• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    Barbarian Path of the Ravaged Spirits

    Added Spirit Steadfast as a new 10th level feature, and scaled Spirit Payback.
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    Lantern Archon and Coure for 5e

    These are great. About time that Warlocks and Wizards could have the choice of a familiar from the upper planes.
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    Spirit Shaman

    Rejigged Spirit Mastery (now more rests to take away penalties to throws after a Spirit has been recalled from the dead), will add new Spirit Animal Guides next week.
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    Monsters of Bane (Forgotten Realms)

    Banedead Medium Undead, Lawful Evil Hit Points – 7d12 + 14 (56) Speed – 30ft AC – 13 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 13 10 14 10 12 15 +1 0 +2 0 +1 +2 Saves – Dexterity +2, Wisdom +4 Skills – Stealth +6, Religion +3...
  5. D

    Aballin (Forgotten Realms)

    Aballin Large ooze, unaligned Hit Points – 3d10+21 (36) Speed – 20ft, swim 40ft AC – 10 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 21 13 14 2 9 6 +5 +2 +2 -4 -1 -2 Saves – Consitutution +4, Dexterity +4, Wisdom +0 Damage...
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    Barbarian Path of the Ravaged Spirits

    This is a barbarian path inspired by the Primal Path in 4e that saw you seek out the most damaged, psychotic spirits of nature and allow youself to be a conduit for their rancor. It was designed with Dark Sun in mind, but could be used for any campaign in which the land has been left desolate...
  7. D

    5e Homebrew Race Thread **Please Provide a Link to the Post**

    Tweaked khaasta and shad, and added extaminaar (crossbreeds between yuan-ti and humans) and slyths (humanoids apparently stemming from polymorphed gelatinous cubes) to Races of Toril.
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    Scarred Lands! Burning Wheel! Numenera! It's a Big Name Kickstarter Bonanza!

    With Arcane spellcasting, they had rules that stated that casters produced a lot of body heat (As a result of one of the titans trying and failing to put himself back together) when they cast spells, so wearing armour as a mage was a really dumb idea. You could cook yourself alive. And its not...
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    Scarred Lands! Burning Wheel! Numenera! It's a Big Name Kickstarter Bonanza!

    Its brutality - its set after an apocalyptic war in which the gods killed off all the titans except one (Denev, the Earth Mother), but they couldn't dispose of the remains. Kadun, one of the titans, was thrown into the sea and his blood tainted vast areas of ocean. Civilisation is trying to...
  10. D

    Spirit Shaman

    Okay, Spirit Form now has no ranged as well as no melee attacks, no charisma modifier to the AC, and you have resistance to either fire or cold damage, but not both. Weaken Spirits now comes into play at level 11.
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    Spirit Shaman

    Thanks, I thought this was a really cool class that needed to be a stand alone for 5e. As for the features, I'm going to come up with a table of about 20 animals that you can choose as your spirit guide that infer bonuses. The one Ive described is the bog standard one for heightened senses, Ill...
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    Spirit Shaman

    Okay, tweaked it a bit. Added info on Spirit Form and how you interact with objects when you are in it, tweaked Wild Empathy, Guide Magic (and what effects the Spirit), Spirit Mastery and Weaken Spirits.
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    D&D 5E 5e .

    OP - Monte Cook, is that you?
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    Bheur Hag

    Rashemi or Gaelic? :P For Gaelic, its "burr" Edit - Ill have the Wall of Ice and Solid Fog spells up tomorrow.
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    Spirit Shaman

    Thanks for the feedback! For the wild empathy, Its intended even if the shaman is proficient in Animal Handling checks. Spirit form, I'm thinking of adding that when you turn incorporeal, your weapon gains the ghost touch ability too, meaning you can handle it while in spirit form. But that...
  16. D

    5e Homebrew Race Thread **Please Provide a Link to the Post**

    Posted Krinth in Races of Toril, and tweaked the korokorburu. Also tweaked the Races of Krynn (having advantage on all Sleight of Hand checks for all Kender is just asking for a lot of trouble - more so than letting players be kender :))
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    Dragonborn in Faerun

    Ah, I get it now. Looking though at the lore for the race, Dragonborn on Toril are supposed to be a perfect combination of humanoid and draconic, and thats why they look like they do. I was looking at it like they were supposed to just be dragons, but playable. Now it makes a lot more sense, and...
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    Bheur Hag

    Bheur Hag Medium/Large Fey, Chaotic Evil Hit Points (normal form) – 11d8 + 22 (66) Hit Points (enlarged form) – 12d10 + 48 (108) Speed – 30ft, fly 60ft (30ft enlarged form) AC normal form – 17 AC enlarged form – 18 Normal Form Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha...
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    Spirit Shaman

    Here is my take on the Spirit Shaman. Its very much a work in progress, and I still have a bit of the lore to do. I merged the Recall Spirits and Exorcism into one feature. There are a few features from the 3.5 class that I would like to add, but are not sure where. The Blessing of the...
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    D&D 5E [Forgotten Realms] The Wall of the Faithless

    Considering how haughty the high elves are on Krynn, and how they enslaved the Kagonesti, I could buy a psychotic, evil elf ranger that belives in the credos "red in tooth and claw" and thinks that all humans (and other elves with the exception of his subrace) are bastards. Driven mad by the...