• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. M

    D&D General Reassesing Robert E Howards influence on D&D +

    I must be missing something here. Conan would not be modelled as a 1st level character in the stories… higher level AD&D fighters do all of that stuff. What’s the miscommunication?
  2. M

    D&D (2024) What should be ability score cap for standard PCs?

    Oops replied to the wrong post. Meant to reply to the OP. Cheers, Mon
  3. M

    D&D (2024) What should be ability score cap for standard PCs?

    We use 18 too. It neatly contributes to “fixing” the perception of Dex as the Uber stat too, at least wrt AC: light armour max AC 16, medium 17, heavy 18. Pretty sweet. Of course that’s not the only reason, just a side effect… and if Uber Dex isn’t a thing for your table then it doesn’t...
  4. M

    Warlock! Brings The Warhammer Down On The OSR

    Yeah… because it: bills itself as an RPG that “aims to emulate the feeling of old-school British tabletop games Note plural.
  5. M

    Warlock! Brings The Warhammer Down On The OSR

    Except for all of the strong signs of AFF like skill, stamina, and luck being the literal stats of your character… WFRPG dominant to be sure but browsing the preview at DTRPG… AFF looks to be a lot more influential on character creation than DW (Dragon Warriors was my first rpg, about a year...
  6. M

    Warlock! Brings The Warhammer Down On The OSR

    Sounds a bit like Advanced Fighting Fantasy. A great little system from the UK circa late 80’s / Early 90’s. Great range of solo game-books too. Cheers, Mon.
  7. M

    D&D (2024) Martial vs Caster: Removing the "Magical Dependencies" of high level.

    We have had a house rule a bit like this since AD&D. Magical swords can shatter magical barriers/protections and absorb or even reflect magical attacks, in the hands of a high level fighter or thief. Cheers, Mon.
  8. M

    D&D (2024) Martial vs Caster: Removing the "Magical Dependencies" of high level.

    We have a house rule just like this, except it’s called “Volition”. Wishes, artefacts, time travel, true prophesy, and a few other things are “immortal” level magic in our very long running home brew world. No mortal can create them, but mortals can sometimes access them regardless of class or...
  9. M

    RPG Evolution: Don't Play This Class!

    I have fond memories of the Sentinel NPC class being used as hirelings and retainers. One in particular was either a PC or henchman on many adventures; either way he was memorable. A stalwart and sharp eyed sergeant of the city watch - don’t remember the character’s name because everyone just...
  10. M

    D&D General Which Enworlders do you want to game with?

    @Quickleaf , @Lanefan , @Zardnaar , @CleverNickName , @DEFCON 1, @Whizbang Dustyboots , @Snarf Zagyg and a few that don’t come up on the @ list anymore for various reasons: Hong Ooi, Diaglo, Ravencrowlking, and I know Willie Walsh of Dungeon magazine fame used to post here sometimes. And...
  11. M

    Dragonlance Introducing Dragonlance's Iconic - And Upgraded! - Death Knight, Lord Soth!

    I enjoyed all three as a teen, but Death Knights was my favourite. Out of curiosity, where did Dark Queen go wrong in your experience?
  12. M

    D&D 5E How Many Spaces on a Grid Does Cloud of Daggers Effect?

    True, but I don't phrase it as being a violation. Just a case of specific beats general. I tend to be generous with cloud of daggers targetting (choose 1, 2, or 4 spaces), but we play a mix of TOTM and grid so we're a bit more fuzzy than some tables and a bit more precise than others...
  13. M

    D&D 5E Death Knight Legendary Actions & Lair Actions

    This is our homebrew death knight, with some of the meat from the AD&D version from the fiend folio added back in: The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit Lairs and legendary status each add a point of CR, but we don't think the standard DK deserves to be CR 17 by itself, so it's buffed a bit as well...
  14. M

    D&D 5E Ranger re-build as a half warlock

    No specific comments, but interesting takes on Beastmaster and Ranger. I'll probably plunder some of the ideas for my own homebrew and tinkering.
  15. M

    D&D 5E Attack bonus equals Strength AND Dexterity, not Strength OR Dexterity.

    I agree that a "Str & Dex" martial character is generally a bit sub-par compared with a straight-up "Str OR Dex" build - which is a shame because well rounded physical prowess is a bit of a hallmark of many fantasy heroes. However as others have pointed out, a universal rule like the one...
  16. M

    D&D 5E New Statblocks for D&D's Kobolds

    You can already play Two Goblins in a Trenchcoat using this amusing homebrew subclass that was posted on DnDBeyond a few years back. Link: Rogue Subclass: Two Goblins in a Trenchcoat My next character: a Three-Kobolds-in-a-Trenchcoat PC Rogue, with the Two-Goblins-in-a-Trenchcoat subclass...
  17. M

    D&D 5E SELF-HEALING- zero HP divide?

    I would absolutely play in a game with this rule, and enjoy it - as long as I knew about it ahead of time. Sure, it doesn't really jive with modern D&D sensibilities - and doesn't solve whack-a-mole within those sensibilities. However it does look like it might encourage a different style of...
  18. M

    D&D General Looking for the name of a mystery monster

    Sounds to me like the Draeden, which was in the D&D Immortals boxed set back in the day. Link: Draeden - Wikipedia
  19. M

    D&D 5E Suggested nerf to the Shield spell

    Perhaps. However different tables have fun playing in different ways and houserules to support this are fair and appropriate. To my casual reading the approach you’ve advocated doesn’t come across as benevolent or helpful in cases like this one (even if it is intended to be).