• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. TheHand

    Level Up (A5E) Maneuvers and Extra Attacks

    So I'm probably about 2 years too late on with this question, but I'll go ahead and ask anyway... In our game, we've noticed that some maneuvers are worded as: "You take the Attack action and make a melee weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks granted by Extra Attack" and others just...
  2. TheHand

    D&D 5E Wildshape with Spell Slots

    So in an upcoming game, one of my players wants to play a Druid inspired by the movie (Honor Among Thieves). I remember seeing some discussion a month or two back where someone proposed using spell slots in place of a class resource in order to Wildshape, and that got me thinking. I think this...
  3. TheHand

    Successful Campaigns! Against all Odds!

    So this thread is inspired by "Failed Campaigns"... but, naturally, the opposite! The idea here is to post about a campaign (or series of games) that you didn't actually think would work out, but somehow, against all odds, it did! Or just a campaign where something unforeseen and amazing...
  4. TheHand

    Level Up (A5E) Finding the Elusive Swordmage

    So my wife's favorite class of any edition was 4th edition's Swordmage, namely with its themes of hopping around the battlefield dragging foes around, and drawing enemies' ire away from companions. Since switching to 5th Ed, there have been some options that get us partway there but end up...
  5. TheHand

    Level Up (A5E) Backgrounds Check

    So I know that officially, if you're mixing race/heritage creation elements of A5E and O5e, you more or less want to do all of 1 or all of the other (at least when it comes to heritages/cultures/backgrounds vs race/backgrounds). However, has anyone tried using an A5E heritage/culture with an...
  6. TheHand

    Level Up (A5E) Character Sheet: Exploration Knacks?

    I have question about the Levelup character sheet design. There's a boxed section dedicated to Exploration Knacks on the second page, but as far as I can see only Rangers get Exploration Knacks. Would it make more sense to just expand the Features section and Rangers could put their knacks...
  7. TheHand

    Level Up (A5E) New to Leveling Up!

    Hello! I recently discovered the A5E Level Up project and I'm excited by what I've seen so far. I have a couple of newbie questions that I couldn't readily find the answers to... hopefully they are not inappropriate to ask here: 1. Has anyone (or are there plans to) make an A5E characters sheet...