• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. R

    WOIN Skill choices and character creation?

    I've taken the skills lists under each class to be "suggestions", rather than hard and fast. You're right: a gangster having proficiency with knives makes just as much sense as proficiency with pistols, and my interpretation of the minimalist response above is that Morrus and I are in agreement...
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    WOIN First WOIN Session: Are the baddies too tough?

    Howdy from Texas, I just ran my first WOIN session for my D&D group, since a few people couldn't make it. We ran a WW2-themed Indiana Jones style game, and my players enjoyed the versatility and simplicity of the Attribute + Skill system. They had a harder time understanding that "Maximum Dice...
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    WOIN WOIN Supplements - Is art required?

    Howdy all, I've been prepping for a N.E.W. game that I plan to run in a few months, and I couldn't help but notice that there is a real dearth of N.E.W. careers that boost Strength, Endurance, Willpower, and Logic. Naturally, I decided to start writing my own material. I've already got about...
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    WOIN How do you hit a "Heavyweight"?

    Well, all right then! Thanks for the help.
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    WOIN How do you hit a "Heavyweight"?

    AH, HA! That makes the system much more dynamic! I was going to do something similar (despite what I misunderstood) when I (someday) run an adventure for the system. I'm busy writing one right now to learn the rules and feel comfortable when I GM it for my first time. Along those lines: How do...
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    WOIN How do you hit a "Heavyweight"?

    Huh... when I asked about maximum dice pools a few weeks ago, I was under the impression that the maximum was always the maximum, even including luck and other exploits that granted bonus dice. Is the Dice pool cap only intended to limit Attributes+Skills, and exploits etc. can stack on top of...
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    WOIN How do you hit a "Heavyweight"?

    I was reading through the "Modern Worlds" supplement, and was surprised when I read that a monster/NPC ges 4x their MDP as their "good defense", depending on the monster's style of combat. A such, an 8d6 NPC (such as the "Heavyweight" listed on page 39) gets a melee defense of 32... which is...
  8. R

    WOIN O.L.D. Overwatch Mode and Healing

    Larry, You're not the only one who was confused by that language - I encountered it in the Modern Core book and was equally dumbfounded
  9. R

    WOIN WOIN Modern Excel-Based Character Sheet

    Reviving this topic to ask the following question: I've been making the excel character sheet generator, and I'm wondering where I should draw the line in terms of helping the player with character creation vs. respecting the intellectual property in the books (i.e. not including all...
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    WOIN N.O.W. Question about Attack Dice Pool Spends

    So, if I understand right, there's little point the aforementioned sniper-type character to have invested additional ranks in rifles beyond what puts them to 5d6, barring complications that reduce their dice total. Is that correct? As an aside, when a character spends luck to reduce the dice...
  11. R

    WOIN N.O.W. Question about Attack Dice Pool Spends

    Howdy again, Morrus, I sometimes worry that I annoy you with all of these questions about the N.O.W. System, but I guess I'll have to get over that :P The sidebar on page 19 says to form a dice pool when making an attack, then take out dice to determine additional damage and such. My question...
  12. R

    WOIN WOIN Modern Excel-Based Character Sheet

    Hmmm... well, Windows didn't like running that unrecognized file, so I guess I'll have to start from scratch. That's OK though - it's not my first rodeo. I put something together for the Star Trek Adventures RPG for the lifepath character creation system, and it turned out pretty well, but...
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    WOIN N.O.W. Reputation Proposal

    Ah, then it sounds like I wasn't too far off then! That said, some more explicit guidance in the book about this sort of thing would be helpful to first-time GMs. Writing the locations of previous careers might also give more adventure hooks to the GM, should he want to use them. It also means...
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    WOIN N.O.W. Reputation Proposal

    I felt that this was different enough to warrant its own thread related to N.O.W. The attribute of "Reputation" isn't really explored very much in the "Action Careers" book, nor is it really touched upon in the "Modern Core" book. I'd like to propose some ideas before its published in...
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    WOIN N.O.W. Questions

    Howdy, I've been reading more of the N.O.W. Materials, and I'd like to ask a few questions, specifically related to the "action careers" PDF. Page 50 – Spending Chi points – does it deplete the maximum score (as it sort of says on page 50), and therefore reduce your dice pool if you cross a...
  16. R

    WOIN NOW is coming soon!

    By N.O.W., you're referring to a physical book containing all the Modern Core, Action Careers, and Equipment? Or will there be more (such as "bestiary" of enemies and pre-written adventures)? EDIT: or character sheets?
  17. R

    WOIN Official Errata Thread

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! Shall I let you know about any questions I have for Modern here, or in a separate thread as I read along? I'm really intrigued by the idea of running a more modern-themed game, and I love what you've done in preparing so many usable skills and...
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    WOIN WOIN Modern Excel-Based Character Sheet

    All, I'm trying to get an idea of how much interest there might be in a Modern Core WOIN character sheet. Is there anyone here that would like to use one? Are there character sheets available form another source that I'm not aware of? Thanks, -ruy343
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    WOIN Official Errata Thread

    Really loving the books I just got in the Bundle of Holding! I just have two questions: In the Modern Core book, page 28, it states that "Humans gain a +1 to any die roll made to shake off a condition". However, in the Action Careers Supplement, Page 10, it says nothing about this in any...
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    D&D 5E Which homebrew/UA might you allow?

    Howdy all, I'm pretty much a perma-DM, and my group is always asking for other character options besides those in the book. Since I'm not trying to run AL-legal games in any sense, and since my players tend to be more mature than most, I see no reason why I wouldn't provide them with more...