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  1. Sacrificial Lamb

    Rebutting a fallacy: why I await 5e (without holding my breath)

    Well, I almost never post, but I'll give my two bits. :cool: For a hypothetical 5e, I'd like to see a more streamlined version of 3e, especially in regards to generating stat blocks for NPCs. That would make my life easier as a DM. I also feel compelled to mention that I don't really know what...
  2. Sacrificial Lamb

    Which edition change changed the game the most?

    4e changed things the most. The changes are so drastic, that I can't use it to run the D&D campaign I created...way back in 1986. 3.5 and earlier had 9 levels of spells, Vancian magic, Clerics that act as healbots, a recognizable planar cosmology that existed back in the 1970's and managed to...
  3. Sacrificial Lamb

    Edition Fatigue

    That won't work. I own all the trained goats.
  4. Sacrificial Lamb

    Obtain Familiar question

    Yes, it is possible. Read the language carefully. I don't know what the intent was, but it's doable.
  5. Sacrificial Lamb

    "You're a half elf? Really?" From the P.A. Podcasts

    Dude, you're frothing at the mouth here. It's not that big of a deal. Let's say I have a half-elven fighter named Bob, raised by humans. Neither he nor his adoptive parents care about his ancestry. He feels no conflict about his mixed heritage. And that's fine. In real life, I have a mixed...
  6. Sacrificial Lamb

    How many folks are still playing/running 3e?

    I'm a player in a 3.x campaign (mostly 3.5). I decided to take a break from DMing, so another player took over my DMing duties. We play on a weekly basis. :)
  7. Sacrificial Lamb

    No 5e threads for now, please

    therpgsite has gained hundreds of new people in a very short period of time, like in the past month or two. It's really weird. And these aren't just bots either, because we have all these new people who are actually posting, so.....something's up. I suspect the change in atmosphere at both...
  8. Sacrificial Lamb

    No 5e threads for now, please

    And I disagree with your disagreement. 4e has, at the very least, split the online gaming community, and in a place like ENWorld, that's what matters the most. The fact that a 5e topic ban exists at all is ample evidence of that. Hell, because the climate for online discourse of D&D has...
  9. Sacrificial Lamb

    How Many Attacks Does An Adult Green Dragon Have?

    Thanks, man. This honestly confused the heck outta me. I can't find anything in the book that clearly explains this. I only sporadically ran 3.0/3.5 over the years, and most of my players' opponents were NPCs with class levels, so this rule just never occurred to me. Much obliged. :)
  10. Sacrificial Lamb

    How Many Attacks Does An Adult Green Dragon Have?

    Hi, guys. My question is......how many attacks does an adult Green Dragon have in 3.5? I know this question might sound silly, but I'm confused. It's listed as having a BAB of +20, which should provide it with four iterative attacks, right? But then the stat block in the Monster Manual lists it...
  11. Sacrificial Lamb

    One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure --on 3pp product "glut" 4e / 3e

    That's true.....but it's not 1999-2000 any more. The public has far more fully embraced the Internet now, with lots of great product reviews and information online, and that makes the multitude of choices we have even greater. I can easily find out what I need to know about an rpg product, and...
  12. Sacrificial Lamb

    One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure --on 3pp product "glut" 4e / 3e

    This is my question as well. We live in the "Internet Age" now. If a product interests me, I research it online first, because I can learn so much more about it that way. It usually prevents me from being burned as a consumer. I rarely "buy blindly" any more...
  13. Sacrificial Lamb

    One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure --on 3pp product "glut" 4e / 3e

    Then I won't buy my products off a shelf. Instead, I'll buy them online, directly from the publisher himself. And frankly, how do you objectively quantify what "crap" is? The answer, my friend....is that you can't. You can only identify what is crap for you.
  14. Sacrificial Lamb

    One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure --on 3pp product "glut" 4e / 3e

    There's no such thing as too much choice. I'd rather be the "discriminating customer" and have access to tons of different products out there, than to have little real product choice at all. If I'm not sure what to buy, then I do my research, and conduct product reviews. Besides, what might be...
  15. Sacrificial Lamb

    Vanilla Essence: 1E Demographics and the Implied Setting

    Actually, I'm sure "normal people" do experience that kind of thing, though not every day. That tavern you mention that acts as a front for the Thieves' Guild? That would likely be classified as a "Prime Inhabited Area", which is considered a special case within the 1e DMG. You wouldn't...
  16. Sacrificial Lamb

    Vanilla Essence: 1E Demographics and the Implied Setting

    I'm sorely tempted to start a separate thread to put an end to the myth (yes, myth) that leveled characters in AD&D are this "rare commodity". They're not. Sepulchrave subscribes to the "1% fallacy". The "1% fallacy" is that in AD&D, only 1% of the population had levels, while the rest of the...
  17. Sacrificial Lamb

    Misconceptions about 3.5...Answers

    That pretty much sums it up.
  18. Sacrificial Lamb

    Misconceptions about 3.5...Answers

    Our group plays 3.5, and we're having a great time. We use the variant classes from PH2, and quite liberally use the retraining rules. They work very well. If I eventually realize a feat choice didn't fit the concept for my character, I change it as I'm leveling up. These are 3.5 rules, and...
  19. Sacrificial Lamb

    Looking For 3.x D&D Game on south shore, MA

    Hi, guys! How goes it? Well, here's my pitch. There are three of us guys that have played in a 3.5/BESM d20 recently, and we're looking for a DM. I've been the DM for many years, but right now, I'm rather burnt out on DMing, so I'd like to be a player again. So basically, we have these three...
  20. Sacrificial Lamb

    Pathfinder 1E Hit Point Inflation and Power Creep in Pathfinder

    I respectfully disagree. Strength is commonly misrepresented as the most important stat when it really isn't. I'm only proposing that Strength provides a one-time bonus to Hit Points, not a level-by-level bonus like Constitution. Granted, Strength has a mild effect on encumbrance, melee damage...