• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Grinton

    D&D General Every core monster ever in D&D

    That's really fascinating. Thanks for sharing; it's very well laid out.
  2. Grinton

    D&D General Return to Perinthos: A Memorial Book Fundraiser in the Memory of Jennell Jaquays on Crowdfundr

    So stoked for this! To be fair though, my entry is the gravity one mentioned so I'm very biased. Based on the work in the jam forum though, the other entries are really top notch!
  3. Grinton

    Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

    Well said. Also worth noting, that based on the post earlier (below), if none of this is about the 1/0s (to abbreviate) then : 1. EGG is much less trust worthy than anyone here previously implied or said; 2. The 1/0s issue is much more important to the people involved than we are appreciating...
  4. Grinton

    What TTRPGs have the best tactical combat rules?

    Easily Lancer, but it is a sci-fi mech based tactical TTRPG rather than the fantasy games mentioned above.
  5. Grinton

    Seeking Rulebooks with Annotations

    I mean, that does I mean, that does sound pretty interesting. Wasn't looking for in depth, just interesting and fun to read.
  6. Grinton

    Seeking Rulebooks with Annotations

    Good day, I have been a big fan of Chris Bissette and their work on itch.io for a while but just recently remembered the annotated version that was done for A Dragon Game. The annotated aspects ended up being even more interesting than the original content. Does anyone know of other RPG books...
  7. Grinton

    Dragonbane by Free League

    I haven't tried the bestiary yet but the box set is very very fun. The major downside is that I don't speak Swedish so the spring material is still limited but the translations are coming and they look impressive.
  8. Grinton

    D&D General Crisis on Infinite Subraces! Suggest a plausible subrace that doesn't exist

    Oh and their mortal enemies the Tenfootpolers.
  9. Grinton

    Suggest some novelty dice stocking stuffers for my kids

    My favorite for the most fun is silicone dice. Horribly impractical, because they bounce everywhere. For more useable, I recommend the liquid core dice or the dice roulette spinner.
  10. Grinton

    D&D General Master List of Benn Riggs' D&D Charts and Graphs

    Now I am so frustrated these weren't in the book. This is the kind of data you could parse through for hours. You are doing gods work my friend, thank you!
  11. Grinton

    Anyone got Into the Wyrd and Wild?

    I love the book as a mapping tool. It's also amazing for just combing through for ideas. However I haven't run a game yet. I tried once but my players got too confused and I wasn't solid on the rest either. Despite not being able to actually play it, it's still a favourite even if just for...
  12. Grinton

    Release Oberon’s Onomasticon: The Origin of Proper Names found in Dungeons & Dragons

    I really enjoyed it. I would love to see you expand it to cover more and maybe a full paperback release.
  13. Grinton

    I'm Ready For A New [BLANK] RPG

    I would love a return of some Diablo source books or new system and some official Starcraft works, though the fan stuff has been pretty great.
  14. Grinton

    Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before By Yourself

    Love the review and it sounds like I'll love the product so thank you. One concern, where's Janeway and where's Pike(either one is good)? Oh, and did you try this with the Lower Decks book? Curious how well they work together.
  15. Grinton

    Review request: has anyone tried Shadows of the Past?

    https://shadowsofthepast.myshopify.com/ I met the author at a recent convention and the premise sounded good but it wasn't in my budget to dive in. Has anyone here given it a go?
  16. Grinton

    Kickstarter Be Like a Cat, my second solo RPG is now on Kickstarter.

    I haven't tried this one yet but for anyone on the fence, Be Like a Crow has been a blast and my daughter(9) is in love with it.
  17. Grinton

    What Licensed RPG Do You Wish Existed But Doesn't?

    Barb The Last Berserker. Not for me directly but my daughter is obsessed with the books and I'd love to play with her.
  18. Grinton

    What Licensed RPG Do You Wish Existed But Doesn't?

    There's also a new French RPG recently out for New Sun. The lore, maps, and art are great but the dice mechanics are a bit much (trying to be Wolfe complicated but more just too much rather than deep).
  19. Grinton

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Hah! I have that on my GM bucket hat. Also only for game days.