• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. rmcoen

    D&D General Why Do People Hate Gnomes?

    One of my players' first involvement in fantasy roleplay was WoW, where he played a gnome frost mage. Two campaigns later - in a campaign that didn't have gnomes - he played a "dwarf" that was so twisted by torture and experimentation in a Shadowfell prison that he had all the gnome racial...
  2. rmcoen

    D&D 5E What I Don't Like About Subclasses, and Potential Solutions.

    I get that a 5e design goal was to make it easy for a new player to "just get started". Hence start at 1st, play a few sessions, okay, now make a new decision (subclass). Oh, and one more level (or so), get a new choice: feat or ASI (and if ASI, which one(s)?). But.... I would prefer if they...
  3. rmcoen

    D&D 5E What proportion of the population are adventurers?

    Hey, I really appreciate you explaining things this way. It doesn't address why the Bandit Captain is vastly more powerful than a Guard, but it does a great job of explaining/equating the Bandit Captain to a PC. 10 HD vs. PC lvl 5... I wonder if that analogy/equivalency holds true in other...
  4. rmcoen

    D&D 5E What proportion of the population are adventurers?

    My world assumes that most of the population are "2nd" level, with a noticeable quantity being 3rd towards the end of their careers. Elites are young 3rds, and can reach 4th. Anyone 5th is legendary/celebrity: the Mage of the Ruby Tower, the Hand (master assassin), the Mad Alchemist of Jendar...
  5. rmcoen

    Worlds of Design: The Problem with Magimarts

    I think a "compromise" situation is the best solution. As many others have posted - commoners can't afford even the cheapest thing, so it can't be a 7-11. Nobles and wealthy merchants will purchase magical items that make their lives easier - or highlight their wealth in an obvious fashion...
  6. rmcoen

    Worlds of Design: The Problem with Magimarts

    My players just recently bought the vaunted and powerful.... Stone of Cleaning! It's an Ebberon item, 1-foot diameter stone (ruled it at 30 pounds), touching it cleans your body and all the gear/items you are carrying. "removes grime and dirt". They leave it on their horse, then get cleaned...
  7. rmcoen

    D&D 5E What if everyone in the setting had a [Class]?

    In case no one mentioned it in the previous 16 pages I didn't read, take a fun diversion and read MC Planck's "World of Prime" series of novels. https://www.goodreads.com/series/129874-world-of-prime He posits a world where the (3e) D&D rules are how the world works. Most people are...
  8. rmcoen

    D&D 5E Apprentice Wizard- Arcane Burst power

    Late to the party, but I'll add 2 coppers anyway. TL; DR = Abstract way to represent the NPC's other skills, class benefits, training, experiments, background, racial benefits, etc. that don't matter for the three rounds you'll be fighting him. No, I don't like how much more abstract the...
  9. rmcoen

    Do TTRPGs Need to "Modernize?"

    So all weapons just hit, but have to overcome armor. Unarmored foes are screwed?
  10. rmcoen

    So, what is your Favorite "Villain" race these days?

    Atropals, right? Or just nasty side notes in zombie apocalypse shows... ;-)
  11. rmcoen

    Do TTRPGs Need to "Modernize?"

    You have good points. And I'll admit that sometimes I take a shortcut I've seen suggested here on ENworld a few times: assume success. I'll have the "master" PC roll Emphasis Dice (2d20, see if the most extreme die [compared to "10"] is higher or lower) and use that to quickly narrate the...
  12. rmcoen

    Why PCs should be competent, or "I got a lot of past in my past"

    I want to see "meaningful" Growth. I'm less interested in Diablo IV now, for example - the story is complete, and my "growth" isn't new skills, it's 5% more damage, or 1.3% faster casting. And I always face foes my level (or higher, in nightmare dungeons), so 5% more damage is matched by the...
  13. rmcoen

    Do TTRPGs Need to "Modernize?"

    Sakana, I'd love to know what exactly you did such that "you don't roll to hit". I love the insight perspective on "martials get counterspelled on 25% of their actions"!
  14. rmcoen

    Do TTRPGs Need to "Modernize?"

    I skipped some middle pages, so forgive me if this is already said. Been playing Baldur's Gate 3, which is "based on" 5e. I'm aware of all the divergences, that's not the point. The point of bringing it up here is the DCs - and something 5e tried to accomplish with "bounded accuracy". And...
  15. rmcoen

    So, what is your Favorite "Villain" race these days?

    Orcs, undead, and aberrations (The Far Realm type, not flumphs) have always been my mainstays. Undead are easy - and no "undead babies" issues - and things that want to eat your brain are pretty clearly "bad guys". Orcs due to LotR and literal decades of lore and novels and games. And in the...
  16. rmcoen

    D&D 5E 5E economics -The Peasants are revolting!

    Also keep in mind that it costs more to eat healthy. Look at the different in price between junk food (or the college-standbys of Mac'n'cheese and Ramen noodles), and fresh fruit, meat, etc. [Just forget post-COVID nonsense pricing for a minute.] You can get a big bag of chips for $3 (local...
  17. rmcoen

    What table rules do you have? The Social Contract

    Some "Table Rules" that aren't "social contract": Show up early on or at least on-time, you start the session with Inspiration (or a single-use of "Lucky") For your birthday session, you get 1 extra, which is over and above the previous rule Your character is present, whether you are or not...
  18. rmcoen

    What table rules do you have? The Social Contract

    My group has been friends and gaming together in most cases for 20+ years; a couple for pushing over 35 years. We have no written social rules. At certain rare occasions over the years (even just last year), we have had to step up and apologize for certain comments or attitudes, but otherwise...
  19. rmcoen

    Some mechanisms (often ported from the old days) are putting the incentives in the wrong place - blog post discussion

    I agree with the OP in concept, that systems that only impose penalties get "forgotten". In BattleTech, for example, most mechs have more weapons than they can "afford" to fire each round, with the penalty being Heat. Heat causes penalties. In many players' eyes, this means "design a mech...
  20. rmcoen

    D&D 5E DM imposed restrictions to the game (+)

    I restrict a handful of feats (Lucky, for example, but because I houserule a level of good luck for all PCs), and thematic races - all races are not in all settings (current game has no half-orcs, because my world has no orcs; previous game I allowed a single warforged as a unique experiment of...