• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. On Puget Sound

    D&D 5E Heat Metal Rules Interp / Minor Nerf

    Since jungles tend to be wet, the first time they are hit with it, make sure there is a body of water on the map, and the cleric can jump in to end the effect. After the battle, let him loot some non-metal armor from the lizardfolk - something 1 or 2 points below his normal AC.
  2. On Puget Sound

    Anyone check out Radiance RPG yet?

    Because we need to take 6 weeks off due to my work/ travel schedule, we decided to not advance the plot any more last week, and use the time to recruit more players for when we resume. So we played Lords of Waterdeep instead. In the first session, I did run into one spot where players were...
  3. On Puget Sound

    Anyone check out Radiance RPG yet?

    We had one session. I can't talk about the plot (because it's yours...) but we have an interesting group - 3 dracks (elementalist, dhampir/paladin and pathfinder) and a tengu invoker of Iris. 2nd session is this weekend, then we have a 6 week break due to my travel schedule, which might either...
  4. On Puget Sound

    Charlotte/ Matthews NC, March2014, Radiance RPG

    A steampunk/ electrotech/ fantasy d20 game starting this month at Your Local Game Store in Matthews NC. Email me for details at klangley2@mindspring.com . Rules available as a free PDF at www.radiancerpg.com
  5. On Puget Sound

    Anyone check out Radiance RPG yet?

    I'm beginning a Radiance campaign in Mathews, NC, USA in a couple of weeks. email me if you're int he area and want to play. klangley2@mindspring.com
  6. On Puget Sound

    D&D 5E tool proficiencies: what's the point?

    I profoundly disagree. If the math doesn't work, nothing else matters. I can write all the other stuff myself; what I need to pay someone else to do is to make a sturdy structure to hang it on.
  7. On Puget Sound

    D&D 5E tool proficiencies: what's the point?

    So my Guide background gives me Survival skill proficiency (prof bonus for Wis(Survival) rolls), and navigator's tools proficiency (prof bonus for Wis(Survival) rolls to avoid becoming lost). And we've been told that you can't add prof bonus twice, ever. So.... why? Almost every background...
  8. On Puget Sound

    Your preferred Die Type

    Anything except the d4. I hate d4s. They don't roll; they just plop onto the table. They are also dangerous when the cat leaves them on the floor. I roll d8/2 when called on to roll a d4.
  9. On Puget Sound

    Anyone check out Radiance RPG yet?

    His Facebook page says he's traveling (Japan, Australia, New Zealand) for a few weeks, so might not be responding much.
  10. On Puget Sound

    Need help with an XP issue in my campaign

    How soon do you want them to reach 2nd level? If you want them to level up in, say, about 4-5 more encounters, give them 20% of a level's xp. If you want them to stay at level 1 longer, or level up sooner, adjust accordingly.
  11. On Puget Sound

    Anyone check out Radiance RPG yet?

    Maybe I play with too many minmaxers. A powerful party heal is hard to pass up, and once you have it, there will be group pressure to use it, and that coercion might press some buttons for some of my players. But you're right; it's easy to leave it out, or refluff it to some other form of...
  12. On Puget Sound

    Anyone check out Radiance RPG yet?

    I've been reading it online, and I really like it. So much that I ordered 4 players' manuals and a master book, and am eager to spring it on my group. One detail, though, really grates on me, and it's not the pygmies. It's the "all half elves are prostitutes" rule. I just can't see this...
  13. On Puget Sound

    D&D 5E Have you moved on yet? Has Wizard's handled this properly?

    I haven't opened the most recent playtest package. Based on the previous packets and the description of what they have and haven't fixed, it doesn't make the limited-gaming-time cut. I have two D&D nights per week and they are both filled with 4e. If i had a 3rd night, I might start a...
  14. On Puget Sound

    Druids in Sigil? Help!

    Thanks for the suggestions! I decided that unintelligent creatures (druid animals, etc.) skate below the Lady's radar; she allows them because it's not worth bothering with. Anything approaching human intellect or more cannot be summoned, so no Angels, Elementals, etc. Shamans' spirit...
  15. On Puget Sound

    Druids in Sigil? Help!

    I'm starting a campaign based in Sigil, the City of Doors. As I'm considering races and classes and how they would fit in, races are no problem; anything from anywhere could at some point walk, crawl, swim, fly or slither into Sigilvia a portal, and once there, settle down and raise a family...
  16. On Puget Sound

    i want to homebrew a character for my character, if possible.

    Mengu answered while I was building it, but that was my thought as well; here is my version. I built her using the Satyr mechanics, but obviously she's not a satyr. The racial power seemed right, though, and I wanted dex-cha bonus to make up for the total lack of synergy between the attributes...
  17. On Puget Sound


    I haven't played yet with the new packet, but we're going to on Saturday. I did make 9 characters, and it looks like we have some serious glass-cannon issues. A first level character of any type can easily deal in one round enough damage to kill his own twin.
  18. On Puget Sound

    Character Sheets

    I saw no point to the second page; it was more space for the same stuff that was on the first.
  19. On Puget Sound

    Warlock and Sorcerer

    perhaps the short ritual is not to beg for power,but to steal more of it. Or maybe the power is always there, but the ritual is to hide the etheric traces of its use so the patron doesn't learn that you're still alive and still using it. As with just about everything, you can change the fluff...