• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Fragsie

    D&D 5E Epic Monsters: Black Shuck (5E)

    I actually live less than 10 miles from the church you mentioned in the OP, i was surprised to see the local legend here on the boards! looks like a cool and creepy encounter boss :)
  2. Fragsie

    General RPG Discussion Database Error

    I'm having this issue with all forums past http://www.enworld.org/forum/forum.php
  3. Fragsie

    House Rules and You: A survey

    My current game is almost completely homebrew, so too much there to cover as 'house rules'. But we do have some for character creation and some to speed up play sessions: Ability Scores: Roll 4d6 and drop one dice, after 6 ability scores are rolled if 3 or more of them are below 10, you can...
  4. Fragsie

    I've spent the past few months breaking down the Ranger and trying to find some common ground across different fan expectations. Here's what I've got.

    I think you've misunderstood me; I'm not proposing any rule changes, simply an editorial one. Your write up of Favoured Enemy is thus: I'm saying that the text in bold seems a bit clunky, and to players that are not that well versed in 'rulespeak', it may be a little confusing. I feel...
  5. Fragsie

    Homebrew Fighting Styles Thread

    You're right, after posting this and getting on with my day, I kept knocking myself for how OP my suggestion was! I still had my previous editions head on, and was thinking of the Dazed condition, which doesn't exist in 5e. I should have written something like 'may only make a single action or...
  6. Fragsie

    5E Amethyst Psionic Class?

    It's a bit of a work in progress, but I am building a psionic class for my setting based on the sorcerer (which handily uses a points system, and may well have been the inspiration behind the Amethyst classes). The link is here, I'm currently working my way through spells and assigning them to...
  7. Fragsie

    Homebrew Fighting Styles Thread

    How about this?: Sapper - When you hit a creature with a weapon attack and deal bludgeoning damage, you can choose to forgo the weapons damage (any extra damage such as a rogue's sneak attack still applies) and instead the creature is stunned until the end of it's next turn. That's true, but I...
  8. Fragsie

    Homebrew Fighting Styles Thread

    Short answer; you needn't. I'm not looking to lay claim to anything, or expecting anything... As I intimated in the original post, I went in search of a compiled list of fighting styles, and didn't find much, so I thought it would be beneficial for others if I attempted to do such a thing...
  9. Fragsie

    I've spent the past few months breaking down the Ranger and trying to find some common ground across different fan expectations. Here's what I've got.

    This part of Favoured Enemy seems a bit out of place and potentially confusing; I think I get what you're trying to achieve, but as Favoured Enemy in and of itself doesn't let you roll your survivalist dice with attacks, I don't feel that this is where it should be. Rather, features that give...
  10. Fragsie

    Homebrew Fighting Styles Thread

    You're right, I missed the crossover of terminology there, it's in reference to larger fire-arms; like a gatling gun or missile launcher. It's referencing a weapon type (like 'simple weapons' or 'martial weapons') rather than the heavy weapon property, I suppose i need to come up with a new term...
  11. Fragsie

    Modifying Cleric to be more like Wizard

    1Mac has homebrewed just such a thing... Link
  12. Fragsie

    I've spent the past few months breaking down the Ranger and trying to find some common ground across different fan expectations. Here's what I've got.

    A little incongruity I came across; the Spellstrider's Quarry feature refers to itself as a spell a couple of times in the text. I realise this is just a missed bit of editing from when you ported hunter's mark. :) Also, Spellstrider's Focus seems a little lacklustre for an archetype's ultimate...
  13. Fragsie

    Homebrew Fighting Styles Thread

    While working on my own homebrew setting, I have built a list of Fighting Styles. While searching for ideas that other people have come up with, I've fallen a bit short... There must be more out there that I haven't come across, and I expect there are some gems of ideas out there hidden within...
  14. Fragsie

    I've spent the past few months breaking down the Ranger and trying to find some common ground across different fan expectations. Here's what I've got.

    Its funny how we're both used the same reasoning to justify opposite choices. My player's will be levelling up soon and the ranger in the party is going to retcon from the Unearthed Arcana spell-less ranger to your version, we'll play couple of sessions and try it both ways and let you know what...
  15. Fragsie

    I've spent the past few months breaking down the Ranger and trying to find some common ground across different fan expectations. Here's what I've got.

    While reading through your ranger in greater detail, something stuck out to me about your survivalist dice mechanic. It seems odd to me that they 'reset' at the end of your turn rather than at the beginning. Changing it to the latter would open up the option for using your survivalist dice...
  16. Fragsie

    I've spent the past few months breaking down the Ranger and trying to find some common ground across different fan expectations. Here's what I've got.

    I really like the way your ranger is put together. Placing a ranger like class into my sci-fantasy setting; the Explorer has been a struggle due to the PHB ranger assuming magic casting in the base class. Yours is the first no-magic alternative I've seen that feels like a unique class rather...
  17. Fragsie

    Clockwork Warlock Patron anywhere?

    There's a warlock patron in unearthed arcana: modern magic. Your link in the OP doesn't lead to anything ;)
  18. Fragsie

    How to Encourage Melee Combat in a Sci-fi Setting? (5e)

    Oh it is, the setting has been running for about a decade, there is plenty of lore and background. One of the Syran Alliance's castes train with halberds as a long honoured tradition as well has a meditative means of calming their violent natures in public and focusing their senses in battle...
  19. Fragsie

    How to Encourage Melee Combat in a Sci-fi Setting? (5e)

    A very good point, I imagine many places would have gun laws; ships and stations as you suggest, but perhaps even outpost and colonies, definitely a quandary that would come up. This could be done, it would require damage types to be grouped into kinetic (piercing, bludgeoning etc) and energy...
  20. Fragsie

    How to Encourage Melee Combat in a Sci-fi Setting? (5e)

    Wow, so I had a week or so away from the boards, and come back to this thread having loads to read through! Thanks guys :) There is a bit much for me to do individual quotes, but I will try to address all points made. So the setting is a sci-fantasy space opera, there hasn't been a 'dark age...