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  1. S

    D&D (2024) The D&D Cartoon Heroes In The 2024 PHB

    Why has Wizards been so obsessed with this cartoon lately? It's like every other product for the past year or two has been like ALSO THERE'S THE KIDS FROM THE OLD CARTOON LMAO, like get over it.
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    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I mean, if you decide the faceless billion dollar corporation gets to decide artistic intent rather than the artist who drew the damn thing, sure. It's such a modern Wizards move to decide this for a painting they did not pay for (unless you argue they paid for it when they bought DnD, which...
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    D&D General Hasbro Is Looking For Partners For Baldur's Gate 4

    It's always a great sign when you fire the people working with the company making your game and that company talks about how excited they are to not be working with you anymore, and your immediate reaction is "seconds? Seconds, anyone? More money, please?". This is the most comically inept thing...
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    RPG Crowdfunding News – Dagger in the Heart, Sundered Isles, Surviving Strangehollow, and more

    Dagger in the Heart, soon to be followed by Dungeons in the Dragons, Savage in the Worlds, and GU in the RPS.
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    Tomb Raider Licensed RPG Announced by Evil Hat Publishing

    Didn't Crystal Dynamics release a free Tomb Raider TTRPG just about a year ago? I'm not gonna say no to two cakes, but it's really weird that Tomb Raider of all things is going to have two TTRPGs so close to each other.
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    Dragon Reflections #74

    Saved for future reference. Thank you so much for the tip!
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    Dragon Reflections #74

    Hmmm...that Seven Swords article seems like prime reading material for a world-spanning high adventure "collect all the things" campaign trying to assemble all seven!
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    WotC: 'We made a mistake when we said an image not AI'

    AI will continue to be a news bullet so long as companies continue to not just use AI, but continue to lie to their consumers about it being AI in the hopes that we can be tricked.
  9. S

    Steve Jackson Games Announces 2024 Release Schedule

    It's so wild to me that Steve Jackson Games didn't just make a Groo game, but they made a second, improved edition of it. Clearly Groo has fans, because I recall hearing that this was a Kickstarter thing, but I haven't heard hide nor hair about Groo in ages. I only learned about it because...
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    Dragon Reflections #72

    This one is very much my stuff; big fan of that cavalier class, and as a bonus I get a great article on one of my all time favorite classes, the barbarian!
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    Dragon Reflections #71

    Always glad to see another one of these come out. They're a much more efficient and fun way to mine old Dragons for old-school game ideas when I don't have time to sit down and read every single issue!
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    Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for September 3, 2023

    Now, see, THIS one is the killer.
  13. S

    Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for September 3, 2023

    Now, to be quite fair (and more than a little pedantic), something being old doesn't "make" it OSR, it's not like retro gaming where things "become" retro as they get older. OSR is designed to specifically capture the design philosophies of TSR-era DnD that shifted after Wizards acquired the...