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  1. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    It is subjective, and I think perhaps being 'informed' is subjective as well. Is knowing the exact AC of an enemy informed? Or is knowing that the enemys AC is "high and hard to hit" enough? I often will let my players roll a relative DC to see if they can gleam information about a monster...
  2. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    I think 'Ifs' are important, are they not? They do not interfere with agency. An easy example. You as a person have agency (I hope but ignore the deeper pondering) You can choose to drive somewhere, work, school, store etc. You can reasonably expect that on the way to that location you have a...
  3. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    That's great! But you seemed to have snipped out a crucial piece of context to my core question. Using your example, at what point was their dealings with a necromancer more akin to a tavern trap, than a dungeon trap? It's a metaphor. Looking at the core principle of cause and effect, player...
  4. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    It sounds like semantics. When a PC chooses to unlock a chest, they have the capacity to establish what is at stake. Their health if it's trapped, their reputation if they're stealing, their potential reward if it has treasure inside. It also seems like you said both things? If not, then who...
  5. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    I think that brings a little light onto the nuance of the issue. Also this is what I'm getting so far. (not specifically addressed to you) ---- Excuse me if I sound like stereo instructions. Player agency doesn't matter (as much) if there are no meaningful consequences to be had by their...
  6. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    In my example earlier I described a deep dark hole, and how there are consequences to jumping into it. The consequences might seem obvious, but not always. Just like any NPCs motivations may seem obvious. If what you say is true, then a player who jumps into a dark hole should be able to...
  7. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    True, if he hadn't tried to stop him, the paladin would have stopped the necromancers (hopefully) and they wouldn't be in the mess they are. He rolls with the punches fairly well though, and was okay with being imprisoned and making a new character after talking about it a bit.
  8. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    Does it not? I have a lot of experience in creative writing(15yr+), and improv, voice acting, and drama, as well as game design and mathmatical balancing/theory crafting. I don't have however much experience in juggling the expectations of four people in a rapid pace and dynamic environment, but...
  9. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    I agree, that's sort of my goal. And not just because it's often fun, but because making intricate stories takes a lot of time. Although I don't think they realize that fully, which is why they thought everything was pre-determined. Even the situation they brought themselves into (the ritual was...
  10. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    Thank you. I don't always create dynamic NPCs, but I try to imagine that not everyone in the world is immediately open and genuine about their intentions in the world. In this case the older brother didn't want to tell the party about the curse/pact because it would sully the name of his noble...
  11. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    I agree, a few times I've had to quickly whip up very shoddy overlay maps to use, because something unexpected came up. They all acknowledge there are just limitations to what I can actually create in a reasonable amount of time. It is, we had talked about it a bit. I'm not sure I get it...
  12. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    Thank you for all the responses! -Keeping them in prison and letting them play out their time in jail, or escaping does seem like an interesting idea. I'll bring it up to them. -The older brother and son being kidnapped instead of dead is a great idea, as only his wife and their maid/guards...
  13. Z

    Dealing with agency and retcon (in semi sandbox)

    (PF E2 although it hardly matters) I've started DMing for a group of 4 close friends. I'm fairly new to it, but most have experience with TTRPG or at least CRPGs. We did a goofy one off dungeon (it lasted a few sessions since we were all learning) to get a general grasp of the game. One...
  14. Z

    Pathfinder 2E Healing issues, and multiclassing in 2e?

    I did yeah, two of them assumed they could do a full multiclass at some point and it didn't really seem like an issue to not have a solid healer at level 1, but it seems that isn't the case. I'm not sure how they're going to work around it without a rogue or other character dedicated into it...
  15. Z

    Pathfinder 2E Healing issues, and multiclassing in 2e?

    Everyone wants the inventor to change. We're all experienced in D&D (and me in 1E) besides the inventor, which is ironic as it is the class all of us understand the least. But he is really enthusiastic about being an inventor, wrote up a backstory, does a voice for the character and everything...
  16. Z

    Pathfinder 2E Healing issues, and multiclassing in 2e?

    Well I'm glad it isn't just me. It's difficult to balance level 1 I suppose, because most adventurers don't have their full tool box yet, but I hope it's something they look at in the expanded rules. I'll see if the rogue wants to dedicate to Blessed one at 2, and perhaps someone else will. The...
  17. Z

    Pathfinder 2E Healing issues, and multiclassing in 2e?

    I'm pretty new to 2E. Having mainly played actual RPG games like pathfinder: kingmaker 1E, and baldur's gate 2.5E, neverwinter nights 3E, etc. I'm DMing for a group of 5 friends. Gnome Wizard Human Paladin Half elf Rogue Elf Ranger Ratfolk Inventor Most people will immediately...