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  1. Bubbalicious

    2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

    I don't think that was it, but I'll smack some sense into him.
  2. Bubbalicious

    2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

    Added. The previous three sessions of Swashbucklers were 3.0/3.5 D&D. D'Shai has threatened to use a different system, but I'm trying to talk him into keeping it D&D.
  3. Bubbalicious

    2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

    You're signed up. Let me know. Great! Swag is good!
  4. Bubbalicious

    Interview with Pramas-chu; or "Green Ronin & DC Interview"

    Does the license limit them to four books? Given the broad scope of The Legion of Superheroes and Dial H For Hero, is there a possibility for supplements, or will the four books pretty much cover the entirety of the DC Universe?
  5. Bubbalicious

    2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

    Well, I did say I was opening sign-ups after May 1, so yeah, sign-ups are open. This does not mean that no more games can be added. If you want to run something, just say something (but do keep in mind that there will be some pickup games on Sunday).
  6. Bubbalicious

    2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

    Morning, or Afternoon?
  7. Bubbalicious

    2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

    I am trying to talk D'Shai into reviving his "Swashbuckling" one-shots!
  8. Bubbalicious

    BSG Saturday Evening

    Color me interested.
  9. Bubbalicious

    Mass Effect Game - Friday 9am - 1pm ONE SPACE LEFT

    All mornings and afternoons are usually safe to schedule games. There is generally some social gathering most nights, but Thursdays and Saturdays have been pretty safe for games in the past. Wednesday Night (the meet-n-greet), Friday Night (The ENnies), and Sunday Night (the Farewell Dinner)...
  10. Bubbalicious

    2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

    Are you actually going to play in something this year? You can't have an excuse for both days! Don't tell me there's a Pokemon release on Memorial Day Weekend!
  11. Bubbalicious

    2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

    After much consulting with the masses, we have decided that going forth, Memorial Day Weekends will be the best time for Ohio Gamedays. This year's edition will be May 29th and 30th. Saturday, the 29th will once again be held at The Bookery in Fairborn, OH, a very good FLGS. We will have...
  12. Bubbalicious

    What's your preference if I run a GenCon game?

    Kind of unnecessary since P-Kitty's in your Mouse Guard game.
  13. Bubbalicious

    [Saturday 10-2] The King's Players, D&D 3.5 - Full - Accepting Alternates

    Eridanis was here first, but if he leans back toward Zacheus, I'd love to play Gyles!
  14. Bubbalicious

    2009 Booth Volunteers Sign-Up

    What the Hell! I'll pitch in! Put me down for the Friday slot with Rodrigo. At least I know him, and he's not a TOTAL bore! ;)
  15. Bubbalicious

    [Thursday 3-7] MIA (Dread) (Full, Accepting Alts)

    Oh HELL YEAH!!! Count me in!!!
  16. Bubbalicious

    2009 Ohio Gameday - May 16, 2009

    That would be any of them. Take your pick. Sounds great.
  17. Bubbalicious

    2009 Ohio Gameday - May 16, 2009

    Actually, I believe one of the spots in Keeper's game belonged to Misstress Pig, who sadly is unable to attend.
  18. Bubbalicious

    2009 Ohio Gameday - May 16, 2009

    I will now open this up for official game sign-up.
  19. Bubbalicious

    2009 Ohio Gameday - May 16, 2009

    D'Shai will run something. I'm going to start working on him today to get him to revive his 3.5 Swashbucklers one-shots.
  20. Bubbalicious

    2009 Ohio Gameday - May 16, 2009

    Is an afternoon slot O.K.? Edit: I guess that would depend on when Keeper is running Sophie, wouldn't it? Of course, it's been full for a month and he still hasn't posted any info on it, like... when it will be!