• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    How Do You Like Your Super Hero TTRPG Games/Campaigns?

    I like my crunch light, my streets dark and dirty, and my supers ground-level and low-powered. The Netflix Daredevil/Jessica Jones/Luke Cage/Iron First/Defenders series hit my sweet spot. I don't care about galaxy-spanning threats from beyond the Xth Dimension, give me drug-dealers and people...
  2. D

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    WW2 commandos rescue French chemists
  3. D

    TTRPGs with simultaneous instead of turn-based combat

    Advanced Fighting Fantasy (and indeed Fighting Fantasy) does. Both sides roll, add their Skill, and whoever gets the highest strikes the other.
  4. D

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    "Accidentally" spilling water on vampire.
  5. D

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Adventurers encounter goblins. Goblins exterminated.
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    D&D 5E Running a campaign for experienced players using the 5th ed. Basic Rules

    It's no more limited than if I'd offered to run a game of Red Box Basic, and in fact allows more options. And yes, I've discussed it with them, and they like the idea.
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    D&D 5E Running a campaign for experienced players using the 5th ed. Basic Rules

    My players aren't too optimisation-oriented, so I'm not too concerned about that.
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    D&D 5E Running a campaign for experienced players using the 5th ed. Basic Rules

    I've been pondering this for a while, and I've decided I want to try really stripping everything back, and running a campaign for my players (all experienced 5th ed. players) using only the free Basic Rules. They're the complete 5th ed. rules, but with restricted character options, designed as...
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    Take World War II To Your RPG Night With War Stories

    I've always though Operation Jedburgh would make a great concept for an RPG. A small team of specialists dropped behind enemy lines to link up with the resistance and conduct guerrilla attacks and sabotage missions to prepare the ground for D-day. The SOE used female agents too, who had to go...
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    Armor as Damage Reduction

    Barbarians of Lemuria (and it's generic version, Everywhen) has armour as damage reduction. Shields add to your defence (i.e. reduce your chance of being hit), and armour reduces the damage you take when you are hit. Armour also has options for static damage reduction, or rolling to see how...
  11. D

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Alemanni invade. Romans escape east.
  12. D

    Which VTT do you use?

    I just use Google Meet or Facebook Messenger, and screenshare maps and tokens in PowerPoint.
  13. D

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Attempted kidnap thwarted by stabbing
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    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Rescuing noble from Sardinian bandits.
  15. D

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Game cancelled: I had Covid...
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    Commentary thread for that “Describe your game in five words” thread.

    In my on-going sandbox Necromunda game, the PCs' House Escher gangers went exploring the domes around their holestead. They encountered outlaws and a Delaque hermit (although all they saw of him was his booby traps and the red dot of his laser sight), before almost getting eaten alive by a...
  17. D

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Eschers nearly eaten by ripperjacks.
  18. D

    Best universal rpg system?

    There is in fact a generic version of BoL called Everywhen. It's my favourite generic system, although I don't know how well it would handle, say, high-powered super heroes. I've used it to run fantasy, space opera, wild west, Dark Heresy-style 40k, historical (Roman Empire), swashbuckling and...
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    How many fantasy worlds are there anyways? Post one.

    194 Lemuria. Setting for Thongor of Lemuria (and the inspiration for the setting of Barbarians of Lemuria).
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    Commentary thread for that “Describe your game in five words” thread.

    I'm running a Necromunda game using Everywhen. It's a sandbox game where the PCs are the founding members of a new gang (they chose to be House Escher). They've just taken over a homestead out in the wastes as their hideout, and they spent a chunk of last game scavenging through the area looking...