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  1. MadAzolin

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    hm... might give it a look, saw one of play-tests a while ago and was far from impressed, they seemed to have taken 3.5 and stripped it bare of anything mildly interesting (it was a while ago however, haven't followed development); if they took good stuff of 3.5, remove broken things and fixed...
  2. MadAzolin

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    Lack of DMs seems to be eternal problem, personally time schedule is quite unpredictable these days and to be honest, 4e didn't really sit particularly good with me for this model of play - RP wise is fine, but DMing combat is just pain, it can be painful even in pen and paper 4e and forum...
  3. MadAzolin

    [Adventure OOC]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin)

    Hi everyone, sry for inactivity. Currently in state of moving from one part of London to another and shuffling rooms and flats, so in a bit of mess. Will try to keep you up with adventure in next couple of days.
  4. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    Dryad pours another cup of water from the well into old stump and chants softly over it, causing water to glow in soft azure radiance. After tracing several strange glyphs in the air which remain there, humming softly, she turns to companions: "Dear Champion <giggle>. No, I don't think Hunters...
  5. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    Creature observes Martelai for a while: "A fair request, our stinky champion <giggle>. You ask more then I can answer, but let me try and indulge you..." She sits on rotten stump near the pool of silvery water that seems to have recovered its clarity as soon as monstrosity perished: "How should...
  6. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    Dryad claps slowly after observing the show, wrinkling her nose at scene of monstrosity exploding and rising skeleton: "True Heroes, aren't we? Just like ones from the Legends of Old! Gruesome in their power and terrible in their fury <laughs>. You have rid this realms from Dragon's child...
  7. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    NEW ROUND: Damage overview: - all PCs took 10 damage from horror's aura - horror took 15 damage (dropping it to 74) and is phased; it is also prone, immobilized, dazed ... - vines hit Lerrick for 16 and Vermithrax for 19 - Martelai was hit by horror for 0 damage (and is grabbed) PC stats...
  8. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    Companions rain blows and magic upon monstrosity, blood-red glow of druidic pillars filling them with inhuman might and fury. Creature reels under the attacks, helplessly roaring its fury as massive chunks of rotting flesh and bone are stripped from its form. Yet as fury of heroes' assault...
  9. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    Round overview before monster action(s): - Vermithrax kills vine and hits horror for 37 damage (and prones and immobilizes it) (I assume 12+25 is 37 rather then 27 listed in post); also kills another vine - Martelai hits horror for 39 psychic damage (-10 for resistance for total of 29); horror...
  10. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    @Neurotic: Just to make sure everything is in proper action sequence: - monster actions are in following order: 1) vines on the grid that are not dead attack 2) new vines spawn 3) monster acts - so what happens is: 1) vines attack, hit and die -> actions on dead vines...
  11. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    ---- NEW ROUND ----: Monster and PC stats: PC stats: Martelai: HP 37/68 AC 21 Fort 19 Ref 20 Will 21; on hit, 1d6 dam to attacker, foes who end turn beside him take 5 psychic Cyr: tHP 0, HP 49/50 AC 22 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 22; Lilli: HP 41/46 AC 21 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 20 Kane: HP 20/65 AC 26...
  12. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    With blood-red radiance spreading over the grove, vine-tendrils attack with savage fury as monstrosity seems whipped into frenzy. Things aim for closest living, launching attack against Martelai and Kane: Bladed vine vs Kane: hit for 11 damage (+5 for vulnerability for 16 total) 1d20+18=37...
  13. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    As Vermithrax chants his incantation over last obelisk (followed by no small amount stench of death and smug smile), pillars flare with pale emerald radiance. Sense of serenity comes over the grove and radiances washes over companions, bringing sense of safety and protection... at least for a...
  14. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    jbear: sry about forgetting fire shield, will make note to myself to keep it in mind Also put green colour on active pillars, putting grid link for clarity: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoJu0WwbbMP1dHpvWTk1ellPTlhjZ2I4VVF6eVdGVEE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
  15. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    As result of shift, Lerrick is no longer grabbed. As for vines, strictly speaking they are affected by cloud(s) and do take poison damage, however, they have enough poison resistance to suffer no ill effect from
  16. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    ---- NEW ROUND ----: Monster and PC stats: Monsters: Horror: - Affected by Iron to Glass (-8 to damage to next attack) Horror of The Swamp of Tears: AC 27, Fort 26 Ref 23 Will 26; HP: 305/540 Minions: Crushing vine: AC 27, Fort 25, Ref 25, Will 25; HP 1/1, minion Bladed vine: AC 27, Fort 26...
  17. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    As monstrosity reels under assault of companions, its tendrils surge forth in attempt to crush, grind and cut anything in reach, reaching for Lerrick, Lilli and Kane. Crushing vine vs Lerrick (http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=48485): hit, 14 damage (-2 for shield for total of...
  18. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    IC still down, anyone had luck with it in last couple of hours? Or knows some other service with same function?
  19. MadAzolin

    [Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

    Review of PC actions: - Kane: interrupt horror's attack: Cyr takes -9 damage, reducing damage from 25 to 16 - recharges vortex - burns horror for 11 damage and 12 damage - Lerrick heals Cyr for 24 HP (total HP: 12+9+24 = 45) - Lilli: Visions of Avarice, Bladed Vine is affected...