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Search results

  1. S

    How big are the biggest cities in your campaign world?

    While I appreciate more thought put into it than, “a wizard did it.” It boggles my mind the vast underground seas teaming with billions of fish, they must be getting their food from somewhere as well, perhaps underground/underwater volcanoes, an entire mountain range of them? And then acres of...
  2. S

    Which came first: the damage or the protection?

    I don't get why both cannot roll at the same time. Saves time. I don't understand why people need to wait to hear how much damage they take before they roll against it. Same thing with attacks and defense rolls... ^2
  3. S

    Single System Monogamy

    I am most definitely not system monogamous. I bounce around a lot. That being said I do try and not bounce around too much for my groups sake. ^2
  4. S

    What is, in your opinion, the single WORST RPG ever made, and why is it so bad?

    To respond to the original question about the worst game and why. I'm going to make a list because it is too hard for me to choose. Of games that I have played (I don't own it, I refused to pay money for it): 1. D&D3.5 - Yeah so the first RPG game I played face to face. (The second one after...
  5. S

    What is Success in the RPG Industry?

    Pensions are extremely dangerous for employers, tying the employer to massive debt for decades to come. The employee also has to hope that their former employer is in the same financial situation in the future and is able to continue making those payments. Matching 401k contributions is the...
  6. S

    How Quickly Do You Bounce Off a System?

    For me it was the first RPG I ever played, D&D3.5. After getting home from that game I immediately started thinking about making my own game, eventually finding that there was a whole universe of game systems that are not d20 based. Another example is Burning Wheel, after hearing great things...
  7. S

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    The store formerly known as Rainy Day Games, now called Guardian Games. I had originally said Beaverton, meant Aloha, it’s hard to tell when one town starts and the other ends. ^2
  8. S

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    Absolutely, your customers also have to have that focus and desire for it to work. I think that ours does have that community support. ^2
  9. S

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    Well I guess I am going to brag. The FLGS in our area, Aloha, OR has 8 total shelving units. Each 3 feet wide, or so. One of these is devoted to D&D. Another to Pathfinder. Another is mostly Free League, I think another is mostly DCC and similar. And there is one that is mostly small...
  10. S

    Valiant Adventures Superhero TTRPG Coming From Green Ronin

    Close, I heard about is a few months back. Supposedly the idea is that this will be more of a 4e beta, or maybe a 3.5. In other words, clean up the system, try out some new ideas, and use this as a launching point for a new edition. So a new edition will follow, probably only if this new game...
  11. S

    MCDM's New Tactical TTRPG Hits $1M Crowdfunding On First Day!

    I’m not going to back this project, it looks like they have plenty of support already. This is also not my cup of tea, it is both D&D derived and high level play, both things that do not interest me. On the other hand, I will be watching this with interest. There is a large amount of rpg...
  12. S

    Which RPGs did you play in 2023?

    We played the following this year: 1. Mutants and Masterminds 3e, a campaign of paranormal investigations for a street level game PL7. We are currently rotating GMs. We are currently looking at Prowlers and Paragons as a replacement for this system as even after 5 years, or so, and almost 40...
  13. S

    Grading the Warhammer (40K, etc) System

    My copy of 1e is still probably by favorite book on my shelf, even though it is water damaged. I think that 2e is only slightly better. It gained some and lost some. ^2
  14. S

    Grading the Warhammer (40K, etc) System

    Well the title of the thread is now more generic. Agreed about the lack of career system in 40K. ^2
  15. S

    Grading the Warhammer (40K, etc) System

    Agreed, the die rolling in particular is annoying in 4e with the SL to calculate and other annoyances. If they were so afraid of the d100 doing d100 things then they should have used a different die or just kept the Wrath and Glory system. I disagree about the careers, I thought these were a...
  16. S

    Grading the Warhammer (40K, etc) System

    I voted “loved it” because WHFRP 2e is one of my favorite systems. 4e sucks though, I was really disappointed with it. I have some of the 1e 40k games but have not convinced anyone else to play. ^2
  17. S

    What are you favorite RPG genres?

    For me it would be: 1. Weird history, I love history and like spicing it up with a twist. Zombies, cultists, weird monsters, ect. All with a backdrop of a significant moment in history. 2. Cyberpunk, including Shadowrun. 3. Mystery, you can add this to any other genre and make it better. 4...
  18. S

    A thought about Social Mechanics

    I once spent some time writing a rpg that had all rolls be saves. I eventually scrapped it because then the GM was making most of the rolls and I felt that would be less fun for the players. Most people like rolling dice. Your thesis is otherwise well considered except for one central...
  19. S

    How do deal with players who don't search?

    The way I see it, players not engaging with a game could fall under the following scenarios: 1. The GM's fault. They are not describing things well. Or they are taking away the PCs ability to affect the setting via GMPs or other similar problems. (I don't think this is the OPs issue, just...
  20. S

    How do deal with players who don't search?

    Humans not being horses I tend to try and give them more of a benefit of the doubt. It doesn't always work out but I have rarely regretted it. ^2