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  1. Black Dow

    All Good Things Must End

    Echoing Michael - has been a zarjaz production every time, sad to see things come to an end. Would love to know what was planned for the aforementioned Necropolis/Dark Judges supplement. Thanks again to all involved.
  2. Black Dow

    2000AD The Day The Law Died

    Clock that mate - appreciate the heads up tho. Will defo use them, ultimately am hoping some surviving Klegg mercy who cross tooth and claw with my Judge group will turn up again to menace them :)
  3. Black Dow

    2000AD The Day The Law Died

    Plenty of Kleggcentric stuff too! It's a great read - best yet (caveat: I do have a nostalgic soft spot for TDTLD from my halcyon days :)
  4. Black Dow

    2000AD The Day The Law Died

    No worries chief - looking forward to this one (my favourite Dredd epic from halcyon days).
  5. Black Dow

    2000AD The Day The Law Died

    Any update on the ETA of this gem Morrus?