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  1. J

    RPG Print News – Free League Publishing, Cubicle 7, and More

    Indeed, reminds me a bit of the classic Call of Cthulhu scenario "Grace Under Pressure."
  2. J

    GMing with Joy: GM Tools That Can Last a Lifetime

    Good article. I think a super important and underappreciated GM skill is spotlight management. That means allocating time to all the players of course. But it starts with the GM not hogging all the spotlight for themselves. One thing I see too often among GMs, including myself on an off day...
  3. J

    GMing with Joy: Long Term Gamemastering

    Great article! In a perfect world, you need the following ingredients: a motivated GM, a GM with ideas, a GM with energy, motivated players, players who contribute to everyone's fun at the table (including the GM) and sync well with each other and the game. But the world ain't perfect, so we...
  4. J

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Moria, Tombpunk, TTRPG Conventions, and more

    Small publisher here, our DriveThruRPG business has been a bit sluggish these past couple of weeks, so you may be onto something.
  5. J

    Forbidden Lands Book of Beasts: A Played It Review

    I'm a fan of monster books that reimagine with what a monster book can contain. This one sounds like it provides a lot of gameable content that doesn't just tell you about the monster, it shows you how to use it in your game.
  6. J

    Black Sword Hack: An Interview with Kobayashi

    As a fan of the source material, I have to say this looks great. Unlike many sword and sorcery inspired games, it understands that the characters and their antics are more important than the setting. So yes, the PCs should be more competent than typical first-levels, and no I don't need hundreds...
  7. J

    D&D General Check Out This D&D Documentary Courtesy of TIME Studios

    It's clearly aimed at people who aren't already into D&D or RPGs. But if I was a newcomer, I'd be curious about how RPGs actually work, and the video never demystifies that (basic stuff like what are the dice for, what are the participants supposed to do...?). After watching that, I'd probably...
  8. J

    Interview with JM about the Elemental RPG and Its Continual Free Support

    For anyone curious about Elemental: It's the Deal of the Day today on DriveThru.
  9. J

    Zeck's Shoppe of Riches: An Interview With Philip Reed

    100%. In the case of one recent title (D100 City Hooks maybe?), he ran a stretch goal experiment that involved adding more pages to a product each time it achieved a new medal ranking on DriveThruRPG. I thought that was brilliant (wish I'd thought of it!), and in fact it inspired us to do...
  10. J

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Secrets of the Greenwold, NEUROCITY, Vagabond, and more

    Me too, and I'd take it even further and say it would be cool to have adventures that have everything you need including the rules, so you'd literally only need one book to play.
  11. J

    Warhammer Fantasy: The Imperial Zoo Review

    Thanks Tim, I'm not familiar with your examples so I'll check them out. As I was reading your post I thought of another one: the 13th Age bestiaries. But it should be standard practice, really. Here's another idea: a short read-aloud paragraph to describe the monster to your players. Adventures...
  12. J

    Warhammer Fantasy: The Imperial Zoo Review

    Thanks for the review. When done well, the flash fiction (as you call it) can make for a fun read and maybe get the GM excited to run the monster. But it would be better to also list a few adventure hooks for each monster to help me figure out how to include it in my game. Actually I can’t...
  13. J

    Let’s Get This Party Quick-Started

    Welcome, @Chappy Thoughts and thanks for the rundown. I think a good starter set not only teaches people the game, it "sells" the complete version. One way we did this in our quickstart was to provide an index of all the skills, spells and monsters in the core book, to give people an idea of...
  14. J

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Sands of Doom, Black Sword Hack, Epic Levels, and more

    I agree, that is a fantastic idea, kudos to Phil. I'm taking notes!
  15. J

    Best GMing Advice you've ever gotten

    For me it was "prep situations, not plots".
  16. J

    Adventure Writing Basics: Part 1

    Great topic. A couple of other suggestions: 1. Playtest your adventure. 2. Be really clear on whether you are writing the adventure to be read like a novel, or to be played. If it is to be played, then your priority is to give the GM enough information to run it (no more!), and to make it easy...
  17. J

    Elemental Horror Campaigns: An Interview with JM

    I enjoyed the interview! Just a quick note to add that DriveThru is offering the new edition of Fear Can't Hurt You for free today as one of their daily "treats": https://www.drivethrurpg.com/featured.php?promotion_id=DTRPG_Treats_2022
  18. J

    RPG Print News – Heward’s Handy Haversack, Modiphius, and More

    I'm a sucker for swords & sorcery and those Conan books look nice... Congrats for hitting one hundred. Here's to the next hundred! :cool:
  19. J

    Death in Space: Interview with Plogfors and Niblaeus

    Another recent game that presents the setting not with lore but with tables. Honestly, I like this trend because it leaves room for people to bring their own ideas and supports the GM and players without asking them to study up on a lot of "canon".
  20. J

    RPG Evolution: Reaching Your Audience

    This is a really important topic, because the reality is that no matter how good your product is, it won't sell itself given the constant deluge of new releases competing for people's attention. I don't claim to know the best solution, but two things that have really helped us: First, having...