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  1. T

    My simple prediction about Gleemax

    God, that's the reason I have to do that? I hate it already.
  2. T

    What's the weakest wizard specialty?

    All IMO of course. Two best schools: Transmutation and Conjuration. These two cover almost everything you'd want to do. Two worst schools: Necromancy and Enchantment. Necromancy is only good for making undead and save or die spells. The first is evil, the second can be done by better schools...
  3. T

    Where do you see the evolution of the D&D game heading?

    Yeah, look at diaglo :P. I don't know where D&D will head, but I'm pretty sure it won't be the direction that U_K so earnestly wanted.
  4. T

    What do your players do with thier dead foes?

    Hmm, I should remember that for the next time I play.
  5. T

    Everything Thieves Guilds Do

    Good old Pratchett right there. Brutally kill any non-guild thieves, and let people pay money to the guild so guild thieves will not rob them.
  6. T

    Urban Class Features (Cityscape web enhancement)

    If the second one is as good as this one, I'll be looking forward to it. Your Streetfighter variant for the Barbarian is awesome by the way, strong enough over the default DR that a Barb gets that I as a character optimizer would be very willing to go Barb 20 over some mish mash of Prcs. Who...
  7. T

    Paladins: Why are they balanced?

    Almost everyone is weaker than CoDzilla.
  8. T

    Is RAISE DEAD (etc.) too readily available in most D&D campaigns?

    In regards to the question, it really depends from campaign to campaign. From the default view though, things are balanced that PCs will die, and that if you are willing to spend the GP, you can bring them back. Resurrection magic is one of the defining points of D&D IMO.
  9. T

    Battle For Gobwin Knob

    Problem is that it seems to be much more plot oriented than OotS, but it only updates twice a week, so you don't see a whole lot of progress in said plot.
  10. T

    Could this be the future format of 4th Edition D&D?

    I have never played the D&D Boardgame, or even heard of it outside of this thread. Could you perhaps give a short summary at what kind of rules changes we're looking at here? That might help people understand why you like it so much. If I need them for a game in the future, then it will be at...
  11. T

    Could this be the future format of 4th Edition D&D?

    This pretty much sums it up for me. I have yet to see a reason for me to go to this proposed system of yours, there's nothing concrete that makes it inherently better than 3.5 (like say combat is more streamlined). Seems to me you're just looking at how WotC should package D&D to get it to a new...
  12. T

    Order of the Stick #407!

    WHAT!? I don't understand how anyone could think she wasn't going to fall. She did a completely evil action, attacking an unarmed old man. While at the same time essentially revoking Law. Hell, if I were DM I wouldn't even let her atone. There is no coming back from something like that.
  13. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Oh spyscribe, why hast thou forsaken us!?
  14. T

    Elves and fluff, which elf do you prefer?

    Other. Dead elves are my favorite elves.
  15. T

    Favorite System that Never Caught On

    Yay, someone else who thinks so!
  16. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Kind of reminded me of Discworld a bit.
  17. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Go Anvil! Kettenek demands JUSTICE.
  18. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    No no no, in the Halmae Justice brings Anvil (to mete out some Justice)!
  19. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Obviously this island will be full of the undead and constructs. The Count only mentioned there weren't any [/b]living[/b] guardians.
  20. T


    Makes a remark on the original topic without realizing it has been resolved and a new, but similar topic is now being discussed.