• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. S

    ZEITGEIST Adventure 5 Canal Route and Attending the Banquet

    The book I have says that if they capture Kell, he and Harkover can hook them up with a working wand to finalize the ritual, so if they do that, they won't have the issue of coming back after a few minutes. As for "allowing" them to do a scouting mission. I don't think it will work. Once there...
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    ZEITGEIST Adventure 5 Canal Route and Attending the Banquet

    Hello All, I'm preparing to run Adventure 5 of Zeitgeist for my group, after a long delay since running adventure 4. One thing that I'm concerned about is I expect my party will be likely to defeat Kell and recover what they need to traverse the canal route into the bleak gate. But I also...
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    ZEITGEIST Squirmonkey's Zeitgeist Campaign

    I'm back! We're approaching the end of Adventure Two, and I've got some time, so I thought I'd write about how Adventure 2 has gone for us so far! Party starts with a very thorough investigation of the Danoran Consulate, and comes away with lots of leads and Raven interrogates the body, where...
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    ZEITGEIST Squirmonkey's Zeitgeist Campaign

    XD I didn't look into any of that, and assumed they wouldn't have made a warship naughty word enough to go down to one hole.
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    ZEITGEIST Squirmonkey's Zeitgeist Campaign

    Okay, Adventure One. This one went mostly how you'd expect, but we got to know a lot of the characters better. Here's some highlights: We defused the docker situation before getting on the boat without much trouble. My players didn't seem to resonate much with this skill challenge, so I'm...
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    ZEITGEIST Squirmonkey's Zeitgeist Campaign

    Hello all! I heard you enjoy hearing tales from Zeitgeist campaigns, so I thought I'd share mine. We're nearing the end of Adventure 2 now, so I'll just give a summary of what's happened up to this point, and any particularly fun moments we had on our way. First, let's get to know the team...
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    ZEITGEIST Magic Items in 5e Conversion

    Hey! I am about 10 sessions into my campaign at this point, and here's how I've decided to handle this. The problems, as I saw them are 1) There's the whole requisition / handing over evidence thing 2) They give the PCs absolute buckets of gold and nothing to spend on. For 1) I keep a...
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    ZEITGEIST Nevard's Visions

    Ooooh the triple-goddess thing with Kasvarina is very cool. I'm not sure I like the Leone Quital connection enough to use it. It implies too much of a connection between him and which Kasvarina makes it through Adventure 8. Though I suppose in one sense the PCs are the train, and they crush...
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    ZEITGEIST Nevard's Visions

    Well, that's interesting. I think I actually like that difference though. It's subtle (my players will probably notice it), and gives a little bit more metaphor to this one. Perhaps it means she's bound by two sets of chains, one being the literal chains, and one being her upcoming struggles...
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    ZEITGEIST Nevard's Visions

    I'm running Zeitgeist, and we're about to start adventure 2. My players are going to go nuts when I share Nevard's visions with them after the attack at dawn square. They were really into the prophesies from adventure 6 of WotBS. I'd like to make the payoff for these as rewarding as possible, so...
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    ZEITGEIST [Spoilers] Warlocks and Fey Titans

    Ah, I like the idea for advenure 5. I'd forgotten about his relationship with the Radical Eschatologists. I think I wont have him ask about Heid in Adventure 4, I want to make sure my players know that Heid isn't in on that perversion of his ideology, and if I hint a relationship between VoR...
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    ZEITGEIST [Spoilers] Warlocks and Fey Titans

    Hello again everyone! I'm planning to start Zeitgeist soon, and one of my players is playing a 5e Hexblade Warlock. As those of you familiar with the subclass will know, the lore for it is... shaky. It's pretty underwhelming and also tied to some concepts that aren't really present in...
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    ZEITGEIST [Spoilers!] Questions from a first read

    There's at least two sets of icons on Axis island, one in the ritual, and one in the mines. I don't love the idea of having Stanfield's ritual be special... it feels weirdly shoehorned in to give the PCs something to stop. If my players want to knock over a light house, they can, and then be...
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    ZEITGEIST [Spoilers!] Questions from a first read

    Thanks for the responses! I'll address them in the same order: Yeah, I get that there's two sets of icons. But what I'm wondering is, what's the point of the second set, if you only need one to conduct the ritual. I think the answer I'll probably go with is that the icons below the Axis Seal...
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    ZEITGEIST [Spoilers!] Questions from a first read

    Hi all, I've just finished my first readthrough of Zeitgeist, and it's awesome. I'm excited for my group to start playing it in a few weeks. However, my first read has left me with a few unresolved questions, especially surrounding some of the planar mechanics. I wonder if anyone here has...
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    ZEITGEIST Flint inspired by Rio?

    My group is preparing to play Zeitgeist, and upon seeing the map in the players guide, one of my players sent me this fairly compelling comparison.
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    ZEITGEIST Magic Items in 5e Conversion

    Hi all! After a long and very successful game of WotBS, my group is looking now to do Zeitgeist. For WotBS I converted to 5E by hand, since that's what my players were familiar with, but for this one I'm figuring we'll use the official conversion. I've read through the players guide, and I'm...