• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Baz King

    The King of Dungeons

    The King of Dungeons is my new fantasy RPG that puts the role of the adventuring party front and centre. It went to Kickstarter today and funded in 13 minutes. As I type it’s at 500% of its goal. The King of DungeonsA tabletop RPG about fantastic shenanigans. www.kickstarter.com It’s a...
  2. Baz King

    Media Smart Party Podcast

    Howdy. It’s taken us nearly 70 episodes but we finally got round to our D&D 5e episode. If you wanna hear a Brit take on the old warhorse, point yourself here and enjoy https://smartparty.wordpress.com/2018/03/20/1181/
  3. Baz King

    Recontriving The Ring

    Honestly, sometimes my game design looks like it's not really design at all. It's more a remix of classic ingredients; an RPG compilation album of greatest hits. On a mechanical level, you can see the lineage though on a surface level, you might need to squint a bit. For me, game mechanics are...
  4. Baz King

    Everyone Else is Doing It: Getting Past Yourself And On The Road To Being A Designer

    Being a gamer used to be so simple. Designers designed. Publishers published. Stores stocked and we played. With the advent of cheap technology, those boundaries have blurred. Now I can design games from the comfort of my own armchair. I could even write it on my phone and upload it tonight...
  5. Baz King

    Grand Scheme Publishing

    Hmmm. Works for me... Sorry! Try here: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/5880/Grand-Scheme-Publishing
  6. Baz King

    Grand Scheme Publishing

    Hi, I've just started putting some of my work up on DriveThru. I've been published under other guises in the past, but this is my own thing. Early days yet, but I'd be grateful if you could drop by, check 'em out, and tell me what you think! So far, both on Pay What You Want, a chatty guide to...
  7. Baz King

    4 out of 5 rating for Hoard of the Dragon Queen

    Thanks for highlighting my review. Glad you think it's balanced. I've done the first seven parts of the mod now. Just the last one to go. Summary? It gets better, but the editor was still asleep on the job.
  8. Baz King

    Examples Of Minimum Quality For Published Adventures

    Sorry, it was truncated in the original post... http://rpgtreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/knee-deep.pdf Try this!
  9. Baz King

    Examples Of Minimum Quality For Published Adventures

    I almost exclusively run published adventures. For years I've thought about doing my own, but I always want to write them out in full, with maps, art etc. I get all itchy palmed about the idea of putting something strictly amateur out there. But then I decided to man up. I've just put out an...
  10. Baz King


    I love this game. Been playing it over Hangouts recently and getting great responses. The clever bit about the level 0 pcs is that the funnel system replaces the building game in other d20 games. Instead of picking and choosing, you go with chance and its survival of the fittest. Also, your...
  11. Baz King

    13th Age I wrote a supplement for 13th Age. What do you think?

    I like adventures. I couldn't find many that suited my personal style, so, inspired by 13th Age, I wrote one. It's called "Up to Our Necks in the Knee Deep". It's an adventure supplement for 13th Age. To be honest, I think it's worth checking out no matter what your favourite fantasy game or...
  12. Baz King

    Pathfinder 1E The single best Pathfinder adventure?

    I really like Souls for Smugglers Shiv, the first installment of the Serpents Skull AP. it's self contained and a little jewel of a sandbox. Cross Lost with Isle of Dread and you're about right. I ran it in 4e if that matters.
  13. Baz King

    D&D 4E 4e blogs

    Mines ace. See sig.
  14. Baz King

    What RPG Products Have You Gotten Recently?

    Everything. I'm not pissing about here you know. ;) Heroes of the Feywild was really strong, but the best of recent releases has to be Mordenkainans ME. Useful, and full of flavour. Couldn't ask for more.
  15. Baz King

    Playing Essentials-Only

    Ask the question, what would you be trying to achieve by playing E only? I suggest that the answer to that question is perfectly achievable while still including the whole game.
  16. Baz King

    Heroes of the...

    Heroes of the Underdark. Heroes of the 5 Nations Heroes of Xen'drik Heroes of the Undersea
  17. Baz King

    Dungeon 195 - Bestiary: Flowers in the Darkness

    Thanks for the article mate. I used a couple of these in my game last week, to represent Yellow Musk monsters actually. They worked a treat.
  18. Baz King

    Introducing Eberron to Newcomers

    There's a fantastic book: Adventurers Guide to Eberron (I think?) that you can pick up for next to nothing on eBay. It's very slim and 90% art. On release the pricing was absurd for what was basically a hardbound advert. Now, it's a perfect steal. Slap that down on the table, let your players...
  19. Baz King

    Thank Goodness: Moving away from the Delve format

    My only real experience of Bruce's work has been for 4e. His adventures are... poor. Nightwyrm Fortress? Prince of Undeath? And it wasn't the format that made those modules as bad as they are.
  20. Baz King

    Threats to the Nentir Vale: How will you be using them?

    The question is, how am I not going to work this in! I'm loving this book. The adventures practically write themselves. It's a sandbox in a book, a sand book if you will.