• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. S

    D&D General Less is More: Why You Can't Get What You Want in D&D

    My point is that it's not really a brag at all, at least not to those of us who enjoy a bit of tactics in our games. Assuming a one-hour lunch break, that's 20 minutes per encounter (minus whatever time was spent on exploration and interaction) which feels wholly unsatisfying to me. But then...
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    D&D General Less is More: Why You Can't Get What You Want in D&D

    I am reminded of some mentions the devs did while 5e was in playtest that went something like "We played over our lunch break and managed three fights in that time.", which was presented as a point of pride for them. That should have been a warning signal: that kind of thing doesn't happen with...
  3. S

    D&D 5E Why is There No Warlord Equivalent in 5E?

    At first I was thinking "How can he wonder that when 5e discarded all the good 4e ideas?" but then I started thinking. Does he think that having an optional grid makes for a "tactics module"? Or that Hit Dice are a valid substitute for Healing Surges? If so, he gravely misunderstands what the...
  4. S

    D&D 5E Why is There No Warlord Equivalent in 5E?

    Healing is essential if you want the Warlord to be able to replace a Cleric in the party, and that is a vital part of what it's there for.
  5. S

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    The chances of me intending to type "ducking" are very, very low.
  6. S

    D&D 5E Why is There No Warlord Equivalent in 5E?

    Thing is that passive resources are kinda boring. Compare the Champion to the Battlemaster. The Champion crits more often, which translates into a passive damage boost. The Battlemaster instead has a limited resource they can spend just when it is needed, which gives the player a choice and the...
  7. S

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    The most common way I've seen that handled is via some form of metacurrency. The two games that come to mind are Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dresden Files. In Buffy, a PC can either be Slayer-level or Scooby-level. Slayer-types have way better stats and such, but Scoobies get more drama...
  8. S

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    Not that many when you look at it. These are the main companions from 9 onwards, ignoring "secondary" companions like Mickey Smith: Rose Tyler Jack Harkness Martha Jones Donna Noble Amy Pond Clara Oswald Nardole Bill Potts Yasmin Khan Ryan Sinclair Graham O'Brien Dan Lewis Ruby Sunday Out of...
  9. S

    Exception-Based Design?

    I'd call AD&D (and BECMI) an ad-hoc-based game. There's little to no overarching mechanic: combat works one way, reaction rolls another, thief skills in a third, surprise a fourth, and so on. So there's really nothing to be an exception from. 3e is the first with an overall task resolution...
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    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    Technically, the same farting alien.
  11. S

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    It is rather easy to forget, as it's more of a secondary thing happening in an episode basically rewriting a large chunk of the Doctor Who mythos. It does not exactly get the mavitas it deserves.
  12. S

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    The way I see it is that you need the silly stuff (to an extent) because then the character stuff hits that much harder. That was one of 11's big strengths, that he could do both the childish stuff and then flick the "ancient Time Lord" switch and become absolutely terrifying.
  13. S

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    I mean, they're probably not going to go down in history as the greatest Doctor Who episodes, but I felt they were solid, particularly given that Space Babies had to do all the exposition stuff and Devil's Chord reintroduces the Pantheon and opens up for more of the same (though I do think a...
  14. S

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    Because the Master murdered the rest and turned them into (regenerating) Cybermen.
  15. S

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    I'm not sure if I liked the Devil's Chord. I thought it had a lot of unnecessary violins. Jokes aside, I liked both these episodes. I don't know if I'd want all Doctor Who episodes to be like these, but whimsy is good. If I was running the show, I'd probably do something more scary with the...
  16. S

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    When I had my wisdom teeth removed, local anasthesia was enough, but it felt so weird. Like, I'm feeling the impact in the rest of my body as things crack and such, but nothing where the actual surgery was going on.
  17. S

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    That was very careless of him. Everyone knows you can't leave that kind of thing just laying around. You must burn them to prevent your enemies from using them to perform harmful magic on you.
  18. S

    D&D 5E Why is There No Warlord Equivalent in 5E?

    Thing is, those of us who want Warlords don't want "a pale imitation warlord". We want the real deal. We want a steak, and you're offering us a Baby Bel cheese and saying "Well, it has protein in it, doesn't it?"
  19. S

    D&D 5E Why is There No Warlord Equivalent in 5E?

    Healing Word in 5e is very different from how it was in 4e. In 4e, it would always heal a significant amount of hp (25% plus 1d6 per 5 levels, rounded up), and the main limit was the recipient's HD. In 5e, it heals for a piddly amount and is a leveled spell, meaning it's a daily resource that...
  20. S

    D&D 5E Why I think gold should have less uses in 5e, not more.

    Depends on how expensive they are. While it's not the exact same situation, I am reminded of a quote from the 2e Dark Sun setting. In Dark Sun, metal things are, relatively speaking, 100 times as expensive as in other settings. So it was explained that a sorcerer-king could either get a few...