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  1. Tutara

    WFRP4e - Estimating Travel Distances, Time, and Cost

    I tend to treat the various maps as fallible documents from within the setting rather than definitive and correct. That way, I have some wiggle room for working out time. This is backed up in game as well - Delberz having notably moved nearly every edition and the cartographer responsible...
  2. Tutara

    Are TTRPGs Even a "Good" Hobby?

    You are not your hobby.
  3. Tutara

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    WFRP 4E continues to be one of my favourite systems, and I am always pleased to see it crop up in a thread. I find it a little odd when it gets called crunchy - particularly in relation to D&D 5E, which we tried to play again after a six month break and found utterly baffling in its complexity...
  4. Tutara

    Spoilers Sugar (Apple TV+)

    Read a sniffy review in the Guardian that hinted at a twist, but did so in such an oblique fashion I assumed it was a pretty standard one (particularly considering the genre I thought it was and not knowing the genre it also was). Around the halfway mark, I blurted out "Wait! Is he [the twist]?"...
  5. Tutara

    D&D General Reasons a haunted fallen technomage tower is still intact?

    A fail safe causes tiny technomagical servitors to swarm out from the tower and break down any potential building materials within an appropriate radius. This radius also serves as a way of hooking the players into the realisation something is going on here - local farmers find their sheds...
  6. Tutara

    Dagger in the Heart: A Campaign Book for Heart: The City Beneath

    I am stoked for this. Heart is one of my favourite settings and systems, and the art is absolutely stunning. The concept seems to hit all the beats that I and my players loved - the haunted railway of the Vermissian, the wilful madness of those trying to exploit the Heart for their own ends - so...
  7. Tutara

    Blades in the Dark Advice Please?

    I find those little +1d and +effect boosts add more narratively than first glance suggests, although I agree they are less glamorous. The equivalent of a free push every time without stress isn't to be sneezed at, particularly when you can regular push as well, and even more so when you've...
  8. Tutara

    Peregrine's Nest: Candela Obscura Review

    Apologies, it looked like you were continuing the ongoing conversation about the setting in the posts prior to yours. I agree that the onus is moved to the GM - or rather, the game assumes a more 'traditional' setup than BitD where it explicitly lays out who gets the final call for each part of...
  9. Tutara

    Peregrine's Nest: Candela Obscura Review

    I feel this is slightly uncharitable - the setting can be removed with little trouble and in doing so player agency is restored. In fact I would say it is relatively irrelevant, and the weakest part of an otherwise pretty solid product, in marked contrast to Blades. Mercer not running the system...
  10. Tutara

    Blades in the Dark Advice Please?

    For more defined powers and roles, particularly in a (grim and gritty) fantasy setting, I believe Band of Blades (https://evilhat.com/product/band-of-blades/) is quite a good shout. I will admit I browsed the rules and decided not to bother because it's a bit more defined than I like for this...
  11. Tutara

    Grading the Warhammer (40K, etc) System

    I am a tiny bit piqued - not in a massive way, not in a 'this is a crime against humanity' way - but in a 'I really like a number of the Warhammer systems, and to see them distilled down to "Warhammer" is a bit of an injustice when they are so different' way. I'll live, but I feel it does a...
  12. Tutara

    Grading the Warhammer (40K, etc) System

    I think you need to break this down into separate systems, because that is what they are rather than a single ‘Warhammer system’. It’s a bit like saying ‘How do you feel about the Cthulhu system?’ and then lumping Call of Cthulhu, Trail of Cthulhu, Achtung Cthulhu and so on all together...
  13. Tutara

    How hard is learning a new TTRPG system?

    No harder than learning a new board game or video game or any other pastime. I’m a slave to novelty though, so I actually enjoy trying new stuff and so do the people I play with, so it’s not a massive imposition.
  14. Tutara

    Candela Obscura Core Book Available Nov 14

    I got my copy yesterday, and am so far glad I ordered it. It’s a pretty book, about twice the size (not page count) of Blades in the Dark but still pretty compact. I was a bit wary of the system initially, but I think it does enough to differentiate itself from Blades and has some nifty ideas...
  15. Tutara

    D&D General D&D tries to be a little of everything, and that's its secret strength (and weakness)

    I don't think D&D does try to be a little bit of everything. It's good at some things, it's awful at other things, but it is only ever D&D. I think it is more that because it is the 800 pound gorilla of the RPG scene, people try to crowbar everything into it. It's commercially viable. It's...
  16. Tutara

    How Should RPG Books Be Organized - on your shelf?

    I organise by weight to prevent my shelves from collapsing.
  17. Tutara

    Soviet Reversal or how the reward should be different from the challenge

    But what if I like my role? I agree that providing greater breadth of ability rather than just ‘here’s a bigger number’ is a good shout, but making me do something I hate (platform jumping, for example) to get something I want (a nifty new sword) isn’t necessarily going to broaden my horizons-...
  18. Tutara

    D&D General Nolzur creates inclusive miniatures, people can't handle it.

    I assume you don’t realise the significance, but please don’t link to sectarian chants. I don’t want to run into that browsing an RPG forum.
  19. Tutara

    D&D (2024) Half Race Appreciation Society: Half Elf most popular race choice in BG3

    I rather think the idea that repelling murderous invaders (an incursion is an invasion, right?) automatically means you are 'Good' highlights the silliness of alignment.
  20. Tutara

    What Game Systems Do You Have?

    On my shelf: Blades in the Dark: One of my absolute favourites, a great sysytem. Cypher 2e: I want to like it more than I do - some good ideas that don't quite pay off in play. Conan 2D20: This is on my 'to play' list. Not sure how well it will work on the table, but Dune 2D20 is apparently...