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  1. R

    News Digest for the Week of April 14, 2023

    "Also coming with the core rulebook is Shite Adventures..." While honesty about your product is always refreshing, that might be going a bit too far... :LOL:
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    D&D 2E Specialty Priests

    There are some clarifications on this in the "Faiths & Avatars" book, which should be noted is an FR-specific book, but references many other source books when it comes to mechanics. A couple of notable snippets: Page 18: "To put it plainly, the terms priest, cleric, specialty priest, and...
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    D20 Stocking Stuffers: Dice Ideas for D&D Monsters

    Thanks for the backstory, that's really quite funny! Since you pointed out the "candles", I can see it, but definitely wouldn't have got there without help... :) Cheers!
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    D20 Stocking Stuffers: Dice Ideas for D&D Monsters

    The link for the red mushroom dice doesn't seem to take you to the source page...? Looking elsewhere, I can find pink mushrooms, purple mushrooms, gray mushrooms, but not the cool red ones pictured. My wife is really into the red mushroom thing though, these would be a cool gift for her! Any...
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    D&D 5E Look at all this Draconic Fizban art!

    As a Guild Wars 2 player, that dragon turtle looks realllly familiar...
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    D&D 5E DM Screen 'Wilderness Kit'

    And the writing was so small that nobody could see it from more than a chair's length away. One of those things that seemed like a good idea but didn't actually work. In our experience at least. It was much easier just to bookmark the price page in the PHB than to try and decipher the screen...
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    D&D General Unique alchemy item?

    Honestly, this is a pretty minor effect, so I wouldn't make things too complicated. The "Light" spell - a cantrip - allows you to make bright light in any color for 1 hour, you can use that as a baseline. This could essentially be a variation on that; call it "Colored Lights", use the same...
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    GameHole Con Hints At An "As Yet Unannounced Setting" for D&D This Year

    Today the D&D YouTube channel posted a LYSK about the "Rule of Threes" - direct nod to Planescape. Fingers crossed. Of course, our group will be wrapping up our Planescape campaign right about then, so, dang. :)
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    Worlds of Design: “Old School” in RPGs and other Games – Part 1 Failure and Story

    Funnily enough, that was a no-win situation, and one that I think many people missed. Spoilers: At the end of the battle, the avatar was trying to gate out. The bard used his last spell slot, a 9-th level, to counterspell the gate. This kept the avatar in the battle, and allowed his team to...
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    WizKids Previews New Mini Sets

    Its actually a pentadrone, the fifth level of modron: (sorry, not sure how to make this picture smaller...)
  12. R

    WizKids Previews New D&D Mini Sets

    Its actually a pentadrone, the fifth level of modron: (sorry, not sure how to make this picture smaller...)
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    Ravnica: Is This The New D&D Setting? [UPDATED & CONFIRMED!]

    I could honestly care less about Ravnica as a setting, it didn't grab me in MtG either. But what I am excited about is the potential of Guild-as-backgrounds mechanics, and if/how they differ from generic backgrounds. If the Ravnica Guilds create some interesting mechanical options, from there...
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    Lost Tales of Myth Drannor on DMsGuild

    Is there anywhere that gives descriptions of the modules? I've heard they're good, but would be interested in synopsis to see if it's useful for our game to pick up...
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    Planescape Converting Planescape to 5E - any tips / suggestions?

    I'm running a 5e Planescape campaign as we speak. A few things I did: - I dropped the whole magic weapons +/- by Plane table. But to emulate the "geographic magic" theme, magic weapons may gain their numerical bonus depending on the plane the characters are on. For instance, at low levels...
  16. R

    Pathfinder 2E So I Played Pathfinder 2nd Edition! Plus UKGE Back To #3!

    See, when I read this, it immediately turned me off as needlessly complex. Perfect example of why I'm glad there's different games for different people's tastes!
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    Building a complete list of AL legal FR gods

    Thanks for typing this all out. On suggestion, if I may - It would really help if you divided this list into the appropriate pantheons; it's just wall of un-ordered text otherwise. Even something simple like: Elven Aerdrie Faenya CG Air, Rain, Fertility, Birth Angharradh CG Wisdom, Growth...
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    Pathfinder 2 Elves & Dwarves; Golarion In Core Rules, Playtest Process, & Ancestry Terminology

    What's wrong with sub-races? Using 5e for an example, Elves have common racial abilities for being elves, but then some different cultural abilities depending on whether they are wild elves, high elves, dark elves, etc. Dwarves have certain things that define them as dwarves, but then some...
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    The Goblin - Pathfinder 2's Newest Ancestry!

    I agree with the first sentence - charisma doesn't equal comeliness. However, I didn't use the word "passion" to define Charisma, perhaps you misunderstood me. Maybe some dictionary definitions will clarify, these popped up in a simple google search: "a special power that some people have...
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    The Goblin - Pathfinder 2's Newest Ancestry!

    Charisma is more correctly equated to "force of personality", a measure of your sense of self. The ability to "fill the room" simply by being there. That might be physical attractiveness, cunning wit, or an overbearing presence. It's the same reason D&D tieflings get Cha boosts - they know who...