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Search results

  1. L

    Searching for a glimpsed martial art RPG

    I'm searching for a recent or soon to be RPG. It is its own system. I think I saw it announced in one of the forum threads here (the crowdfunding one, perhaps ?). Its subject matter is generational martial arts in a modern urban environment. That is you play a martial artist who's the daughter...
  2. L

    Mana, Shamans, and the Cultural Misappropriation behind Fantasy Terms

    I'm not making absolute statements. I'm making reasonable statements. Is it your position that because tradition has good and bad instances, we should never follow tradition ? I'm preaching for following good traditions, if what those traditions are bringing to our life are to our liking and...
  3. L

    Mana, Shamans, and the Cultural Misappropriation behind Fantasy Terms

    You'll not be able to convince me that the exchange between cultures has had such horrid consequences as deadly diseases, invasions and slavery. In other words, "like mankind has done since the dawn of time" is to be understood in the context as "various cultures have contributed to each other...
  4. L

    Mana, Shamans, and the Cultural Misappropriation behind Fantasy Terms

    Culture belongs to none. Only post 20th century capitalism-drenched people may believe otherwise. I'm a cultural integrator. I will use bits and portions of other cultures as I see fit, and make them my own. You know, like mankind has done since the dawn of time.
  5. L

    Mana, Shamans, and the Cultural Misappropriation behind Fantasy Terms

    I am for everyone to use whatever terms they deem necessary in their fantasy. Misappropriation is a feature not a bug : ideas, meaning and cultures evolve that way.
  6. L

    D&D General Two underlying truths: D&D heritage and inclusivity

    Regarding the original inquiry, 1) No. D&D should evolve organically, and players don't need to concern themselves with its heritage. Either D&D will stand the test of time, or it will not. If it crumbles, something else could take its place --> OSR. Regarding inclusivity, D&D was inclusive in...
  7. L

    D&D 1E Like in old (imagined) times

    Good advice, Hriston. I'm curious about Holmes D&D now, never having read it. Was it very popular in its time ?
  8. L

    D&D 1E Like in old (imagined) times

    I forgot about Temple of the Frog ! Thanks for the reminder.
  9. L

    D&D Releases by year - complete list (almost)

    Oops ! The link I supplied was misleading (it leads to dead pages). Sorry about that. This one should do better.
  10. L

    D&D 1E Like in old (imagined) times

    Although I began playing (in truth refereeing ) D&D about 1981, with the Basic Moldvay set and The Keep on the Borderlands, I recently fancied myself with going even more back in time, by mastering G1 Steading of the Hill Giant Chief to some hapless victims... I mean, players ! Am I right in...
  11. L

    D&D Releases by year - complete list (almost)

    Thanks for this amazing feat of necromancy, Darjr ! I find it very insightful to have a D&D products list by year for the historically-minded RPG gamer. You'll find a list of Echohawk's amazing D&D guides here (don't be mislead by the "Mystara" title of the thread and check in the 6th paragraph...
  12. L

    Consent in Gaming - Free Guidebook

    RPGs aren’t sex nor BDSM, and it’s unhealthy to pretend they are, so I don’t have any use for this supplement. I’ve played for 30+ years and I’ve never had any need for such cumbersome procedures around my games as detailed throughout this supplement. Furthermore, I’m not inclined to play with...
  13. L

    Knock Knock !

    Since there are many RPG citizens around this forum in love with Justice (their own brand of it, anyway), I thought i'd post this nugget : Enjoy (I know I did) ! https://youtu.be/HMThCmRezFw?t=3440
  14. L

    Chinese Government Burns Cthulhu RPG Print Run

    I'm confused... I thought censorship of ideas we don't agree with was good on this site ? Does the Chinese government not have a right to protect its culture and its people from cultural appropriation by bald white men ? Man, this marxist fairness doctrine is hard on my brain :-p !
  15. L

    Check Out Wayne Reynolds' Pathfinder Bestiary 2 Artwork!

    Same old, same old. Ugly, amateurish and over-rated. Luckily, I'm not very much interested in Pathfinder 2. (In case anyone wondered, I'm not trolling. This is just my honest and unapologetic appraisal).
  16. L

    Do orcs in gaming display parallels to colonialist propaganda?

    "Do orcs in gaming display parallels to colonialist propaganda ?" No. A good question would be "What is colonialist propaganda ?". The answer is : What is found in a majority of 19th century (the great era of colonization) newspapers re: Africa and the Middle East and Far East, and in the...
  17. L

    Worlds of Design: What's Your Style?

    RPGs is not chess, nor boardgames. I find this Classical and Romantic types totally unconvincing : I don't play RPGs to "win" or to "lose".
  18. L

    News Digest: White Wolf Dissolved, MORE New D&D Releases Announced, RPG Now Closing (kinda), and mor

    Calling me conspirationist and paranoid does not make you less of a censor. Mod Edit: This is a privately owned online establishment. Morrus' rules apply. His rules include the fact that some topics are tightly controlled. These rules are well known. By posting, each person agrees to...
  19. L

    News Digest: White Wolf Dissolved, MORE New D&D Releases Announced, RPG Now Closing (kinda), and mor

    A weel reasoned and nuanced post. Thank you for that. I will add that, in my opinion, the controversy surrounding this issue is due for the most part to the ongoing power grab of the post-modernist faction currently scouring the USA, aided by some well-meaning but deluded bystanders...