• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. drowdude

    Check Out DRIZZT DO'URDEN'S 5E Character Sheet!

    Wow... that is... that's... I mean I really don't even care for Drizzt all that much (haven't read one of his novels since... hmmm.... silent blade?), and reading that is just painful. FFS it doesn't even describe how Gwen appears correctly... /sigh
  2. drowdude

    D&D 5E Old Edition "Keepers" (Books)

    Let's see... off the top of my head... Grey-Box FR setting Ruins of Undermountain (2e) Lands of Intrigue boxed set Netheril boxed set Planescape setting boxed set Birthright setting boxed set Ravenloft Campaign Setting (black box) Forgotten Realms Adventures Hardcover Planewalker's Handbook On...
  3. drowdude

    D&D 5E DM Advice: How do you handle a TPK?

    In the past I have had TPKs involving rather large groups (hey, its not my fault the vampire cast mind-fog and the frenzied-berserker failed his will save!); and it invariably meant that it was time for a new campaign. Honestly, it depends on your players and how well you know them. Some folks...
  4. drowdude

    D&D 5E Why should I allow Multiclassing ?

    If you have two (or more) players playing "roguish-types", the real solution is to talk to them and make sure that, other than some core necessities (i.e. perception or stealth), they are mostly doing different shtick with their expertise choices. And it would also be important to determine if...
  5. drowdude

    D&D 5E Skill Check Rolls

    It seems to me that your method is still effectively taking the player out of the equation for the most part. Since you are rolling in secret, the only time they have any sense of having accomplished anything with their roll is if it happens to be a 20. If it is an important...
  6. drowdude

    D&D 5E Why should I allow Multiclassing ?

    So... because your "friend" Ross wouldn't agree to Kender-Apartheid, you were going to walk on his campaign? You guys sound swell.
  7. drowdude

    Pathfinder 1E Plastickrack - Pathfinder Miniatures Edition

    I picked up a case of these as well. Overall, I am pleased with them. The sculpts and paintwork are, for the most part, nice; with a few pieces actually trending towards excellent. My only real gripes are the troll (looks like he is running away from a fight, cartoon style :p) and the ogre...
  8. drowdude

    How do you feel about the future of D&D after the official announcements?

    Eh, I went with neutral.... On one hand I am very interested to see what they come up with. But on the other, I am very doubtful that it will turn out well enough to bother switching to. At best, it will probably provide a few nice ideas to plug into my own hybrid set of house-rules, heh. My...
  9. drowdude

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Online MMORPG Announced

    Certainly interesting. Although, considering they are still looking for investors, I wouldn't get too excited. Even if they do get the game off the ground, its not going to even be close to launching for several years. A bit disappointing that they are avoiding making use of the actual...
  10. drowdude

    Your Favorite TV shows of All time

    hmmm... in some degree of relative order.... Buffy (+ Season 5 of Angel) Supernatural Babylon-5 Farscape Batman-Beyond Justice League The Daily Show Penn & Teller: BS Real Time Tough Crowd Firefly Animaniacs Deadwood Rome Highlander Batman TAS Looney Tunes (not the newer junk) Tom & Jerry...
  11. drowdude

    As a DM, what is your default answer to player requests?

    I tend to make it fairly clear what material gets a "you can use this" stamp out of the gate. Other than that the default answer is generally "I will look at it; but don't get your hopes up". Although it can depend on the players. Some I can more-or-less trust to build to concept rather than...
  12. drowdude

    What do your PCs do with prisoners?

    The few times I can recall the players taking prisoners, it was to extract information. I would say, 80% of the time the prisoner ended up being killed or left for dead afterwards (generally in circumstances where that amounted to being the same as just outright killing them). The other cases...
  13. drowdude

    Why Do You Play Evil Characters?

    ^ this Whenever I make a character, the alignment is usually dictated by the background I end up developing. I may start with an alignment in mind, but many times, organically developing the story pushes it in a different direction. Sometimes I end up with a hero; other times I end up with a...
  14. drowdude

    Why Do You Play Evil Characters?

    Several of the most successful, and long-lived campaigns I have been a part of, both as a DM and a player, have had evil themes. One focused on bringing about the return of Bhaal and Myrkul to the Realms. Another was a solo campaign in which the new chosen of Bane began conquering and...
  15. drowdude

    DMs: What are your character pet peeves?

    I mostly just get annoyed when every character a particular player makes is played in nearly identical fashion (in terms of personality and bias; and even the items their characters use). It tends to get on my nerves after a while. I guess I am a bit old-skool in some regards... but I think...
  16. drowdude

    Ever had a demon/devil/god show up by its name being spoken?

    heh I've always ran with the whole "name spoken three times in short succession draws attention" thing. What can I say, I like Beetlejuice and Lovecraft :) There would be a 1%, 5%, or 10% chance of the being invoked taking some sort of action or more direct interest in what was going on. The...
  17. drowdude

    Now that 4e is out, are you into it or sticking with a prior edition?

    Around the time that 4e was announced, I had grown quite sick of 3.x for a variety of reasons. So I was already looking for something new, so I preordered the books and hoped for the best. However, two sessions later, I can say that 4e is quite simply not the game for me. Its a good game, but...
  18. drowdude

    A new 4e poll please be honest

    This. With an added bit about not sticking with 3.x, and switching to Hackmaster, heh :)
  19. drowdude

    Is 4E still D&D to you?

    It is definitely a nice game, but no. As some have pointed out, it has a good number of the basic D&D trappings, but it doesnt "feel" like D&D to me.
  20. drowdude

    Design & Dev: Monsters (DRAGONS!)

    Yeah, I sort of get the impression that the Xorvintaal dragon template from MMV was inspired by the changes they are making in 4e to some degree.