• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    D&D General Crisis on Infinite Subraces! Suggest a plausible subrace that doesn't exist

    There should absolutely be Tabaxi Subraces based on things like cheetah, snow leopard, tiger, etc.
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    D&D General Forest Based Campaign: resources and tips

    I really like the idea of letting the forest native PCs ignore certain forms if difficult terrain. There's lots if way they could use this to get tactical advantages plus it's got great flavor to it.
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    D&D General Forest Based Campaign: resources and tips

    My players have come to me with the idea of running a campaign entirely within a vast enchanted forest. The main hub will be an elven tree city like unto Lothlorien. They will be Forest Defenders combating a invading Empire that wants to exploit their resources. Are there any good resources out...
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    Where do we stand on Harry Potter?

    If you can't handle criticism of something, especially something as obviously objectionable as the works of Rowling, then you shouldn't discuss it in a public forum.
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    Where do we stand on Harry Potter?

    To be clear, there is absolutely not a folktale tradition of Goblins being a legally and culturally oppressed group of second class citizens that nonetheless control the world banking system. It's blatant antisemitism and nothing else. I think discussing these things I'd important if for no...
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    Single-nation Fantasy settings?

    Specifically on this setting the entire world is covered by a single high magic metropolis. There are urban forests and subterranean oceans and such, but it's all one city ruled over by various magical guilds. The guilds take the place of nations, and they have territories, rivals, alliances...
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    Older Settings that Deserve a Another Chance

    The Underground RPG was very openly intended to be satirical political commentary. It's the main focus of the setting. As such having a Chuck D day as a national holiday commemorating the assassination of Public Enemy by an out of control cop very effectively communicates the mood and themes of...
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    D&D (2024) Should Forgotten Realms remain the default setting?

    Forgotten Realms is generic enough that it can be easily adapted to a homebrew campaign world but has an absurdly large critical mass of setting details lurking beneath that generic looking surface. It more closely matches the Fantasy Superhero Team style of current d&d than the more gritty and...
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    D&D (2024) RIP, 2014 PHB backgrounds

    I'm the lone person who didn't like the "RP focused" background abilities. I felt like they actually detracted from or negated otherwise interesting role-playing opportunities. If you're a sailor you could certainly try to use that background as justification that you could find allies or...
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    D&D 5E Challenge: Invent a PHB Class List with 6 Classes

    Scout, stealthy, skill oriented Striker, damage dealer Tank, damage soak Controller, utility caster Blaster, magic artillery Support, heals and buffs
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    D&D 5E Why do you like single or multi classing

    I actively dislike multiclass in 5e. I was initially going to ban it in my current campaign but one of my players wanted it so bad. It's often used by people who focus more on character build than character concept. People who view building a character aa akin to building a deck in magic the...
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    Worlds of Design: The Rules of Magic

    I initially thought of Mage the Ascension as the premier example of a soft magic system, along with ars magica. A clever player can get away with all kinds of weird things and abusive exploits, but those games don't have to worry about magic stealing the spotlight because literally everyone is...
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    D&D General What is the appeal of Tolkien fantasy races?

    This makes sense to me. Tolkien has already done the work for you. If I play a human I still have to answer a bunch of questions about what kind of human. Similarly dragon-folk, demon-folk, animal people and the like hit certain broad archetypes but still require the player to do some creative...
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    D&D General What is the appeal of Tolkien fantasy races?

    This thread sure has been a wild ride. The answer that that the appeal of elves and dwarves is a nostalgic desire to recreate the lord of the rings, is in retrospect so obvious as to make me wonder why I ever asked the question, yet so many of these comments are baffling counterintuitive. It...
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    D&D 5E Changing up my Princes of the Apocalypse campaign

    Hey, thanks. I don't see any obvious connection between a werebear and water. Other than a swim speed they should be mechanically identical.
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    D&D General What is the appeal of Tolkien fantasy races?

    I didn't realize. Thanks. While this is indeed a playful copypasta of that other post it's also my genuine opinions on the issue.
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    D&D General What is the appeal of Tolkien fantasy races?

    I'll admit I'm a new school D&D player/DM. I've never discounted a player idea in osr or 5e, but I still wonder. Dwarves, elves, halflings... and so on. Why do people chose these races? To me, elves and dwarves are just humans with some tokrm magic element. Turtle people, and cat people and...
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    D&D 5E How to run a cooking contest in iD&D

    I want one of my PCs to challenge a powerful, nigh unkillable, fairy lord to a cooking contest to save their town. How can I make this mechanically interesting and fun? Bonus points if we can involve the rest of the party as well.
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    D&D 5E Changing up my Princes of the Apocalypse campaign

    I'm running a much modifed 5e update of Village of Hommlet now and will soon be transitioning into PotA. It's got some neat stuff but the Four Prophets and their cults aren't well defined. Once you get past the Haunted Forts section they're all pretty much mustache twirling villains who are evil...
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    D&D General Yan C Bin is the worst name in D&D

    It's worse than Blibdoolpoolp which is at least hilariously weird. Yan C Bin featured in a previous campaign and we called him Yancy the entire time and joked that the C probably stood for something embarrassing like Clarence or Clementine. I wonder if there's an interesting history behind this...