• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. BlivetWidget

    D&D General A LA CARTE Errata

    I think I see what you’re saying. That the cube, line, and cone areas of effect allow you to effectively shift their “templates” back one grid space to overlap the caster if you choose. So for thunderwave, you can cast it straight up but shifted down one grid space to include the caster and all...
  2. BlivetWidget

    D&D General A LA CARTE Errata

    The caster of a spell with a cubic area of effect may of course exclude themselves from the effect. It’s in the 5e definition of a cubic area (see also cone and line). Do you think you hit yourself with lightning bolt every time you cast it? It has a range of self, but crucially, it’s a line...
  3. BlivetWidget

    D&D General A LA CARTE Errata

    Nothing you quoted at me disagreed with anything I said; did you read my bullet points or just quote me for fun? I never claimed you could somehow set the origin at the center of the cube. I said that placing the origin at your feet and excluding yourself from the effect, thereby using the...
  4. BlivetWidget

    D&D General A LA CARTE Errata

    I guess I don't see the issue being presented here wrt Thunderwave, either by the OP or your interpretation. Thunderwave works either way, RAW. The range of the spell is Self (15-foot cube). By 5e definition, a cube's origin is anywhere on one face. By 5e definition, whether a cube's origin is...
  5. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Chronurgy wizard

    I don't know what game you're playing, but in 5e there are no rituals that will get you across a 10 ft gap. At best, you might be able to convince your DM to let you use Tenser's Floating Disc to hang partway off a ledge to make up your 2 ft shortfall, but it's not strictly supported by RAW and...
  6. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Chronurgy wizard

    I know Str is a dump stat for wizards, but unless you're playing theatre-of-the-mind, give serious consideration to a Str score of 10. Str directly determines your jump distance, and many adventure maps are going to have 10-ft pits you need to cross. Life is a lot easier if it's not a "whole...
  7. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E The Minsc and Book product

    But like I said, that’s an optional rule, which seems like a strange requirement. I agree with you wrt Guidance, not just because I believe they are looking for a maintainable stat, but also because it’s not a skill check, it’s a stat gate. It would also make a ton of sense if PC wizards could...
  8. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E The Minsc and Book product

    Probably my favorite part as well (and as you pointed out, easily made setting-agnostic). I feel like I'm having a brain fart though on Candlekeep perks (p34), Arcane Secrets. They have the recipes gated behind Arcana roll bonuses, which quite quickly climb to +12 and +15. Without optional...
  9. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Scribes Wizard Feature Questions - Manifest Mind

    Manifest mind is conjured within 60 ft, but it can move around up to 300 ft away from you. Sorry if I caused any confusion, I was trying not to copy out the entire rules wholesale XD. The salient points are the same though, the exact range isn't important, just that the manifest mind can be...
  10. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Scribes Wizard Feature Questions - Manifest Mind

    I'm waffling on some interpretations regarding the Order of Scribes wizard subclass in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, and would really appreciate some second opinions. Most of the features seem pretty straightforward in their application, but as usual I think there are some edge case spells...
  11. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Does lightening bolt spell cause extra damage to sea creatures in water?

    PHB198: "Creatures and objects that are fully immersed in water have resistance to fire damage." This is the only rule with any relevance to magic and water. Anything else is a house rule.
  12. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Why are potions of healing so expensive?

    This points out what is, in my opinion, one of the biggest stumbling blocks in D&D design: they put too much focus on money. The entire game revolves around gold or gold equivalencies. Gold value is so central to the game that you can't even cast many spells without taking money into account...
  13. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E How much for a Wand of Sleep?

    FWIW, I feel like the rules in Xanathar's are more thought out. But for reference: DMG129 says crafting an uncommon magic item costs 500 gp. DMG130 says selling an uncommon magic item is generally for 500 gp (see what I mean, the laws of economics here would mean nobody would ever craft...
  14. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Why are potions of healing so expensive?

    IMHO the absurd market value and crafting time/resources were likely chosen because -despite having item rarities- rarities aren't handled well in this game, especially at higher levels of play. Everyone expects that a "common" potion of healing should be available in unlimited quantities, so...
  15. BlivetWidget

    Level Up (A5E) Fireball

    Oh, I don't disagree in the slightest! I just think effects on creatures that extend beyond combat need to be used only sparingly, and even then, they need to be considered very very carefully. I think for balancing purposes it's much cleaner to fiddle with the usual dials, like regular...
  16. BlivetWidget

    Level Up (A5E) Fireball

    Admittedly we don't know what "injuries" are at this point, but I the concern I would have with using injuries to balance spells is the implication that it's a long-lasting effect. Such effects tend to wildly affect the potency of a spell depending on who uses them and on whom, which makes them...
  17. BlivetWidget

    Level Up (A5E) Fireball

    For a 7th level slot that eats your concentration? This is the same level as Forcecage, Simulacrum, Teleport, etc. No thanks.
  18. BlivetWidget

    Level Up (A5E) Strife

    Is #5 intended to prevent you from using magic items like a Wand of Detection or Staff of Fire? In 5E, using those items causes you to cast spells (I think it's strange, but there you go). If so, fine. If not, it might be better to do something like "you cannot use spell slots or sorcery...
  19. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Arcana Checks

    Essentials Kit: Divine Contention Essentials Kit: Sleeping Dragon's Wake Krenko's Way Orrery of the Wanderer
  20. BlivetWidget

    D&D 5E Why do so few 5E monsters have save proficiencies?

    This, but I would go a step further to say that in general, 5e monsters have low AC & low saves paired with high health, as compared to their adventuring opponents. I would call this good design because it averages out the effects of player attacks and allows them to progress through a combat...