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  1. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General Top 5 Best Non-WotC adventures?

    Any edition but easily convertible? Not counting TSR's? Not counting Age of Worms and Savage Tide? In no particular order: Rappan Athuk Reign of Winter Caverns of Thracia Eyes of the Stone Thief The Night Wolf Inn
  2. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General My Journey with D&D

    When I was in primary school, before any exposure to official rpgs, I invented and played an rpg together with my brother. We called it "Charlemagne". One of us was Charlemagne and had to conquer all of Europe. The other was the DM. GAMEBOOKS PLUS "THE DARK EYE": My cousin gifted me a Lone...
  3. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General Barrowmaze, Stonehell, Arden Vul, Rappan Athuk and other Megadungeons

    Personally, I think that megadungeons can easily become boring. The writers have to invent something special to keep things exciting. Of all the dungeons mentioned by the original poster, I only DMed Rappan Athuk 3.0 and it was great. It is very deadly, full of dirty tricks, and non-linear. I...
  4. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    I left with 4e and 5e made me return. I didn't even read the 4e rules. I was angry with Wotc because in 2008 the 3.x rules were still young and thriving. Paizo was in charge of the two magazines, Dragon and Dungeon, and was producing the best material ever, in particular Age of Worms and Savage...
  5. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General What is your favorite Token/Miniature in DnD?

    Balagos, Ancient Red Dragon The centerpiece of my collection. The symbolic pinnacle of my Paladin's enemies.
  6. Enrico Poli1

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Why Greyhawk? Because of nostalgia. And tradition. Personally, my favourite settings are others, but I slightly prefer Greyhawk to the Forgotten Realms.
  7. Enrico Poli1

    D&D 5E What are the highlights of D&D 5th edition for you?

    5e was so good that I was drawn back to the hobby, played a lot, and became a collector. All in all, it's in my opinion the best edition of D&D. However, a lot of issues emerged with time. I think that the 10/10 products are few: the original Starter Set with Lost Mines of Phandelver; the three...
  8. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General Could you recommend - third party - long adventures (or adventure paths) for D&D or Pathfinder?

    I like Frog god games' products. In particular I am currently running a mega campaign with Crucible of Freya (starting adventure)+ Tomb of Abysthor (good megadungeon), Rappan Athuk (one of the best megadungeons), and the frame for the campaign is provided by Sword of Air (fantastic hexcrawl/open...
  9. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General So those of us who know later editions yet still play AD&D 2 - what are its draws?

    I started with BECMI, went to 2e, then played with all subsequent editions except 4e. What 2e does better then 3e and 5e? Psionics. Also, Settings; for example, when I want to play Dark Sun I use 2e. Play is faster. Art also is generally better. What 2e does better then 1e? Psionics. THAC0...
  10. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General Tier Rankings of the main D&D Campaign Adventures

    S: Curse of Strahd, Tomb of Annihilation, Lost Mines of Phandelver A: Descent into Avernus, Rime of the Frostmaiden, The Light Beyond the Wytchlight B: Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Tales of the Yawning Portal, Dragon Heist, Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Storm King's Thunder C: Out of the Abyss, Tyranny of...
  11. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General Does Earth (or at least a fantasy version of it) have a crystal sphere and exist in the D&D Cosmology?

    Baba Yaga visited Earth; in her Hut there are Soviet Tanks and other things. In Pathfinder 1 Adventure path Reign of Winter, about Baba Yaga, you have sounder proof that Earth exists. Besides, if I remember correctly, there is a Becmi Immortal adventure in which you can visit New York. The...
  12. Enrico Poli1

    Pathfinder 1E Are there compelling reasons to upgrade to PF1 from 3.0?

    - D&D3.0 has a more old school, sword&sorcery vibe, D&D 3.5 and P1 are more high fantasy. Plus, they trimmed some abusable spells and item. P1 characters are generally a bit stronger. Also, P1 is a bit more complex. - Your preference can be different about the classes (for example I reslly...
  13. Enrico Poli1

    D&D 1E Best 1e AD&D artist?

    Elmore. Caldwell just behind. Then Easley.
  14. Enrico Poli1

    D&D 2E Definitive Darksun

    Besides the DS Boxed Set, the essentials for me are Dragon Kings; The Will & The Way; Earth, Air, Fire & Water; Dune Trader; Monstrous Compendium DS Appendix. I also love Valley of Dust & Fire. The only good adventures are Dragon's Crown and Merchant House of Amketch.
  15. Enrico Poli1

    D&D 3E/3.5 3E/3.5 collecting

    For 3.5: Eberron Campaign Setting Splatbooks: I really love Tome of Battle aka Book of 9 Swords. Fiendish Codex I & II, MM3, Draconimicon are quality products. The "Complete" series is good. Adventures: from Dungeon magazine, Age of Worms and Savage Tide - I consider these adventure paths the...
  16. Enrico Poli1

    D&D 3E/3.5 3E/3.5 collecting

    For 3.0 (no 3.5): Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting is excellent I personally like splatbooks such as the Book of Vile Darkness, Deities and Demigods, and Epic Level Handbook, but some don't like them I also suggest Crucible of Freya, Tomb of Abysthor and the first version (in three booklets)...
  17. Enrico Poli1

    D&D 5E No One Plays High Level?

    Actually, I love high level play, and I can say that 5e is easier then all previous editions at high level. My favourite campaigns ever are Age of Worms and Savage Tide (D&D3.5), both ending at Lvl 21-23. Or you could try Rappan Athuk, Sword of Air or City of Brass, all from Frog god Games...
  18. Enrico Poli1

    D&D General How Do You "Roll Up" Ability Scores?

    I like very high stats! When I DM 5e/3.0/3.5/Pathfinder, I give the PCs 18, 14, 14, 10, 10, 10 to arrange as they like. When I DM BECMI/AD&D1e/2e, I use this method: roll 3d6 and change the lowest die to 6, six times, then arrange as desired. When I DM Dark Sun in AD&D2e, I use the last...