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  1. R

    epic level spells

    Page 137. There is a spell which fires off a circle of death effect, then reanimates them as undead. I think champions of ruin has a few epic spells as well, one involving undead. Are you sure it summons them out of nowhere, as opposed to animating them from existing corpses?
  2. R

    epic level spells

    Sounds like the 2e supplement "Netheril, Empire of Magic". Only in 2e were wizards capable of casting spells higher than 9th lv, until Mystra's ban. It used to be available as a free download from wotc, but seems to have been purged. Alternatively, might be player's guide to faerun. It has...
  3. R


    I like the idea of sharing the polymorph subschool spells with your familiar. Turning it into a beholder (where it can hide behind and snipe away) or dragon (the 150 temp hp should help some) seems quite cool. :)
  4. R

    PHB3 minotaur death blow

    As a PC, how often do you expect to see your hp dip to zero anyways? For minotaur npcs, they are virtually guaranteed of using said power once/encounter, since you typically have to kill them to advance. But this ability clearly does not translate well as a PC power. Has anyone managed to use...
  5. R


    Faints. $3 for a mini of that size? :confused:
  6. R


    Just how much did the red dragon miniature (what any oxymoron) retail for in the first place? Call me a miser, but I can't envision myself ever shelling out that much for it, especially when it will probably get used once in all my games, if at all.:blush:
  7. R

    The Vampie Class preview

    I don't play 4e, but I think it is a very commendable effort. Hopefully, this paves the way for more exotic monster PC classes. Heck, we may even be seeing options for angels down the road! :D As someone who has always been enamoured with the idea of playing monster PCs but always frustrated...
  8. R

    Dungeon Master’s Keep - $150 GM Screen?

    So this screen caters to the gullible rich? :blush: That seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy. With the hefty price tag, indeed, few people can afford one, much less find it worth the money. Heck, I am betting we can fashion a decent screen out of lego. :D
  9. R

    Dungeon Master’s Keep - $150 GM Screen?

    I am sorry, but how is that lump of plastic worth $150? The equivalent for a child's toy castle would cost what? $10 $20 max? Are you sure the designer didn't accidentally insert an extra zero in there or something? :erm:
  10. R


    For the succubus, I am wondering if it be too strong to just have it advanced fully to 12HD, and remove all the LA? I have always felt that ECL12 was too steep for what is essentially a 1-trick pony (party face+charm monster spam). Though charm monster at-will can be abused to some extent...
  11. R

    Magic Item Compendium

    Some items are nice, but they don't quite seem like "must haves" to me, especially those with charges, which seem a tad limiting. The ironic thing is that MIC seems more of a boon for npcs, because it solves one of their biggest problems - lack of cheap, effective gear. Limited charges is moot...
  12. R

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Would a half-dragon treant still have plant traits?

    Apparently yes. Elite Opponents: Treants In this article, the half-dragon treant is conspicuously missing the plant traits, while in the article below, the author wonders if undead traits would cancel out the plant traits, and decides taht the former would override the latter anyways, so it is...
  13. R

    Time Magic

    If you want to play with the "swift" aspect, nerveskitter snake's swiftness and its mass upgrade
  14. R

    Has the Vancian Magic Thread Burned Down the Forest Yet? (My Bad, People)

    The solution is simple - we should go back to 2e and bring back the netherese arcanist. Basically, they used the spell point system, learnt spells as a wizard, and could cast any spell they knew spontaneously. Now, we get the best of all worlds. No need to differentiate between wizard, sorc...
  15. R

    Time Magic

    Teleport through time
  16. R

    Huge monsters in E6

    Might savage species be of help here? You can use the monster classes to create de-advanced versions of monsters. For example, a frost giant would normally be too tough at cr9, but you can use the tables to create a cr5 version with 8 HD and large size. There should still be enough "frost giant"...
  17. R

    Why Doesn't LA figure into CR?

    Basically, cr and ECL (HD+LA) measure 2 very different things, and so would have no correlation with each other. :)
  18. R

    New Wonder Woman actress finally chosen

    Is this wonder woman going to have her powers and full arsenal of equipment? This sounds more batman than amazon princess. :eek:
  19. R

    Need help calculating Ur-Priest Caster Level

    I would go with B. Throw in practiced spellcaster as well to bump your ur-priest caster lv to 19.
  20. R

    Dragons CR.

    Actually, another party reported that when they managed to hit the green dragon with a wingbind, it ended up being a walkover. They simply surrounded the grounded dragon and beat it into paste, because at medium-size, its melee attack routine absolutely stank. So yeah, only if it can stay in...