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  1. Igor Mendonça

    Charity crowdfunding - The Biggest Brazilian RPG Publisher is underwater

    Karen Soarele, one of the main developers of Tormenta, just released some videos of the disaster: "Video 1: Recorded on May 9, two blocks from the Jambô office, I was on top of the viaduct. The water mirror shown in the previous video has DISAPPEARED. We're hoping the water doesn't reach our...
  2. Igor Mendonça

    Charity crowdfunding - The Biggest Brazilian RPG Publisher is underwater

    Fortunately, the death toll isn't alarming as in other natural disasters occuring throughout thw world, but in terms of economic, health, housing, etc things are extremely dire.
  3. Igor Mendonça

    Charity crowdfunding - The Biggest Brazilian RPG Publisher is underwater

    Dear TTRPG players, I'm not sure if you've heard about the massive flood that has devastated Brazil, specifically the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). To provide some context, here is an English article from the BBC: Brazil floods: Hundreds of Rio Grande do Sul towns under water. I also bring...
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  6. Igor Mendonça

    D&D General D&D No Longer In Portugese

    That's a shame, really. Unlike the other countries mentioned, in Brazil there are few people who are educated to read English. I have this privilege, but my friends from my hometown don't: without RPG in Portuguese I wouldn't have learned to play, because my friends wouldn't have introduced...
  7. Igor Mendonça

    D&D 5E Is Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Based on the 80s D&D Cartoon?

    It was continually broadcasted in Brazil from 1986-2014! I myself was a kid in the 90's, and have grown watching it. I started playing RPG on 1998, and didn't know its relationship with the cartoon until years after it. hahha
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  9. Igor Mendonça

    D&D 5E Is Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Based on the 80s D&D Cartoon?

    This cartoon is VERY popular here in Brazil. It is part of the nostalgic feeling of those who were children both in the 80s and 90s. Kind of top 5 (with He-man and Thundercats being obviously the top ones). You can talk to almost any person, even "no-nerds" with these ages, and they will...
  10. Igor Mendonça

    Personal content wiki

    Thank you so much. Indeed I didn't know where to post.
  11. Igor Mendonça

    Personal content wiki

    Hi there! I have collected a large amout od DM's guild and 3PP content, that I would like to concentrate into a single personal wiki. Pretty much like d20PFSRD. Problems are: I want it to be private, or at least not catalogued in seacrh devices. It's for personal use, and if I open it to the...
  12. Igor Mendonça

    Kalymba, Tormenta and regional gaming going international

    I understand. But what do you think would be the reaction of the public in general?
  13. Igor Mendonça

    Kalymba, Tormenta and regional gaming going international

    The English version of Kalymba RPG is about to fail its Kickstarter campaign. If you can still support it, please do!! A short description follows below. What do you guys think about bringing to English other International games? The biggest Brazilian RPG is Tormenta. In early 2000's, they...
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  16. Igor Mendonça

    Kickstarter [Kickstater] Kalymba: African-inspired tabletop RPG

    Good winds bring you to this thread! Link to the Kickstater projet page: http://bit.ly/Kalymba-RPG As I mentioned some weeks ago, a Brazilian publisher is converting to english a Portuguese TTRPG focused on African inspired mythology. Although it does not intend to faithfully portray...
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