!

    I very much thank you for the invitation, but unfortunately that is the same time as my weekly D&D game. 😓 I've been playing with these guys since I started back in '92.
  18. Aaron L

    D&D General When Nature Calls, And You Have To Weigh The Risk

    Prestidigitation makes poop go away.