• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. C

    D&D 5E Sword Coast Adventures v Xanathar's Guide

    I find I am becoming quite attached to the art and prose of the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. I will often flip a few pages and find a another image that causes me to consider it a long while. I think it would be most useful to a DM in that world and very specific region desiring to know more...
  2. C

    D&D 5E A Paladin's Tale (campaign backstory WiP)

    Here is a thing - In the mornings each day the paladin in waiting would carry water for the village in which training was done. It was a good opportunity to practice deep lunges under load, and helped the host village with an otherwise onerous chore. On completing this task one day, a tap and a...
  3. C

    D&D 5E Blog of Holding Takes on Treasure Distribution and 1 XP/1 GP

    If my numbers are right the coin portion of a tier one hoard from the DMG has an average weight of around 322 pounds @ 1/10 lb each. Personal encumbrance issues aside, I think it potentially great fun to give a 1st level party say, 10 000 silver trove and let them explain their plan to move 1...
  4. C

    D&D 5E Computational Deconstruction: "Lost Mine of Phandelver" *** spoilers ***

    I've added a new mode to the program which "flays" a table by visiting every top level table entry one or more times. This mode is intended to evaluate all table elements in a concise format (there is also a long format mode not shown). What follows is the program output of mt01.py for all of...
  5. C

    Worlds of Design: Always Tell Me the Odds

    It is in my thoughts that often seemingly independent events are often the opposite. I have noticed that in the world of dubious undertakings, if it is well begun the odds of success seem to go up substantially. The only example I can think of is someone attempting to jump a canyon on a...
  6. C

    D&D 5E New Interactive DPR Visualization Tool

    Nice work! I don't see the modeling engine in the js, is there a back end and if so what language did you choose to use? I'm curious about such things. It looks quite useful. A caster version would be just as interesting.
  7. C

    D&D 5E Computational Deconstruction: "Lost Mine of Phandelver" *** spoilers ***

    My XGE based suggested party level (SPL) calculations have been off - I wasn't taking into account how solo mob CRs are handled. This was interesting to implement because I wanted to do a direct lookup, and after a try or two I came up with (python code) - solo_cr_to_lvl_map = {...
  8. C

    Worlds of Design: Always Tell Me the Odds

    In most games, if there is a chandelier object, there are specific rules and appropriate math as needed, all covered by the rulebook. They are bounded environments. RPGs are something very different, open ended, by involving things and situations that cannot be anticipated with any...
  9. C

    What will it take for you to go back to F2F gaming?

    Yeah, after Hotenow blew you couldn't find a PoH at any price in Waterdeep for over a year. It turns out over the span of decades it was much cheaper to mass produce these potions way out in Thay with slave labor and pocket the difference. But when the disaster demand surge hit the market of...
  10. C

    Worlds of Design: Always Tell Me the Odds

    There is more nuance here than perhaps I had first thought - I will reconsider. Thank you.
  11. C

    Worlds of Design: Always Tell Me the Odds

    Sure - I'm in a thread discussing the appropriateness of teaching and/or requiring a working knowledge of probability to play reasonably well, as a wargame. What I am suggesting is that it is the body of players at the table together that decide what the ground rules are for the RPG. Most games...
  12. C

    Worlds of Design: Always Tell Me the Odds

    What I find magical is how you got from what I said to where you went. :sneaky:
  13. C

    D&D 5E Computational Deconstruction: "Lost Mine of Phandelver" *** spoilers ***

    and the core encounter table. ItemTable part_1_core { [ 1 goblin(Yeemick, .cr. 1/4, disloyal), 5 goblins(den, .cr. 1/4), dwarf(prisoner, Sildar Hallwinter) ], [ 1 bugbear(Klarg, .cr. 1), 1 wolf(.cr. 1/4), 2 goblins(.cr. 1/4) ] } with averaged SPLs of...
  14. C

    D&D 5E Computational Deconstruction: "Lost Mine of Phandelver" *** spoilers ***

    Today I'd like to talk about about part I. I've divided the encounters into two tables, shell and core. Shell encounters are those of medium/hard (DMG) or standard (XGE). They act as a sort of moat in this model that the players must traverse to get to the core encounters. ItemTable...
  15. C

    D&D 5E Looking for inspiration for D&D data projects

    This probably has already occurred to you, but consider adding the idea of targeted vs. area (and any other damage modalities - is touch still a thing?) in the base layer, and that way you use the same code to ask different kinds of questions later, more easily.
  16. C

    Worlds of Design: Always Tell Me the Odds

    I think the math matters if the table decides it does. This is because D&D can be played in many, not necessarily disjoint ways, such as (wargame, story, TotM, ...).
  17. C

    Labyrinth (movie) In 2020

    I have one of the blu-ray discs, and sometimes I watch that. I relish the extra time it takes to put in and load. I then put up with the bad UI, because, you see, the player is air gapped and the internet does not know. I then take in one of the best adventure muppet movies ever made, knowing...
  18. C

    D&D 5E Looking for inspiration for D&D data projects

    Given that the problem space is gigantic, perhaps give us more criteria? What makes a data set interesting? A natural next step might be damage per second extended to other classes against different targets. Of course, this has probably been exhaustively done elsewhere, which might or might not...
  19. C

    D&D 5E DM Advice needed Re Waterdeep

    If the players aren't interested in the Undermountain - have the mountain take an interest in them. :devilish: Their rescue has caught the eye of a malevolent power that sends some minions to tag the players magically somehow (which they have the opportunity to thwart or detect)...