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  1. H

    Ideas on a Tabletop God Game.

    Interesting recommendation. Could you give me a brief idea of what the game is about?
  2. H

    Ideas on a Tabletop God Game.

    Forgive me, I should have been more clear. My thinking was that the players ARE agents of a "higher plane." Think of them as anthropomorphic personifications of higher principles and forces. They are like the Angels and/or Demons bounded to Words from In Nomine, or the Gods who embody specific...
  3. H

    Ideas on a Tabletop God Game.

    Right, that sounds like something in epic poetry like The Iliad. That helps me focus on what I am aiming for. For me, a key idea I was thinking of is what exactly the players are competing over. I really want to avoid the whole trope of God's Need Prayer Badly. I was perusing various texts for...
  4. H

    Ideas on a Tabletop God Game.

    Thanks for the reply. I was trying to re-create a "god game" scenario, a bit like the video game Black & White.
  5. H

    Ideas on a Tabletop God Game.

    I have checked out these various options. Nobilis seems to me to be a bit too rules-lite. I prefer crunch. Amber can be useful. I really liked the book series. In Nomine also looks promising. I really like the idea of characters ascending to be given Words. If I may detach the idea from the...
  6. H

    Ideas on a Tabletop God Game.

    Hello everyone. In games like The Primal Order and New Gods of Mankind and Senzar, there are rules for playing as gods, based on the assumption that the gods are dependent upon worshipers or belief. No worshipers, and the gods die. Essentially, the gods are like the contempory "egregore," an...
  7. H

    Changing Divine classes.

    Right. When it comes to the role of healer, I have always found the "White Mage" class from Final Fantasy to just make more sense internally speaking. If "magic" is just another branch of physics or science, and the "magic-user" is just an applied scientist or engineer, then having someone...
  8. H

    Changing Divine classes.

    Thanks for the references. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5: Factotum. Pathfinder 2nd edition: Thaumaturge. I will have to look them up.
  9. H

    Changing Divine classes.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. I understand the avoidance of classes all together. I am not completely opposed to the idea, as the "class" model is somewhat correspondent to my own understanding of everyday life. People do specialize in particular fields, especially as civilizations...
  10. H

    Changing Divine classes.

    Right, this is a good approach. I have looked at Runequest, and my thinking is that, in Pathfinder or Dungeons & Dragons, "domains" could be the equivalent for "runes". My one caveat is that my putative prestige class "Proxy" would get empirical power from empirical beings. These are the kinds...
  11. H

    Changing Divine classes.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I think you might be right. I would probably collapse the two "devotional" classes into a kind of "Chaplain" class. Then, that class could have various specializations. Some that come to mind: -Apotropaic: Focuses on defense, particularly any attacks on...
  12. H

    Changing Divine classes.

    Hello everyone. I have been somewhat dissatisfied by the way "divine magic" and the divine in general are handled in various TTRPGs, including Dungeons & Dragons. I wanted to allow for the concept of faith and genuine belief, as well as different schools of thought in a world. However, I also...
  13. H

    On the Origin of the Divinities

    I just want to take the time to thank everyone who made a contribution. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you.
  14. H

    On the Origin of the Divinities

    I agree with your very nuanced and informative take on the issue of defining "divinity". In my opinion, I would avoid using the term "deity" or "divinity" in a simple way, or by labelling one entity as a "god". In addition, one option I have been playing away with is to permit the possibility...
  15. H

    On the Origin of the Divinities

    That is actually a very good way of plotting it out. I think it is very useful. Thanks for pointing it out.
  16. H

    On the Origin of the Divinities

    Wow. You have a very detailed cosmogony set up. I think it's very inspirational. If I may say so, I see some similarities appearing here to Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles, and John C. Wright's Chronicles of Chaos, and other works of fiction like Rick Riordan's The Kane Chronicles. Not that...
  17. H

    On the Origin of the Divinities

    From what I gather, the upper planes and its celestial inhabitants, the lower planes and their fiend inhabitants, and the elemental planes with their elemental inhabitants, all pre-existed the material plane. Interesting. Thanks for the insight.
  18. H

    On the Origin of the Divinities

    That is an interesting take on the fantasy genre. Thanks for the reply. Hope it works out well for you.
  19. H

    On the Origin of the Divinities

    Interesting. Just a question. Do you have an idea of where the celestials came from? Are they, like, sentient solar flares or something like that, that evolved in space? Or, have you kept their origin still a mystery?
  20. H

    On the Origin of the Divinities

    That is very poetic. In your world, are the Tree of Life and the Cascade physical locations that Player-Characters can visit? Or, are they more like metaphysical principles?