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  1. TheAlkaizer

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    I really like the Old World as a setting. And I think I'd like a system like WHRP. But I promised myself I'd lower my spending on roleplaying games and the sheer amount of books released for WHRP 4th edition is not something I want to hesitate on.
  2. TheAlkaizer

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Coriolis, Knights of Dust and Neon, The Lost Bay, and more

    I was incredibly excited for Cairn 2E, but the shipping cost to Canada are mind-blowing compared to the price of the products themselves (which are quite affordable). I think I'll wait to see it pop on Amazon, my FLGS or in a Canada-friendly webstore.
  3. TheAlkaizer

    Why do many people prefer roll-high to roll-under?

    Personally, I'm fine with either. But my players are always taken aback the first time I tell them their goal is to roll as low as possible. Their character is getting better, some of the numbers on their sheet are going up, but their still rolling the same die hoping to get as low as possible...
  4. TheAlkaizer

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I got tired of 5E about three years ago and dove into dozen of other games. My interest was, and is still gone. Nothing against the game, it's just not the game that's going to hold my attention long-term.
  5. TheAlkaizer

    Is TTRPGing an "Expensive Hobby"

    Even if you add the dozens of RPG books that I bought (and didn't play many) and divide it by the number of hours of entertainment I had over the years, it's still a very cheap hobby. The good news is that there's many games that are free or very cheap, dices can be bought used. Someone with 20$...
  6. TheAlkaizer

    ZWEIHÄNDER Reforged: Talking With Daniel D. Fox (World of Game Design)

    Are you holding it against him to make an effort to close a website that was distributing the work of others illegally?
  7. TheAlkaizer

    What is Success in the RPG Industry?

    Working in games I had that discussion many times before a game hit the market. "What is success for this product?" The only real answer is that it depends. Some creators will seek to work full time on tabletop products. In that case, breaking even, being able to give themselves a salary, have...
  8. TheAlkaizer

    D&D General When did Kickstarters become a bad deal

    I've never had an issue with any campaigns that I have backed over the years. But I don't tend to back projects from creators that I know nothing about. It's like purchase, if you don't know the product or the people behind it, you're risking it.
  9. TheAlkaizer

    How long are your gaming sessions?

    Three to four hours is also the range that's most common for me. It's hard for me to GM with focus and intensity for more. If it fits between lunch and dinner, or dinner and have-to-go-home time then it's a good length for me.
  10. TheAlkaizer

    Mythic Bastionlands Into the Odd, Mythic Knightly rpg.

    I agree. I scrolled through the list of pledge tiers on the right, and being so conditioned by other Kickstarters, I was expecting to have to decipher twelve different tiers with different options. But no; you either want the PDF, or you want the PDF and the print book.
  11. TheAlkaizer

    Mythic Bastionlands Into the Odd, Mythic Knightly rpg.

    Yes! I own both Into the Odd and Electric Bastionlands. Both books are gorgeous. I never owned the original Into the Odd, but the Remastered version with the orange spine is a beautiful small book.
  12. TheAlkaizer

    Mythic Bastionlands Into the Odd, Mythic Knightly rpg.

    Chris McDowall makes some incredible RPG products, and I couldn't be more hyped for Mythic Bastionlands. Also... just look at that beauty of a cover.
  13. TheAlkaizer

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Deathmatch Island, The Molt, Hellslayers, and more

    Deathmatch Island. Now that's how you do a tabletop RPG hype video. I've been repeating for a few years how bad the TTRPG industry is at showcasing their products and hyping people about them.
  14. TheAlkaizer

    RPG Print News – Cubicle 7, Steamforged, and More

    Is it me or Cubicle 7 are incredibly productive with Warhammer Fantasy? Whenever I see a new book on the table of my FLGS there seems to be another one being Crowdfunded.
  15. TheAlkaizer

    D&D 5E "OK, I try Skill A. Now Skill B. Well, in that case, how about Skill C?"

    As others have mentioned, asking players to clarify what they want to achieve will drastically reduce this problem. I also would bring it a health dose of "Let it Ride", a rule from Burning Wheel (also present in other games, but named in BW!). It goes as follow: "A player shall test once...
  16. TheAlkaizer

    Moria Campaign Module Coming for TOR2e and LotR 5e

    I've managed to hold back and not buy TOR 2E multiple times (being reasonable). But it's really hard. I'm not too interested to play in a so established settings as Middle-Earth, but holy hell are Free League in a class of their own when it comes to books, layout and art quality. And I'm also...
  17. TheAlkaizer

    Moria Campaign Module Coming for TOR2e and LotR 5e

    I have some issues with stretch goals sometimes, but it's really context dependent. I really like when projects increase the quality of the product when reaching certain stretch goals: adding foil to the cover, adding a ribbon, improving the quality of the paper, including a small print of some...
  18. TheAlkaizer

    Mythic Bastionlands from Chris McDowall is coming to Kickstarter in November

    I'm a big fan of Chris' work. I've also been following the development of this game for a few months. I wonder if anyone else had a healthy amount of play with either Into the Odds and Electric Bastionlands are are excited for it. Into the Odds had such a big impact on the indie scene of...
  19. TheAlkaizer

    D&D 4E D&D 4E fans: what do you like about 4E?

    I'm a big fan of 4E. But I won't pile on, most of the things that I like about it were already mentioned. However, I always homebrewed and didn't touch the official settings. Why is Nentir Vale getting so much love? Isn't it really small?
  20. TheAlkaizer

    Million Dollar TTRPG Kickstarter Club

    I agree. The amount of money crowdfunded is not the measure that interest me the most. Backers are. There's so many Kickstarters that have their numbers bloated by stuff like minis and other accessories that are not necessarily tied to the system/game/setting. You could argue that the backer...