• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A formidable magitek armor fit for a commander. This unit was designed with the MA-X Maniple as a base but equipped with a sturdier cockpit and superior communication functions. Despite these advancements, however, Commander Loqi Tummelt still suffered defeat at the hands of Noctis and company...
  2. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A larger rebuild of the MA Veles, The MA Veles-Bis is outfitted with specialized warheads designed to target often ignored weaknesses amongst non-imperials. This model has seen increased production and deployment in recent months, attributing to its effectiveness. MA Veles-Bis Gargantuan...
  3. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A fortified remodel of the MA Veles. Its comparatively compact size prevents it from generating enough electricity to unleash a shock wave like the MA-X Maniple, so engineers equipped the Hoplomachus with a flamethrower instead. MA Hoplomachus Gargantuan Construct (Magitek), Unaligned Armor...
  4. GreatestHonor

    D&D General Name of the NPCs/Monsters in the Players Handbook/MM? (5E)

    Aw that’s a shame, would’ve been cool if they did that, even if only small one-shot-sequels characters. Appreciate the quick responses!
  5. GreatestHonor

    D&D General Name of the NPCs/Monsters in the Players Handbook/MM? (5E)

    I’ve tried a bit to find an answer to this but have had no luck, so i figured i could ask the many others on this forum. In the players handbook we see art of individuals who represent each class. Do these people have names, lore, or belong to a specific setting? To add to this, is any of the...
  6. GreatestHonor

    D&D General Spell Compendium Apps/Software

    Thanks! I’m aware of that thread, really appreciate @MechaTarrasque putting it together. Access looks similar to what I’m looking for. I’ll see if there are any alternatives i can use.
  7. GreatestHonor

    D&D General Spell Compendium Apps/Software

    Does any one know of any apps or software that you can use to catalog spells or similar Homebrew? Currently I use OneNote to document my Homebrew, but I would like a better offline system for spells. Preferably one that i can search for spells by class, level, school, and more (Similar to...
  8. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A magitek armor developed by imperial engineers, commonly found at bases and on assault crafts. The most versatile of its kind, this unit is equipped with a varied arsenal, including a 37mm autocannon and missile launchers for long-range assaults and powerful claws for close-range combat. MA...
  9. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    While I like the idea of Break Effects, I’ve decided to take @dave2008 ‘s advice and move them to the traits section of the statblocks. None of these creatures has had enough interesting parts to justify clunking up the Statblock. So if a creature has a body part I believe is cool enough to aim...
  10. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A subspecies of jormungand sleeping in the deepest cavern of Costlemark Tower. Although biologically classified as a serpent, the bilröst has evolved in such a way over the millennia that it now bears almost no resemblance to its land-dwelling counterparts. Bilröst WIP Gargantuan Dragon...
  11. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A three-headed daemon feared throughout Niflheim. Although famously ferocious and seemingly impossible to tame, the imperial army nevertheless set out to capture and control the canine. The magitek infantry ultimately succeeded in suppressing Cerberus, but not before the beast wrought death and...
  12. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A daemon said to inhabit a prized portrait in Accordo. It manifests itself as both a gorgeous goddess and a grotesque ghost. The allegedly possessed painting was once on public display, but the exhibition quickly closed due to patrons reporting paranormal phenomena. The chadarnook only assumed...
  13. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A cybersoldier equipped with more formidable armor and shields than standard models. As a result, this unit is more suited for combat than keeping the peace. Designed to take a beating, this cyborg and others of its kind are deployed as cannon fodder against Lucis and the daemons—and few make it...
  14. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A cybersoldier equipped with more formidable armor and shields than standard models. As a result, this unit is more suited for combat than keeping the peace. Designed to take a beating, this cyborg and others of its kind are deployed as cannon fodder against Lucis and the daemons—and few make it...
  15. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    A core combatant in the imperial infantry, created using technology introduced by Chancellor Ardyn Izunia. Mass production began thirty years ago during the great war, and this cyborg became the driving force behind the empire's overwhelming victory. Imperial Rifleman Medium Humanoid, Any...
  16. GreatestHonor

    D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D

    Man, that was a long weekend (joking). The flan have been largely reviewed and redone. Only the Hecteyes remains, but I will leave it as is until I can write a better version of its Eyebeam attack. Otherwise, I am finally moving on to my next batch of creatures, Yay!
  17. GreatestHonor

    D&D General Druid lich?

    I dont know of any official ones but Pointy Hat on YouTube has an ongoing series where they make Liches for each class and release statblocks for free. Here’s the specific video about druid liches,
  18. GreatestHonor

    D&D General What’s your D&D New Year’s Resolution?

    Unfortunately no. It’s a passion project for me, so I dont want to profit from it. Initially, I want to release it as a text only pdf release, but eventually with custom statblock designs and quality images as well. Edit: Just to clarify, it will be a free supplement for whoever wants it.
  19. GreatestHonor

    D&D General What’s your D&D New Year’s Resolution?

    My D&D goals are 1) Continue to document my personal setting, largely finishing 1 or more continents 2) Get some of my Homebrew backlog finished (mostly for personal use) 3) Finish the FFXV for DND bestiary as well as other parts of it 4) Have my current campaign reach level 12 5) Compile my...
  20. GreatestHonor

    D&D General Companion Thread for D&D Survivor: Ferrous Dragons

    Have Catastrophe dragons been done yet? Or maybe Planar?