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  1. M

    When to be a GM?

    You're ready to run a game when you think it would be fun to try it. You're playing a game, not applying for a job. You don't need a certain number of years of experience or to have played a certain number of games. You don't have to submit a resume or anything. If you think it would be...
  2. M

    What is, in your opinion, the single WORST RPG ever made, and why is it so bad?

    To me, what makes a game good or bad is how the mechanics of the game reflect the theme of the game, or what the game is really about. What I mean is, is the game about survival, revenge, overcoming personal demons and so on. Not fantasy, post apocalyptic, sci-fi and all that. A setting or...
  3. M

    What is, in your opinion, the single WORST RPG ever made, and why is it so bad?

    Shadowrun, and it's such a disappointment that it's bad. Now, the world of Shadowrun itself is awesome. It's a really interesting blend of fantasy and cyberpunk with a rich history. The world itself is really just plain great. The game, however, is always a horrible train wreck. It has...
  4. M

    Games I own that I'll never play (again)

    For me, it's D&D 2e through 5e and Mutants and Masterminds. I've had a lot of fun with both games over the years. Though I'm completely done with both games. So is everyone else in my group. There are other fantasy or superhero games that give us the kind of experience we want so much better...
  5. M

    DnD while married/relationship - any advice

    My gaming group is getting older. I'm married with two kids now. A few others in the group are also married with kids. My wife and I respect each other's hobbies. She's not into table top gaming but she give me time to play. She'll watch the kids while I game. When she wants to do...
  6. M

    How Do You Maintain Campaign Interest During Long Breaks?

    This is a tough one. Even with the most regular group of friends that have plenty of time, life happens. Especially at the holidays. My group is a bit on the older side, so we have regular interruptions. Kids, holidays, vacations and so on. I'm also not sure how many people you're...
  7. M

    D&D General Did you get your start playing D&D, and what do you play now?

    I started playing rpgs with AD&D through some friends, in high school. We branched out to Shadowrun 2E and Rifts. From there it's been a life of trying all sorts of new games along with always coming back to D&D. So I got my start with D&D and still play it with other games. So many awesome...
  8. M

    D&D 5E So good to be back

    My first face to face session since the pandemic started is this weekend. I'm so excited to see everyone in person again, I just can't wait. We played virtually the entire time, which worked well enough. Though there's nothing quite like the energy of being actually at the table. We're doing...
  9. M

    D&D General Do players REALLY care about the game world?

    I care. So do the other players in my group. We must be a rare breed. Though the game world often has a big impact on the over all game and we always integrate the PCs into it as important people. Our games aren’t just a bunch of orphaned murder hobos. Not that other games are, but it does...
  10. M

    Superman & Lois

    I agree. The show does a great job of making the Superman moments heroic and awesome and making the Clark moments human and vulnerable. I also love Lois, who's just not going to be stopped or take any nonsense from anyone. The family dynamic is interesting and genuine. The whole cast is...
  11. M

    Superman & Lois

    Saw it and really enjoyed it. I'm a big Superman fan and I like what they did here. Plus it was fun to see all the little references to Superman in other media that they threw in. A really solid start and I look forward to more.
  12. M

    D&D Movie/TV D&D Movie should follow the Deadpool model

    So, in other words, you want to watch The Gamers.
  13. M

    D&D 5E Do you restrict racial choices in your games?

    I've only ever restricted races once. I was running a zombie apocalypse game and I didn't allow construct or undead PCs. I wanted everyone to be at risk of infection. Other than that, I never restrict races. I want the player to enjoy their character and play what they want. If I didn't...
  14. M

    Powered by Apocalypse

    Both are great games. The nice thing about both is that if your group needs something more episodic, both games can do it. It's built into Monster, of course. With The Sprawl, you can do different jobs. It's easy to lay an overarching story on top of the different jobs/monster hunts. So...
  15. M

    Powered by Apocalypse

    Awesome! Thanks for the link! My group has been really looking forward to this one. So we're all excited to try it out.
  16. M

    Powered by Apocalypse

    I'm backing Galaxies in Peril too. I'm not familiar with the Blades system, so play testing has been an issue. The mentioned that they were going to add some content on the core rules to the play test documents, for those of us new to the system. Last I checked, they weren't there. What I've...
  17. M

    Powered by Apocalypse

    If you want to try superheroes in a PbtA game, I very highly recommend Worlds in Peril. It's specifically geared towards the Marvel/DC superhero style. Gives you bonds for the supporting cast, team and base stuff and great rules for creating a superhero. Nothing world specific, so feel free...
  18. M

    GMing: What Keeps Long Running Campaigns Exciting?

    With a long running campaign, I have a few things I do to keep it interesting and keep players going. I let the players help build the world. It gets them involved and more inclined to care about the world. There are no lone wolf murder hobos in my games. Everyone has family, friends...
  19. M

    No Good Choices

    I've been talking with a guy in my group who shares GM duties with me. We switch off games, so we discuss what works and what doesn't work. One of things we came to learn is that what makes a good story doesn't necessarily make a good game. They're different and for good reason. Would I want...
  20. M

    Besides D&D, what are you playing?

    I recently ran Offworlders for my group as a pick-up game. It's an Apocalypse World System game that's a space western. Kind of like Firefly or Cowboy Bebop in feel. My group had a blast with it. I just ran the intro scenario from the book and my players ran with it. They had so much fun...