• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. H

    [iOS App] 5e Spellbook (Promocodes inside)

    Is there something wrong with the app I can’t even find it in App Store
  2. H

    WotC Hasbro's Tabletop Is On The Up Again

    Isn’t this the first quarter after all the layoffs doesn’t that falsely inflate thes numbers to some degree ?
  3. H

    For those of you with ADHD, how do you organize your campaigns?

    Take a look at obsidian.md. It’s free And has feature to help draw outline with what the call a canvas But look at excaladraw it’s a plug-in for obsidian there are tons of people that use it for organizing check out these tutorials...
  4. H

    How do deal with players who don't search?

    You could let each of them run a one shot and be A player so you can see from there side what there interested in
  5. H

    How do deal with players who don't search?

    You could let each of them run a one shot and be A player so you can see from there side what there interested in
  6. H

    Need help identifying this pic please

    fair, but the art style does remind me of Ralph Bakshi
  7. H

    Need help identifying this pic please

    It looks like something from the movie Wizards
  8. H

    Share your evil DM VTT tricks

    Tiles is good one to use in your preferred art program make that secret door disappear by repeating the wall pattern over it and drop that tile over the door in the vtt so when they do find it you can hide the tile and see the secret passage. This way they can meta game based on your map. You...
  9. H

    Roll20 now has an openable door function

    It’s kind of crappy that after all this time they haven’t really done any updating to roll20 and having doors is a new feature speaks volumes on how behind they are
  10. H

    D&D 5E 5e DM Screen w/ Old School Art?

    This is also a good option some have magnet accessories https://hammerdog-games.myshopify.com/collections/the-worlds-greatest-screen/TWGS
  11. H

    D&D General Ever overhear someone talking about D&D outside of a gameshop/con/etc?

    I over heard some kids in there early teens a couple of people in front of me in line for Star Wars ride in Disney. The one girl was telling the others about so cool thing there DM did. It was great to see a new generation of players
  12. H

    D&D (2024) OneD&D and Beyond20

    ok cool :)
  13. H

    D&D (2024) OneD&D and Beyond20

    Just out of curiousity what are the ethicial issues you are talking about. It only access the things that you purchased its not giving access to everthing mostly just dice rolls
  14. H

    D&D (2024) OneD&D and Beyond20

    All good points, besides Gleemax there was another online tool set they tried to get some other company that fell through as well. I forgot the name of it but it didnt get very far before they dropped it.
  15. H

    D&D (2024) OneD&D and Beyond20

    I image your hypothisis will come true but I know they invested a lot in DM's Guild and there looking to bridge content with OBS and Roll20 so those contracts are in place. It could get backlash as people really love using DMS Guild and thats been really sucssesful for them and they dont want...
  16. H

    D&D (2024) OneD&D and Beyond20

    I just meant that if you dont own the content or its not shared then it should be fine. So hopefully there is no reason to block something like that extnetion or anything else that uses DDB API's
  17. H

    D&D (2024) OneD&D and Beyond20

    And its safe to use since it only allows you to work with the content you paid for not anything more.
  18. H

    D&D (2024) OneD&D and Beyond20

    Beyond 20 works with other vtt‘s as well im Also curious how that plays out
  19. H

    OD&D [Korean D&D] Any Korean speakers here? Questions about TSR-licensed Legend of Crystania and other Korean D&D products

    If you use Microsoft onenote and there browser plug-in you can capture the whole page as an image right click it to extract text. If the article feature doesn’t grab the text for you. There are a couple of option when using the browser extension
  20. H

    Getting back into the hobby. Need help with digital solutions

    Looking on there site for roll20 not sure if you need a paid subscription or if the free will work. It is recommend if you can access it to use chrome on your iPad for better support I’m connected to a game where the dm pays for a subscription so it lets me use it so I can’t verify.